September 2023 Chemo Starters

Oh my oh my! Sounds like going ahead with pacli was probably not the right thing to do but they still went ahead anyway.
Sorry it hear you’re in hospital but probably best place for you for now to get seen and treated. Hope they found out what’s wrong and good news your respond to antibiotics and temp is going down. Keep your spirits high!!! Xxx


Hi frazzled, yes at least we are now already on day 4 from chemo. I feel a bit less sick today so far and am hoping to have a vanilla ice cream and flake by the sea today!
Last anti nausea and steroids for me too today then nose dive Mon and Tues. 5 days of jabs Mon to Fri. But little hopeful signs like some signs of eyelash growth. I have to speak to surgeon on Wed about my ongoing pain so dreading that as she often doesn’t listen.
You are sounding fantastic and positive about losing weight and getting fit. Well done you.
I’m trying to embrace each day as much as possible but with very varying degrees of success. Today it’s sunny and that helps.
Big hugs to you too


Really sorry to hear of your extra tough week Plum1, sounds very unpleasant. Relieved to hear your temperature is coming down. Very much hope you get home soon too. We just want to feel better and our own beds and homes when in hospital don’t we?


Really glad you got home Pinklili, also think you’re doing v well with hair. I have virtually none left but I didn’t cold cap. Just been living in cashmere beanie. Eyelashes went too but are starting to come back a little.
We have the same dressing gown I think. Good old M and S?!



Sorry to hear you are poorly with a very high temperature. As @pinklilli3s says we know our bodies better than anyone and you obviously knew something was wrong in your bottom. I was told with Paclitaxel if can affect you from your mouth all the way through your intestines to your bottom(front and back). Doesn’t sound like they should have gone ahead with your chemo with the borderline blood results, I was in for chemo once and a lady obviously had a temperature, fanning herself and red rosy cheeks, they kept checking and it wasn’t just a hot flush but they also went ahead. I couldn’t believe it, she was elderly as well. I would have thought they would air in the side of caution.
Glad the temperature is going down, being in hospital allows IV antibiotics, which work quicker. Try to get as much rest as you can, it’s not easy in hospital :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@plum so sorry to hear you are in hospital. Am sure now you are getting the right treatment things will start to get better. But as all of us know who’ve been there hospital is stressful. It is so hard to challenge medical professionals. I find it really difficult. I hope you manage to get some rest today amongst the pinging machines and people checking your vitals. I’ll be thinking of you. Big hugs.

@daffodil1 another day done. Impressed you are heading out today. I am glued to netflix. I am very good about sounding positive about the exercise and diet until I actually have to do it! But I think I am going to follow the lead of others on the group and try to find a personal trainer to give me a proverbial kick up the you know what. But that is all a long way off.

@daffodil1 and @pinklilli3s think i can also join your M&S dressing gown club. The dressing gown of chemo champions!


Ive done the cold cap and to say it’s only recently I’ve started to loose more helped by thyroid tablets which were too strong for me. Now other tablets am on doesn’t do that!
W EC loosing my hair doesn’t seem to stop and I still cold cap. It’s 90min post treatment but I can keep the appearance for now. I have a wig but found it damage current hair tucking it under.
Love this robe! It’s Tesco actually a few y old before the fashion of fluffy stuff took over. Got it during the pandemic, got most my clothes at Tesco during the pandemic actually, they got good stuff. It’s good quality, I’ve washed it numerous times, the trick is to tumble dry it on very short cycle to get the fluffiness back :blush:


@plum1 how are you today? Have you made it home yet? I hope you are doing better and feel on the mend.

@pinklilli3s have you recovered from your hospital stay too?

@daffodil1 another day done. How was the beach and the icecream?


Hi @frazzledmcsazza, thanks for checking in!

So the swollen bum was confirmed to be caused by an abscess, which the consultant decided to operate on last night. So it’s now looking like I’ll be in for a week, as I need another procedure tomorrow and will then need it packing and draining etc after that :see_no_evil:

It’s going to be quite a long recovery I fear, but the pain has almost vanished so I’m feeling much better already. My rcbs dropped further this morning though so I’m about to have 2units of blood transfused. Will see my oncologist at some point this afternoon as we were originally going to review last weeks MRI and next steps… guess we’ll have a few other things to discuss now too!

V lucky to be having this all privately, but it’s not a perfect system either!



@plum1 so pleased they found out what was wrong. A bum abscess is no laughing matter, I had one in my early 30s and had to have an operation to drain it. My doctor said it was caused by wearing a thong, I’ve never worn them since. The doctor described them a like a cheese cutting wire that rubs up and down and breaks the skin open, then becomes infected due to the area :poop:.

Wishing you all the best for your next part of the treatment and recovery. Fingers crossed your MRI has the results you had hoped for. Make the most of your private healthcare, the NHS is great but there are many failings, not necessarily through the fault of the staff🥰


@plum1 am so so sorry to hear that. Not the news you were hoping for. Its good that the pain has gone. I hope you get some good news soon. Like you say a week or two to recover and then onwards. The oncologist must be used to dealing with delays all the time. Lots of us have other health issues so it must be par for the course for them.

Oh and lay off the thongs for a while! What you need is the delux tesco/m&s chemo dressing gown of dreams!


Out of hospital. Few work meetings today and opticians…guess what my vision improved!
Anyway still under antibiotics so let’s see when I come off it that everything is normal. I forgot to take them at the usual time this morning and felt a slight pain so clearly it’s not “gone” got another 2,5 days of antibiotics. The next few days will be telling :crossed_fingers:


So glad they found out what is was…of dear you must be relieved. Hope you continue to recover well and no further issues :pray: :hugs:


Hi Plum, ouch, that sounds very unpleasant. Great news the pain has gone. All the very best recovering from that. I imagine we are just more prone to all sorts of problems during and after cancer treatment than we normally would be…


Hi frazzled, how are you doing post-chemo?

Yesterday was spent feeling utterly overwhelmed and totally knackered. I think the Mon and Tues after steroids are really difficult. The beach on Sunday was lovely thank you, had half portion haddock and chips instead of an ice cream!!


Hi @daffodil1. I am just getting through the days. I find Mon-Wed the worst so I am in the thick of it at the moment. I normally start to improve on Thursday and don’t really feel home and dry until after my last injection. Basically willing the days away (the irony!). Basically binge watching anything to make the day go by and then doing it all again the next day. And yes like you so tired. It can take me the best part of an hour to get off the sofa to make the next drink.

The fish and chips at the beach sounds great. Something for the post chemo bucket list.

Hope you have a good day today.

@plum how are things? Do you have an idea of your treatment plan and a pathway to getting home?

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Don’t worry, I’m a big pants girl through and through! Not that I’ve worn any for a few days now :rofl:

I did get great news yesterday, my MRI was clear, so the lumps have been zapped! I don’t need the last three paclitaxel, I’m done with chemo :partying_face::partying_face:

I’m thrilled but also really annoyed that this current predicament means i now have to recover from this before the surgeon will schedule anything for the lumpectomy. Could have moved my timeline up a bit but might now be delayed :roll_eyes:

Have been in a right grump all morning, trying to doze and constantly interrupted by an erroring machine, the cleaner, and then the bloody chaplain made an ill-timed visit. Have another procedure this evening so I’m now nil-by-mouth. Mum and dad visiting this afternoon, they’re in for a treat :grimacing:


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I have another quick procedure this evening for a wound washout and packing, under general thankfully, and then I think they may keep me at least until the weekend as keeping an eye on my bloods etc. I don’t mind really, almost nice to be forced to do nothing!

Hopefully I’ll start to regain some strength now I’ve had a small blood transfusion and the pacli leaves my system… :crossed_fingers:t3:


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@plum1 congratulations on the scan and also the end of chemotherapy. That is such great news and after the last few days you could definitely do with some of that.

I know what you mean about being in a grump. I am not good company at the moment. I am sure your parents will understand. I hope you manage an afternoon snooze. Good luck with the procedure tonight. Another slight step towards getting better even if not directly related to your cancer treatment. It will all come together at some point. Lumpectomies here we come…if a little bit slowly. Hoping for an appointment sometime towards middle end of Feb so my body can recover from chemo a bit. Who knows with the NHS. Its all gone quiet from my team so I will wait until I feel better next week and then give them a call. Take care and big hugs.

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Big pants are so comfy, why would anyone wear anything else?

So pleased your MRI has shown the tumour has shrunk and you don’t need to finish your chemo :tada:

Sorry to hear you have another procedure, they have to ensure everything is clean in the area before closing it up. Hospitals are not the place to rest and recuperate, the constant noise, people, observations etc. Afternoon is probably the only time you can rest but then visitors come in and you can’t!

Let’s hope you have an idea of when your lumpectomy will be soon. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@pinklilli3s great news you are out of hospital. Let’s hope things are smooth form now on. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Last day of radiotherapy for me today, having both sides treated at each session is double radiation. After 3 days I was knackered, ribs ache, feel like I’ve done 100 sit ups every days. Having to have paracetamol 4 times a day, finding it hard to find a comfortable way to sleep. They warned that if you have 5 days of radiotherapy you usually get more side effects after a week or two. Hot flushes/surge of heat don’t help in the night. I was quite teary before going in as the receptionist noticed it was my last day and wished me well. Then during the last few zaps I became teary again and it was harder to hold my breath. The radiologist was lovely at the end, offered tissues and chatted. Reminded me that everyone’s treatment is individual and not to compare myself. To take it easy for a few weeks. I rang the bell very quietly so as not to draw attention to myself. :bell::bell::bell: