September 2024 chemo starters

I only had 7 lymph nodes. 3 of them had HER2.

I had to wash my hair today as I just felt too grotty. When I washed it there was slight matting, which took a little while to detangle. I didnā€™t really feel like it shed any more than usual though (I have super thick, wiry hair and I always lose quite a bit when I wash it). Tonight, my scalp feels really itchy and tightā€¦I think the dreaded loss may be starting. Tomorrow is day 10 since treatment. Weirdly, this week I feel like Iā€™ve made my peace with losing my hair, I mean Iā€™m not thrilled at the prospect but I feel like Iā€™ve accepted it. Maybe my follicles just held on long enough until they felt I could cope with it :grin:


I was up and down for the first few days, sometimes had a lot of energy, sometimes wanted to sleep for a month. Today (day 9) my sisters came to visit and I was out of the house for three hoursā€¦youā€™d think Iā€™d ran a marathon, Iā€™m shattered! As everyone keeps telling me, just listen to your body. Hope you get a decent nightā€™s rest :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks for that Iā€™m hoping Iā€™ll feel better tomorrow been so unhappy today and thinking the worse. Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™ll get through 6 months but hope my mindset changes. My prognosis is not good for the future and upsets me so much that I may not be around for my beautiful daughter and 17 month granddaughter :kissing_heart:


Iā€™m sorry to hear that and I hope that you are around for a long long time to come. I think itā€™s perfectly natural to have days where the fear and anxiety seem to take control and staying positive just seems too hard. We feel how we feel and all of our emotions and feelings are valid, so donā€™t reproach yourself for having some bad moments. You are here and doing everything you can to be around for your familyā€¦really, weā€™re all awe inspiring! We just keep on keeping on even though the hand weā€™ve been dealt isnā€™t the greatest :heavy_heart_exclamation:


What chemo are you having and what receptors are they? I feel tired at night but donā€™t do much for 2 days after. Mine is weekly so will have to see how I get on as Iā€™ve worked full time so far.x

Good luck tomorrow. Iā€™m struggling with nether region pain. I went for a walk which made it worse again. I have some stuff to use and laxatives until tomorrow. I rang re my PICC today as it bled on Friday again. She said it sounds normal which put my mind at rest.

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First day of chemo today got off to a bit of bumpy start as had a reaction( as many people do to Paclitaxel ). Bit scary briefly but nurses were brilliant and straight on it stopped it and then restarted much more slowly once Iā€™d been seen by a doctor. Thankfully no issue with carboplatin. Really pleased with myself for surviving the cold cap which wasnā€™t as bad as I thought it was going to be. First 15 minutes was very uncomfortable but manager after that. But struggled with my glasses as Iā€™m pretty blind without them. Iā€™m sure going forward it will be much easier when I go to get chemo as I know what to expect and what to pack. Taking a blanket that was really thick and fleecy with a fur lining was an absolute godsend as it was so cold with the cap on. Will definitely take warm socks next time.


Well done for getting through your first one! :raised_hands:

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Hi everyone, Iā€™m starting chemoteraphy this Thursday - 4 cycles of TC. This is not my first treatment - I had chemotherapy in June 2023 - 4 rounds of EC. Iā€™m cold capping - as it worked brilliantly last time. Anyone here doing TC? Iā€™m really worried about neuropathy.

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Hi everyone, had my first chemo last Wednesday, wasnt as bad as I thought, then felt really good on the Thursday. However Friday onwards has gone downhill. Have had the most horrendous diarrhea with a little bit of nausea too. Anyone got any tips? Iā€™ve lost so much weight in the last few days because I cant keep even water inside me (tmi I know)! Taking the tablets prescribed, but they arent really doing anything. TIA xx


Thatā€™s awful, Iā€™m so sorry, last thing you needed. I am due to start tomorrow and already feel more run down than normal despite trying my best not to get sick. Itā€™s just so much to deal with in the lead up to start. Iā€™m sure they will get you sorted and started really soon.


I would call the hospital. They told me if I get 3/4 bouts of either in 24 hours to call. I rang today and spoke to my onc re my issues and so I am using germolene which should help the pain and the nurse whoā€™s doing my bloods and PICC can have a look tomorrow. I was also told itā€™s unusual to have pain in that area.


Hi all, Iā€™m Rachel, age 40, grade 3 ductal carcinoma with DCIS, HER2+, ER- (donā€™t have PR results yet). Iā€™m doing chemo before surgery, itā€™s been really hard to get things started but am finally starting tomorrow - except that I just found out I am supposed to be on premedication which literally no one has mentioned to me until now. I really, really hope this doesnā€™t delay things. Itā€™s been like this all the way through - I have had to chase my own appointments, scans etc. - it just seems the team are so overwhelmed, and Iā€™m not even under a consultant at my hospital but a Saturday outsourced clinic to clear the backlog! Iā€™ve requested to be switched over, weā€™ll see. In the meantime, awaiting a call from a nurse to see what we can do now. Iā€™m 30 mins drive from the hospital, so Iā€™m guessing Iā€™ll have to drive in and get it this afternoon - hope they call back soon. Chemo wise Iā€™m on Docetaxel and Carboplatin, and Iā€™ve also got Phesgo for the HER2+ bit. And who knows what else! Canā€™t wait to speak to the chemo nurses in person, itā€™s been very unsettling the last six weeks since diagnosis (though I have a great CNS thankfully). Dreading it but also looking forward to getting started.


Cheryl that sounds horrible. I would definitely call your team and discuss if they can give you stronger meds.
Joining this thread as I started chemo last week. EC-T with 3 lots of of EC and then 9 weeks of paclitaxol done weekly. I havenā€™t been active on the forum since diagnosis which involved alot of horrendous initial tests to see if I was at a more advanced stage. ER+ her2neg mixed IDC/LBC mutifocal litte sh&te. MX and full lymph node clearance in July with hopefully a reconstruction in the distant future as chemo, then radio, then hormone blockers bone meds etc. I didnt cold cap in the end as my hair is not thick as it is and will look dreadful with even 20% gone. I do have a good wig now on standby.
As far as first round of EC wentā€¦ okay. Some naseau but not severe, more like car sickness that wont go. Not going to lie as you shouldnā€™t wish time away but I would like to be coming down the other side of the mountain!
Sending love to all on this thread xxxx


Oh Iā€™m following you Jules my first treatment was Monday and Iā€™m pottering today and feel alright quite bouyant, yesterday I was sleepy but slept for 2 hrs on the sofa but still slept last night. But I fear itā€™s like youā€™ve described and Iā€™m gonna be a wreck tomorrow. But like you glad first one out the way. Iā€™ve had a picc line fitted which has been good for me so far. My steroids finish today but Iā€™ve found this drink you can freeze as icecubes to suck on for nausea so Iā€™m going to see how they work too. I didnā€™t do cold capping but you sound like youā€™re doing alright, my hairs super short already so didnā€™t see the point although I havenā€™t thought about all other hair loss. Good luck x

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It just adds to the stress doesnā€™t it. I donā€™t think they appreciate that impact it has on us which is a shame. Iā€™ve had a few cock ups along the way too, a BCN blurting out that my second surgery was booked and I didnā€™t even know about it. I had to drive 1 1/2 hrs to get my picc line in we have these trials and tribulations to test our nerves. I hope you get referred to an oncologist and in the system properly.

Iā€™ve just had my first chemo on Monday and I think my own fear drove me crazy. It actually wasnā€™t too bad Iā€™m on different chemo to you EC-T so I have 3 treatments of the first two and 3 weeks of the last drug. My steroids finish today and Iā€™m waiting for the aftermath of that. But I was sleepy yesterday, when I got home I was on the sofa for 2 hrs sleeping but slept OK last night. So I will see how I go. Good luck and best wishes x


@nicnac17 ā€¦ I am having a PICC line ā€˜installedā€™ before my next cycle. I am presuming then the actual procedure to have it done I will be okay to drive back from? Already need transport for chemo days so hoping this bit I can do on my own?

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Went in for my third cycle this morning but its been suspended and Iā€™ve been sent home because of the spots and skin eruptions. I should have reported it to the 24hr helpline. Iā€™ve got cream to put on twice a day and hopefully it will calm down by next week in time to continue the treatment. :crossed_fingers:


Hi Janie, itā€™s all so bloody disjointed isnā€™t it. And like you find this site so helpful and helps me make my mind up about things. But I think for me fear of the unknown has driven me the craziest. And we can only do whatā€™s best for us in a way we see it. I had huge fear of drug leak with cannulas (I know it doesnā€™t happen to everyone) but I didnā€™t want to risk it so elected to have a picc line, which so far has been behaving (I also know they can have their issues). I had my first treatment on Monday and was offered the cold cap when Iā€™d got in even tho my notes said I didnt want to do it so they may do the same with you depends on your unit. So good luck, weā€™re all here to help any way we can. X

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