Hi everyone - I thought I sent my number for the what’s app group so I can keep in touch . Can someone kindly confirm which rose garden profile it is - there seems to be 2 ?
I don’t think the September 2024 Starters thread is going to disappear any time soon. The one for 2017 is still up.
Hi @sharlou
Can I send you mine as well? Im not very good with technology and couldnt find rosegarden.
Nelly x
Yes of course!
I’m really quite concerned about radiotherapy but this is good to know that you Shi. I’m prepping with moisturiser already but will take some around with me so I have some to hand. The sizzle is a worry as my imagination is running wild that my boob is going to be BBQ’d! X
Nicnac17 your team monitor your skin closely during chemo and will probably give you some medihoney if they think you need it. I was slapping the cream on for about 6-8 weeks after finishing rads and kept cream in my handbag at all times and when I felt it going hot, slapped the cream on straight away to sooth it. I’d had 15 + 5 boosters, everyone’s different how their skin reacts to rads, do please just take it a day at a time
I drank lots of water during rads and found that helped with fatigue but by week 4 I was nodding off most days for few hours in the afternoon, I’d had my rads first thing in the morning. They can play music in the rads suite while your having it done (well they could at my trust) so fo ask about it. I pretended I was on a sun lounge on the beach while I was having rads. Do wear some nice warm jogging bottoms too, I found the room cold during rads
hope this helps a bit
Shi xx
This is great thank you again. Yes I’ve been warned the fatigue is hard and can happen at any time. I’ve never been a gal asleep at the drop of a hat kinda girl but chemo has changed that and I think I’ll be the same after radiotherapy. I was so nervous about chemo but I think the not knowing was the biggest fear and I’ve got the same with radiotherapy. X
Hii. Trying to pm you to send my number for the WhatsApp group but it’s not working. Not sure why?
Hi @llybee! Are you new here? Welcome! Did you start your chemo in September? Most of us are finished with chemo now so it has gone a bit quiet. I finished mine in december thankfully, but since then I’ve had a mastectomy and diep reconstruction. What’s next for you? X
Hi @bluesatsuma , thanks for the reply. I’m not exactly new. Been following since September and getting a lot of encouragement from the group. I had my surgery before chemo. A few delays with chemo so I’ll be done next week and then radiotherapy. Very long journey but hopefully we’ll all be done soon and move on to better days!
Had a mastectomy and diep too. I hope you have a very relaxing and quick recovery!
How have you found diep recovery @llybee? Only had mine 12 days ago, but its been hard. I have 2 seromas,one of which might be a haematoma. My tummy is so swollen but healing well. I have a weepy blister under reconstructed boob too.
Lots of lovely people on here if you need any advice or moral support. X
Hi @llybee I’ve had a few delays too so I’m due my last chemo this Thurs. I half expect it to be deferred a week though, as my liver tends to misbehave! I’ve got radiotherapy planning this week to so I guess it’ll start a few weeks after my final chemo. It’s been a long journey indeed, but the end (at least the end of chemo/radiotherapy) is in sight. Hope your last chemo goes ok
Hi all, I finished my chemo beginning of January and having my mastectomy and reconstruction in Saturday. Just starting to feel anxious about this week
@gladiolus you’ve done so well completing your chemotherapy. Your surgery is your next step to being well.
Your anxiety is normal but you may benefit from talking your thoughts through. The BCN nurses are available to chat today until 4pm on 0808 800 6000.
Thinking of you.
@naughty_boob thank you. I did think I may do that so thanks for the nudge I think that will be useful for me
How come you haven’t been posting until now? Alot of us finished chemo from Nov onwards so not many still having chemo now. I was first to finish but had sepsis and a dvt so only now talking with the surgoen about a lumpectomy/clearance. I see her on Wednesday. She’s not seen me since Oct. I am on Phesgo too so my treatment ends in Sept all being well. I had a CT last week so now I have the all clear for an op after the 24th when the blood thinners end. I have also arranged for a 2nd opinion on Thurs
Oh. So sorry to hear about the Seroma and blisters. Hopefully they’ll be resolved soon. DIEP recovery was quite tiring for me. Couldn’t do much for awhile. But after the first few weeks it got much better. Now I don’t even remember I had surgery. Except for that huge scar lol. You will be fine. Sending best wishes and hugs your way
Wish you the same and hope all goes well