September 2024 chemo starters

Glad you have your date sorted! I think I overprepared for my first treatment…I took a book, a puzzle book, my ipad, woolly socks, paracetamol, ear buds, boiled sweets and some chocolate! As it turned out I used the woolly socks and paracetamol, I found that the pre meds made me a bit drowsy so I mostly just half dozed through the treatment. I tried to do some puzzles but I’m left handed and the tubes to the picc line just kept getting in the way. For the next treatment I’m just going to take a book and try to read if I get a bit bored, although I’m struggling to read at the moment as I’m too restless to focus - I just keep reading the same page over and over again!

Best of luck with your treatment :slight_smile:


@sharlou I think its oral thrush. Been up since 5am. Spoken to 24 hr oncology, 111 and had a video call with a doctor who has prescribed me something to collect. Allways at the weekend! Thought id get on it quick. Quiet day for me today


Oh no! Hopefully the meds will work quickly :frowning: Definite r&r day needed…although if the weather where you are is anything like here you wouldn’t want to be out and about anyway!

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@sharlou im in NW London sun shining. Up so early i caught the sunrise!


Oh lovely! Well, not being up early but the sunrise is nice :hugs: I’m in the Lake District and we have raaaaaaaaaain. Again!

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I’ve broken out in spots of various kinds on chin, forehead and chest. I’m consuming vast quantities of water, porridge, prunes, lentils, beans in the hope of warding off the dreaded constipation.

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Oh the spots! I have two boils on my chin and loads across my shoulders and upper back. No constipation here yet thankfully…

When I went in for my second one last week they had to put my arm in a bowl of warm water to bring the veins up before so they could put the cannula in. Until then I hadn’t heard of “thin veins”. They’ve removed my left side lymph nodes so all blood tests and infusions have to be in my right unaffected arm.

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What are you putting lentils in? I’ve started on Cosmo-col I got from the gp having been recommended to by the nurse yesterday as I’m paranoid about getting constipation (it’s the anti sickness meds that cause it). I had a cut previosly and it was agony so I’ve been having prunes, cooled pint of boiling water with a third/quarter of fresh lemon juice 1st thing, cereal that’s fibre, dates, wholemeal bread, spinach,lots of water (need to drink more than I do) etc (apricots are good too).


I’ve made lentil soup and am having it for lunch every day. I leave a few dried apricots to soak overnight and have them in the morning. The whole diagnosis, tests, op and treatment is already like a full time job and now thinking what to eat is like extra overtime.

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Half my replies on this site disappear into the ether. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I hope you can see that one.

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Very industrious. Good idea. So how was the op re removal of lymph nodes as I will have a clearance I think. She said she’d feel them but previously that some needed removing in case it returns and they can’t operate. Onc just said I need a clearance as it’s in my lympatic system. (Lump is in my axilla/underarm this time but not in nodes)

I had my 2nd chemo yesterday. I went at 11 ish and left at 4.30. The drip wasn’t working properly. It was supposed to take 3 hours. Wasn’t as bad as last time. I took 2 lots of paracetomol as my head started hurting (coldcap?). Maybe the pantyliner helped or mayb a sanitary towel would be better/thicker? I didn’t feel sick though. Just felt abit tired and got flushed cheeks and sore bottom today after going to the loo.

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The op was a doddle. I went in as a day patient on 2nd July. But… my breast swelled enormously and looked horrible - black and blue and very heavy. It’s still not right. The lymph fluid has to find a way round via the “B roads” to join up again with the rest of the system. If it does link up fast enough it accumulates in the breast and gets thicker. I’ve got massage to do to try to get it moving and six Lymphoedema appts starting in mid-Dec. They can’t do any more while I’m having chemo.

Mine took 7 hours the first time and 4 hours the second time. I also get rosy cheeks afterwards which makes me look healthier than usual - apart from the spots. Because of the steroids I feel as though I’m on speed for the first two days then I collapse in a heap.

Hi magi I got a huge selection of chemo headwear from Temu, I think they only took just over a week to come, they averaged £2-4 each. They arrived yesterday and they’re perfect for the short(ish) time I’ll need them. I also bought a woolly hat with faux hair at the back and it’s actually quite good. Good luck with everything. J

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Hi Janie. That’s a good tip thank you. I hadn’t heard of Temu. I bought a bamboo slouchy beanie off Etsy for £10 that I’m quite pleased about. From what I gather they need frequent washing because of the oil/cream applied to scalp so I’ll need some more.

sharlou You think you over-prepared? Err my bag already contains everything you said plus a cashmere blanket, a hot water bottle, drink bottle, ginger sweets and a puzzle book and I shall take a tub of fresh pineapple chunks (I’ve been told by a friend of mine who has already gone through it that’s it’s a must for the mouth). Good luck with your treatment and I hope you manage to relax yourself. It’s a shame we can’t take sleeping tabs and simply sleep through it all. :sleeping:


Hi day 3 of first chemo treatment feeling very tired today and was a lot brighter yesterday which was encouraging. Haven’t left my bed today. Did anyone else feel like this ? Did anyone on this forum have more than 20 cancerous lymph nodes removed ? :kissing_heart:


Hi was Wednesday very emotional but husband and daughter alternated sitting with me this time only. Had cold cap didn’t think I’d persevere with it but did. Didn’t sleep to well first night felt very sicky and heady. Better day yesterday and quite bright. Haven’t been able to get out my bed today very very tired. Quite emotional today but hope I feel brighter tomorrow. Wishing you all the very best as you start strange we’re within days of each other. Sending you lots of strength and love. We can do it :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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