South East Meet

mrs blue… private message very simple once you get the hang of it - just pop persons name in block where it say Send a private message to eg: mrsblue OR angee and then type your message and only that person can read what you type the next time they look at the thread xxxx

Hi all

Obviously not everyone has responded yet to say when they are available but - sad person that I am (must go back to work soon!!) - have put all the names and dates in a spreadsheet to see preferences etc. March 27th isn’t good for several people, so it looks more likely to be one of the April dates. Everyone so far apart from Dawn (sorry Dawn - think we’re meeting anyway on the 24th with the liver birds) can make the 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th.

Since we have got 2 potential train travellers, think we should go for somewhere in Guildford itself for this first meeting. Once we know and can recognise each other, we can always plan a second meeting at a country pub somewhere and someone can collect those without cars from the station. Does that sound ok with all? There are lots of restaurants in Guildford - anyone have any particular recommendations/suggestions? Could do with somewhere with a bit of space as it sounds as if there may be about 10 of us.

Take care Kay x

I would like to come please I am in West Berks I havn’t been to Guildford before but I don’t think its too far away.

I can do any of those dates in April


Hi everyone, I’m butting in a way down the line here but I live just 10 miles from Guildford - Chiddingfold - so I know the area. There’s a pub called the wey Inn (I think…it may have changed its name), it’s passed Debenhams and Yvonne Arnaud Theatre - about 10 mins walk from station. It’s really nice, big ole wooden tables (rustic), great food and a lovely conservatory overlooking the river wey - would be perfect for a get together.

Deni xx

Guildford sounds good - i can drive but prefer to use train if possible just incase I get overwhelmed with tiredness.
If we are going for April dates, please can i know asap as it’s school holidays and need to arrange childcare. They would be going at some point in that week anyway but just easier if i know sooner.
Look forwrad to seeing you

Hi all

Still waiting for a few people who have expressed interest to say which of the dates in April they can make. However, take your point about needing to arrange childcare Kate and think we ought to settle on a date early next week. So, all you ladies who haven’t yet said which dates you can make, could you please post over the weekend and let us know.

Thanks for the suggestion of the Wey Inn, Denio - not butting in at all. Think it was “done up” and renamed a couple of years ago - has anyone been recently?



Hi again, passed the pub at the weekend, it’s called the Weyside - was in there only a few months ago - highly recommended.


Hi All,
Would love to join you but madly busy at the moment, and I’ll be meeting up with the liver birds anyway. I’ll just keep an eye on here and once a date is fixed I’ll see if i can do it without running myself into the ground! Would be brilliant to meet you all
love Jacquie x

I’m in Southampton so would be ok for me to join you too… it might do me good to meet you all…
Lou x

Hi… Sorry I should have commented but I’ve not been checking site and then my computer screen went… had to get new laptop… just to say most days are fine for me at present… the pub imentioned n Pirbright is actually very good its called the white hart… just 5-10 mins from me… I’ll have a think of other possibilities & obviously I can pick up ladies from trains etc,XX Jane

Hi all
For me the best dates are 14th,15th or 16th April.
look forward to meeting you all.
Thanks Kay for co-ordinating this.
Look forward to meeting you all

Hi all

Think we should settle on a date even though not everyone has said when they are available - worried otherwise that people will start getting booked up etc. So …

Suggest we go for Monday 14th April. And should we also settle on Deni1960’s suggestion of the Weyside Inn? Sounds good, Deni. Thanks again for suggesting somewhere - I know where the pub is but haven’t been in it for years (used to be the Jolly Farmer if I remember right). Its own parking isn’t brilliant but it is very close to a big public carpark near the theatre/Debenhams - Millmead. I would say it is probably about 10-15 mins walk from the station - is that ok for those coming by train?

Need to agree a time as well. Do you think we will be able to book a table Deni? Or will it be a matter of getting there before the rush?

Could people also confirm whether they will be coming or not, so we have some idea of numbers.

Many thanks - looking forward to meeting everyone

Kay x

Hi everyone, jumping into this late because I didn’t know where I would be with my chemo on the dates being mentioned, but it looks as if the 14th April will be brilliant for me (two days before my chemo no 4) so please count me in!


Hi all

2nd posting of the day because I just realised I missed your posts, Jane and Lou. Brain still a bit chemoed I think!

The more the merrier Lou and Deidre, so hope you can both join us. (How’s the chemo going now, Deidre? If I remember right you are on Taxol and Avastin as I was, and things weren’t so good initially.)

Jane, I wondered whether we should keep the Pirbright pub as a possible for our 2nd meet when we would already recognise each other, making it easier (and less stressful) in terms of picking people up from the station. Is the Weyside ok with you for this first time? You must be quite close to me - I’m about 10 mins from Pirbright too!

Really looking forward to meeting everybody

Love K x

Hi Kay

Yes the Weyside is fine… look forward to seeing everyone on the 14th April… Oh think we are really close Kay… I’m in Hook Heath by the Woking Golf Club/Worplesdon… anytime you want to meet or come over then just say…

xx J

I’m keen to meet up but will await a consensus on time and place and see if I can join you. I fear I’ll be having chemo the week of those April dates – I don’t have my dates for the next one yet.

Look forward to meeting you all at some point!

Hi Kay, yes, I am on taxotere/avastin. It is really horrible, and I am still only on second cycle! However, since our meeting up is only two days away from my 4th chemo, I am hoping to have a bit of energy!


I can make that date it will be lovely to put faces to names

Just found this thread, I am in Hertfordshire so can do Guildford quite easily. Think I can do 14th April but just need to check work diary, I am off at the moment as just out of hospital. Would love to meet up with others

Yes please, count me in. Many thanks Kay & Deni for suggesting date/venue. I could combine it with some retail therapy in Guildford, woohoo!