nicnac, sharlou, sunshine, luck duck and All,
Thanks for sharing; I am feeling lonely too sometimes and so sad, and scared and bruised…
While many of us have support of friends and family it seems clear that many people love us but are struggling to understand what we are going through and in how to support/iapproach us. So there are many good intentions and we get ‘brownie points’ when we seem strong, making out we are ok, sounding hopeful; or we get encouraged with ‘positive vibes’, thoughts sent or ‘wishes for a speedy recovery’.
All coming from a place of good intentions, but vmcan actually hurt when you are struggling or are feeling wiped out in the eye of a massive storm and your live has come to a terrifying hold… maybe people need a guideline saying - there is no bloo… speedy recovery for anyone suffering from cancer - ? Please understand it is a nightmare; horrible onslaught of a treatment, and trauma to body and soul for thos who go through it.
So all this- ‘stay positive’ and strong, do this, that, might be well-intended but can be quite unerving - and even toxic actually.
I try my best not to upset any friends and family, but I also decided to stop pretending that I’m okay when I’m actually not. And I won’t pick up the phone if anybody calls me in the days after chemo, unless I really would like to talk to them. And Making an exception for my young son as I don’t want to scare him…
We are half-way or half way nearly, my third TC (Docetaxel/cyclophosphamide) in on 19.11.
First cycle was bad, side-effect and neutropenia wise, so ended up in hospital with fever and some light infection but no allergic reaction.
The nurses are really lovely and partner is waiting in waiting area…
Second cycle was tough too but bit less so, nausea, musle/joint pain and Insomnia worse, and fatigue but got better after day 8/9 and no fever/infection. Things improved after the 5 filg. boosters finished . Strange taste of food stays and dry mouth remains and some hair shedding but got some energy back… finally…
Everyone reacts differently- but if your first week is tough, when are on docetaxel you can have hope that things will improve after week 1.
This place is a blessing (and I am not even religious ) and ferls ‘home’ in a good way - and feels like a much needed source of togetherness and understanding and support is a very tough time for all of us.
I am trying to imagine life in spring next year and think of visiting sunny places again.
And someone suggested to think of a gettogether when we are done with the horried chemo and had some time to rest after.
I would love that! And would - if this seems a good idea to some/many of us - be happy to think about nice places we could meet at. Maybe by the sea… always a loveplace to be…?
Any thoughts/suggestions very welcome…
PS: I am 12 days into my cycle 2 now and realise I have some more energy after very bad/depressing first 8 days.
Love and a big hug to all.
Rose xo
PS: it is sunshine forecast tomorrow- and I shall try to get out with my partner’s help before meeting my oncologist for cycle 2 review and cycle 3 planning and will try to take some pictures in the sun and share here. Need to distract myself a bit. . So depressing that we seemed to have lost that sun for 2 weeks now. Bloods next Friday-