
hello lovely ladies,
l feel rather guilty posting this,
is there anyone out there who smokes? i do and im going to give up as im more determined than ever, does smoking effect your chemo?
to be honest think im posting this as i feel that im betraying my body
love & hugs to all

Hi there
Don’t apologise…
When I was dx last Sept, felt I had used one of my 9 lives and was completely in the right place to give up, asked for help from 4 separate people, wanted the tablets as back up…was told being dx was very stressful and not to put myself under too much pressure - doh!

Only one was onc and when he said about it, I laughed, as did my mum who was with me at appt - the real moment of strength had passed after problems with my op!

Still on them and there quite a few who are around these parts, so don’t feel guilty about asking the question.

Now 2/3 way through chemo and will be giving up, but I need time now… excuses I know!!

SJ xx

Hi Donna

I had to laugh at the title of your post and where you posted it - I read it as “How to get started” - “SMOKING”! (Sorry!)

Back to being serious, there are plenty on here who do, just as there are plenty on here who drink, and plenty who don’t eat healthily. It’s brilliant that you are thinking of giving up smoking (I did it many years ago) and I wish you loads of luck with it. Even without BC, giving up smoking’s a very good idea for your all-round health and well-being and you’ll feel so much better within yourself if you can, and very proud of yourself too!

Giving up is more successful if you use a programme of rewards rather than beating yourself with a stick. For example, I used to substitute a cigarette with a cup of my favourite tea, so when I fancied a fag I had a nice cup of Earl Grey or fruity tea instead.

Another friend used to keep a fruit bowl on his desk so that whenever he fancied a cigarette, instead of having one he’d have an apple or a handful of grapes instead.

I know of others who deliberately put aside the money they normally spend on cigarettes into a tin or box at the back of a cupboard, and go and spend it all at once, maybe 6 months down the line. Don’t count it, don’t touch it, don’t even work out how much ought to be in there. If you normally spend a fiver a day, just sling a fiver into the box every day and forget about it. One friend bought himself a new computer and another got a new washing machine, and they could both give themselves a massive pat on the back every time they used the computer or put on clean clothes! Not sure about the washing machine for me though, I think I’d rather have something luxurious than a household tool but hey, whatever works for you!

When I gave up, I was working in a pub (before the smoking ban) and we weren’t allowed to smoke behind the bar, so I used to make the other bar staff go and collect glasses and I stayed behind the bar so I couldn’t smoke. I rewarded myself with a packet of Cheese & Onion at the end of a successful session! (I think it might be a good idea to avoid using too many chocolate rewards, so the tea might be useful. Do you like fruity teas?

Any other suggestions for giving up?

Best of luck, Donna!

oops, what am i like posting on the wrong site,you can tell im new and ive not started chemo yet!!! thankyou for your replys you are all so lovely, why do i feel so bad when im lighting up?
love and hugs
donna xx

Hi Donna,
This is the wrong time to put more pressure on yourself. If you find it easy to stop smoking fine. If you don’t, then cut down as much as you can until your treatment is over. Don’t feel so guilty, just regard your cigarettes as a crutch to get you through the difficult times. When you have finished your treatment you can make the decision to stop. There will be people who will say you are silly to smoke. There will be others who realise how difficult it will be for you to stop at present.
Whether smoking affects your chemo is a question you will have to ask your Oncologist. Whether the tablets or patches to help you stop would affect your chemo is another question you should ask.
Good luck whatever you decide to do.

Hi Donna, I gave up for 7 days before opbut started again when I got home, stupid I know! Anyway you can usepatches during chemo and cutting down does help but I am still smoking and not beating myself up about it yet, too many other things to contend with! I am looking to give up in earnest when chemo andrads out of the way, too stressful to contemplate yet. Alison x

Quitting is on my things to do list… post chemo! Got enough on my plate right now, and fortunate enough to have an onc. sympathetic to that… My bigger struggle is going to be quitting before I fight the chemo flab… not sure if I’ll be able to do it that way round, though know I should!!!

You are SO not alone - and yes, it does feel ridiculous to puff away at all those toxins, but oh the irony of getting a cancer that is un-cigarette related… no matter HOW much they try to prove otherwise!!

Sophie xx

awww thankyou all
love and hugs

hi donna,

like the other ladies i gave up just before my op but started again about a week later - WAYYY too much stress!

i was told it may be the wrong time and not to put myself under too much pressure to stop by most of the professionals - even my stop-smoking adviser!

i did feel like i would be judged by others, a bit like prenant ladies smoking - could just imagine the glares from people whilst standing outside christies with my bald head and a cig!!

but i didnt have the willpower unfortunately, tho i did cut down - you find the chemo chages your tastebuds (again much like being preggers) and cigs just don’t taste the same - mouth ulcers, breathlessness all contribute to this “disgusting habbit” really living up to its tag line!

i was advised by the complimentary therapist at christies who was helping me when i ended up in there for 5 days with neutrapenia (SERIOUSLY was NOT wheeling my drip out to the front with my baldy head and pj’s) He said that chemo is more effective if you give up.(this may have been a blag cos i’m not sure how it can be proved!)

having said all this i’m STILL smoking - my new excuse is that i’ve already put on 3 stone with treatment and if i gave up smoking too i’d not just be knocking on obesity’s door but crashing thru it, landing on the floor and need winching back up to a standing position!

But if you CAN do it - now is a good a time as any.

Best of luck,

P.S - SM422 - LUUUUUURVE the t-shirt!

I read Triphazard’s response as “I intend QUILTING” as perhaps a distraction strategy and was most impressed-I intended quilting all those remnants of fabrics in the cupboard during chemo but never got around to it as had enough distraction and didn’t have enough brain to start a new skill.
Which is just another way of saying Be kind to yourself and Quit later

thankyou pixie xx

Ha-ha lavender lassie! - not a bad idea - keeps the hands occupied! I intended crotcheting…still have the unopened starter pack in my drawer…next to my unopened inhilator, gum, lozenges and patches!

smoking? oh boy, yup more than ever!

now i dont fell soo guilty, i felt so bad putting the post on.
brb !!!

Well done on starting the thread Donna!! Its almost a taboo to even talk about it!
I was a heavy smoker, so much so that when the airlines stopped smoking in flights, I used to fly to Amsterdam to get flights to Miami (work) on Malev airline (the last to stop smoking on transatlantic flights)… everyone thought I was mad, I wasn’t, just addicted. I was young and in a new job that I found difficult, flying to the US every week…
When Malev airlines stopped smoking, I flew with a sleeping pill, nicotine patch and a glass of red…
That was not the time for me to stop, that came much much later…
I just wanted to support the ladies on here and let you know that lots of us ‘non-smokers’ really feel for you, we know how difficult it is.
Good luck ladies

thankyou Marguerite xx

hi Donna

I gave up smoking about 15 years ago and have never looked back. It was the best thing i ever did, more money,felt healthier yadda,yadda,yadda. But i must admit - it was the first thing i wanted when i was diagnosed with BC. The second thing i wanted was alcohol, the third was a mars bar. Had the alcohol and the mars bar i,m not giving them up for anything lol. You can only give up when you want and are ready to. I don’t suppose this is the best time. Don’t feel guilty!

With love Maria x

Donna, don’t feel guilty, we’ve all got plenty of things to beat ourselves up about (mine’s probably alcohol, as I’ve already eaten all the chocolate in the house!)

I hope my post didn’t come across as pontificating - I wouldn’t dare as I’m hardly a paragon of virtue in other areas, I just wanted to give you some tips that worked that you can try when you ARE ready to. But it has to be when YOU are ready, and that time isn’t for anyone else to decide.

Mazbaz, I gave up 24 years ago, and do you know what? I still smoke in my dreams! Weird or what! And of course the smoking in my dreams is accompanied by waves of guilt in my dreams too! :lol:


sorry I read original post incorrectly. Was trying to be supportive, sounds like i,m trying to talk you into smoking. I think it’s great that you have got so much determination. Wishing you much luck x

Chocciemuffin wouldn’t mind smoking in my dreams, that sounds like a good compromise - along with the chocolate and the booze.

very interesting thread…heres my story.
Had given up for 3 weeks last year then was diagnosed and after op started smoking again and did so all the way throught treatment.Treatment finished new years eve and I joined weightwatchers 2 weeks ago and stopped smoking last week as the time felt right.

All the way through treatment I was told not to give up smoking and not to diet.

Don’t be hard on yourself …you have enough to deal with and you’ll know when the time is right.