September 2023 Chemo Starters

Thank you me too. Hopefully I go home tonight. I’ve asked for catheter to come out and I think it’s happening. If MRI results ok I’ll have .y bed tonight tg. I parked on the streets so hope my car is still there and not clampled.

Please please please no no no, do not worry about MDT meeting. It got explained to me that it’s standard procedure for a fair agreement on treatment procedure
It’s super normal, each cases is reviewed one by one and discussed analysed for the patient benefit outcome xxx


Hi @copperycat

Junctions tachycardia is a form of supraventricular tachycardia, which is what I was diagnosed with before cancer. I had had issues with fast heart rate for a couple of years, gym equipment kept telling me high heart rate and Fitbit recorded many peak heart rates. I eventually had one that lasted more than 5 minutes during late 2020 and my husband took me to GP and they caught it on ECG. I’ve been on calcium channel blockers since then, I also have a Kardia monitor which will record your ecg for a doctor to review. I bought from a U.K. heart rhythm charity Home - Arrhythmia Alliance
I’m under regular review with cardiologist and they also are in contact with oncologist re medication and MUGA heart scans. I was due to have an electrophysiology procedure just after being diagnosed with cancer so that’s been out on hold. They explore to see if they can find defect and ablate it. It can sometimes cure you. Unfortunately the specialised cardiologist was t so hopeful with me as I have no regular pattern.
I’m sure you will looked after but it’s not what you want to hear when you are already going through so much.

I think the MDT meeting is standard practice, my oncologist chatted with cardiologist at another hospital aswell as breast surgeon, radiologist and specialised nurses. This way you get all the disciplines discussing your situation and finding the best treatment for you.

Take care🥰


Hi @pinklilli3s

Hope all is well and you can go home. Just be aware of your temperature even on antibiotics as I was sent home after 6 hours of observation and 5 days later while still on antibiotics my temperature spiked and I was hospitalised for 6 days.

Fingers crossed you find your car in one piece! :kissing_heart:

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Yes yes yes that’s what I said to them and keeping an eye on. I’ve been a consistent 36.9 here. Am now purposely not wearing mainly layer to see if it naturally comes down on next check of vitals :kissing_heart:


Blimey ladies, I have been off the forum for two days and feel like I have missed a week of updates! It’s all been kicking off.

@pinklilli3s so sorry you have had to have an overnight in the hospital. Never what anyone wants but if I have read your posts correctly you are coming out the other side and hopefully home tonight. Some sleep in your own bed will work wonders. That non-stop hospital beeping is the worst. My partner and I used to joke it rhymed to the tune of ‘designed by men’. Made me laugh rather than get too p’ssed off. Will keep my fingers crossed that you and your car make it home soon. Much love and hugs.

So many of you with eye issues too. Between you all you seem to have found some potential solutions and treatments so I hope these are starting to work and you are feeling a bit better.

@copperycat good luck for the results of the meeting. As @naughty_boob said they are just picking the right treatment for you and hopefully it has nothing to do with any changes from the scan. It could even be the other way, good news from the scan and the possibility of less treatment.

@daffodil I think it is two of us are finishing chemo this week (go us - still more different treatments to go but a good milestone nonetheless), I had my last one this morning and am bracing myself for the next seven days of side effects. But after begging the nice nurse on Tuesday she sorted it so my picc line came out today. My arm is a horrendous red mess and so so sore. One more night with dressing and then freedom. Hurrah. I also managed to crack the grumpy nurse from cycle one today and had a nice chat with laughter and good wishes galore. It has only taken six cycles but we got there!

Love to you all and hope we all start to feel a bit better over the coming week.


Wow excellent news!
Yes indeed it’s been like east enders my end :joy: thank you for the well wishes . Right back at you.

They’ve come in w another dvt injection so looks like am not going home tonight :frowning: still waiting MRI results. But at least I’ve had some veg tonight tomatoes and salad!

I’ve got my tablet and watching the chase . It’s a bit quieter my end as am in isolation…it’s the constant interruptions which ruined last night sleep :sleeping:
Good luck everyone w next step of treatment and ending chemo wohoo :partying_face: :partying_face: :kissing_heart:


@pinklilli3s so sorry you have another night. But at least you know they are not sending you home until they are confident you are well enough. Best advice I had when in hospital is sleep when you can day or night as you never know when it will be too noisy and you’ll get woken. Will be thinking of you.


Hi Pinklili, hope you managed some sleep last night and are doing OK. Let’s hope they get you sorted and you can get home today


@frazzledmcsazza @daffodil1 thank you! I’ve asked the night nurse not to wake me up. The day nurse didn’t do the handover with her, so typical I went to bed 8pm 10min she came in. I swear they have antenna :joy: she was like I need to take your vitals, I said they were taken 1h ago, ok, but then I need to sleep. Am exhausted, on this chemo cycle I sleep 12, 10h minimum…so you don’t want your vitals taken at midnight she said? No please :smiling_face:
I slept 12 h :partying_face: danced to “murder on the dancefloor”, even had a small :poop:. Need some fresh air and a walk!!

Guess what All…my temperature is back to 36.4… so I was right all along :raised_hands:
it was 36.9 last night and I couldn’t stop hearing the ugly doc saying it’s not " a temperature" and thought well maybe that’s my temp here, different environment, different equipment…
BUT NO! I WAS RIGHT :joy: that’s how medical errors /stuff are made /missed because they don’t listen to patients. On chemo you have to look at the bigger picture. So if you ever have 4 months of data and records that backs you up or simply a nudge/feeling, don’t let it go and challenge them :facepunch:
You know your body better than anyone else :muscle:
Am hoping the ugly doc will be in this morning so I can tell him and do the same same he did to me yesterday morning, a little dance shake of a head !!

4* wexham park H, it’s been a pleasure, but I won’t come back :joy: at least not voluntary :upside_down_face:


Hi frazzled, well done on having last chemo yesterday. I’ve forgotten was it EC for you? How did you feel yesterday and how are you doing today? So pleased you had your PICC line out too, that’s great.

I had my last EC yesterday and have really mixed feelings about it. Because I have triple negative and there’s no biological/hormone options, and one of 7 lymph nodes removed in SNB was cancerous, I feel like once the radiotherapy finishes, I’m no longer able to actively fight this. At least with chemo, no matter how hideous, I feel I’m doing something. I’ve also contacted my surgeon as the ongoing pain in armpit and UOQ chest don’t feel right. I have a tel call with her next week, though she doesn’t seem to listen fully.

On the plus side, I’ve also had my PICC line removed. Lots of redness and blistering under dressing. So pleased to get it out.

Like you say, normally a rough week after chemo so we must be kind to ourselves


Hi Copperycat
Wishing you lots of strength and luck in anticipation of your results. Waiting is just horrible isn’t it? Every day feels like an age.
I can really understand you just wanting to know now.
Lots of love


Hi @daffodil1 am like you triple negative. Not had op yet neo adjuvant chemo first. Can totally relate to the feeling so…what now?
I’ve decided to continue the counselling and pay of my own pocket for a while and aks her if we could work on that, cause I don’t want dark thoughts feeding my brain.
Good that’s piccline is removed. Blistering I take it is normal for RT? God. Hope skin gets better soon :pray: xxx


Hi Pinklili, I know what you mean about the dark thoughts. Not easy. When is your last chemo? So happy you can get home today.

The blistering for me was my PICC line…not started RT yet.


Thanks @daffodil1 . Waiting is the worst. I think they will call me today as that’s what I agreed with the oncologist .He said he didn’t like giving bad news on the phone but I told him I already had the bad news when they told you I me they had found the tumour in my spine when I had the first CT scan. So this will be either confirming it’s spread or not. I couldn’t face waiting for an appointment on top of everything else! I know they meet for MDT on Fridays and will likely call me later. Decided to go out to the beach for the day with hubby and my dog. Can’t bare waiting around at home for the phone to ring :sweat_smile:

Pleased you had your last chemo yesterday and PICC line removed It’s another milestone . Once treatment is finished it’s up to us then . It’s scary. I’m trying push for annual MRI as I have no faith that mammograms detect Lobular cancer which is what I have.

@pinklilli3s hope you got some rest in hospital and you get home today. Good idea about the counselling. I have three sessions left and I might postpone them until after treatment finishes as that’s when I imagine it’ll be tough.

Have good weekends all and be kind to ourselves :hugs:xx


I hope you get that call finally, even if late, and good for you to enjoy the beach.
I’ve had my 4 sessions and thinking I’ll have one a month or every 3 weeks which I’ll pay for untill treatment is over oor /and post treatment.
Wishing you all the very best.

Gwen xxx


Hi @daffodil1 I am not on EC. I have Doxetacel, Carboplatin and Phesgo. Not seen an abbreviation for it but maybe there is one. Like you my arm is a bit of a mess. When they changed and moved my dressing after last chemo it took about 10 days for the worst bit of my arm which was without dressing to pretty much fully heal so hopefully by next weekend we’ll both feel much better.

Sorry to hear triple negative is worrying you. Maybe you can look at lifestyle factors to see if you think changes to any of them might help. Plus treatments are changing all the time. I read the other day about treatment which binds to proteins on cancer cells to stop them growing. Things are improving all the time. I think definitely worth continuing the counselling. I have had counselling a number of times over the years for different things and found it very helpful. At the moment I have been heads down get through the treatment and no thinking very far ahead but I think when I get nearer the end I am going to look into getting some help then.

Have a good week and hope the final round of chemo symptoms aren’t too bad. Am sure we’ll be comparing notes over the coming days.


@pinklilli3s hope now your temperature is back down that the infection is on the way out and you can finally make it home. I guess you are waiting for final test results and the doctor to sign you off. Here’s hoping today’s the day.

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Hiya! Yes temp is down 36.4 and waiting to be discharged… Taking ages. I’ve packed since 9am lol am desperate to go home for a hit shower and lather in cream as my skin is dry using the soap.
Final test results were good. MRI ok and blood test show neutrophils rocketed apparently :facepunch:
Am making the best of the waiting time, to arrange appointment with borrow my doggy owners for next week for walk meet up :blush:
I’ve got 2 or 3 potential :dog: :heart:


@pinklilli3s Oh lovely. A few nice doggy first dates might be just the ticket to find one you like and give you some fun walks and cuddles to look forward to in the coming months. Good luck for the discharge. Nearly there.


@frazzledmcsazza such good news you have had your last chemotherapy and the dreaded PICC has been removed. I know they do a good job especially for me with 12 weekly infusions and bloods. That would have been an awful lot of cannulas. But it’s a huge relief to get it out. I had what a I thought was a phantom pain for sometime afterwards, still a bit now (4weeks later) to be told it is not phantom it’s the vein being irritated by the catheter, so just have to wait for it to settle.

Well done for getting the grumpy nurse to crack🤣

@daffodil1 Well done on finishing your chemotherapy :bell::bell::bell: sorry about you no longer having treatment after radiotherapy being triple negative, I heard so many people say they feel lost after treatment finishes then they get ‘scanxiety’ every time they have a scan or check. Breast Cancer Now have a Moving Forward courses, many other charities have something similar. Counselling is also as already mentioned something to consider. Being HER+ I still have active treatment until September and today was handed a leaflet about Letrozole to reduce the oestrogen, for five years. So it’s more back up that you are not getting being triple negative. I suppose the main thing is to ask the questions about what to look for in your new ‘normal’ and symptoms for secondary. Better to know than not. :kissing_heart:

Thinking of you all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I forget to send this last night!