South East Meet

Sorry chaps, but I won’t be able to join you that day. No worries though - have a great time, and make sure you come on here and tell us all about it afterwards!
Jacquie x

I’ll put 14th April in my diary and arrange childcare for then.
I will be coming up from Southampton so if anybody is coming from that direction then maybe we can meet on the train or drive up together.
Look forward to meeting you
Love Kate

In my diary too. If anyone needs picking up from Guildford station, let me know. Looking forward to it.

Gill x

Just moving this thread up to the top for beckyh.

Not sure if I’ll be surfaced enough on th 14th as will have just got back from a weekend in Euro disney… Mondays are good for me though so I should get my act together and just do it!

Can you count me as a maybe?

Kate from Southampton and I may well be able to car share…???

Lou x

Just keeping a check on “where we are at” for the 14th. Time still tba but location to be Weyside Inn in Guildford

7 “definites”: Me, Deidre, JaneyR, carolinew, mrsblue, dippykate and GillSc

4 “maybes”: Humphr40, LouLou2, Dawnhc and KatieP

Let me know if I’ve missed anyone out. And there are still several people who have expressed interest who have yet to say one way or another, so we might be quite a big gathering. Hopefully we can set a date for the next one which Jacquie and Dawn can make.

Really looking forward to meeting you all - and putting faces to names.

Kay x

Hi Jane

We are the Guildford side of Pirbright - very close to Wanborough station - but no distance at all from you. Are you having your treatment in Guildford?

It would be lovely to meet up on a more regular basis particularly having found out there are quite a few of us locally. WIll have to see what we can arrange after the 14th.

Kay x

HI Kay

Yes really close I know Wanborough well… I keep my horses by wood the cricket ground… with a friend John (farmer)…so right by you really… I’m not having my treatment in Guildford… I go into UCLH as I had a problem with the consultant at Guildford… too long till initial op and off hand attitude only bothering when he thought I’d go private… anyway best not mention the facts here or they won’t allow it to be printed…

If you like to meet up any time then I’ll give you my e-mail or mobile…

x Jane

Bringing this back to the top for Kelly

K x


I would like to come BUT Mondays are never a good day for me. I will see what I can do as I would love to meet with you all.

fay :o)

Hi I’m in Sutton just up the A3 - I would love to come and meet up with some of you. From the threads think you are suggesting 14/04 can someone confirm this please.

Thanks - Geraldine

HI Geraldine (and others)

Yes it is Monday the 14th April we’ve settled on. Time still tba but it will be lunch at the Weyside Inn in Guildford.

So that takes us (if my reckoning is right!) to

8 “definites”: Me, Deidre, JaneyR, carolinew, mrsblue, dippykate, GillSc and hopege

4 “maybes”: Humphr40, LouLou2, Dawnhc and KatieP

And plenty of time still for others to say they would like to join in - all welcome!

Kay x

Hi Kay,

I’m a maybe as i have an appointment but will try to change it.


WIll add you to the “maybe” list, Angee, but hope you can change that appt ok. Did you have a brilliant birthday and holiday?

Will email you soon as well as haven’t responded to your last email to me re the photographs but need to go for a snooze now (went back to work this week, albeit just for a few hours a day).

So…8 “definites”: Me, Deidre, JaneyR, carolinew, mrsblue, dippykate, GillSc and hopege

5 “maybes”: Humphr40, LouLou2, Dawnhc, KatieP and Angee

Love to all

Kay x

Just back from holiday so wanted to check about the 14th. I think I know where the pub is but could someone post the postcode and I can sort out a map. Looking forward to meeting everyone


HI everyone…could I come to lunch too please? I’m halway through FEC but have been suspended for 3 weeks for wisdom tooth extraction so feeling fit and well. Can anyone find the post code for the Weyside Inn makes it easier to find, I’ll be driving up from Portsmouth.

Looking forward to meeting you all Kind Regards Judy x

lol@judy - feel like saying ‘it’s behind you’ . Someone asked the question before you and it is in the post above yours. Do you have secondaries?

Just a thought - I think I am right in saying this meet is for those with secondary breast cancer? I wonder if there are others who have said they are coming and have not realised they are reading the Secondaries Forum.


Just to recap - the pub is the Weyside which is on the right by the river on the A281 out of Guildford, heading towards Shalford & Bramley. It is just past Debenhams, the theatre and the large Millbrook carpark (pub only has a few parking spaces, so this is the best place to park probably). Postcode (thanks Mrs Blue) is GU1 3XJ.

And as Dawn has said, it is definitely intended as a meet for those with secondaries. As the person who made the original suggestion, my idea had been to try and link up with others with secondaries - I feel sometimes as if I am the only one with a secondary dx when I am at the hospital etc and it would be really good to talk to others with very similar problems/concerns. Hence the posting in the secondaries forum. Hope no-one takes offence at (or objects strongly to) it being limited to those with secondaries. Perhaps if there are several of you with a primary dx, you could organise a separate meet???

Perhaps people could confirm that they do indeed have secondaries and that they would like to attend. Thought I would ring the pub later this week and see if we could reserve a table in the bit by the river unless someone is willing to do this next week (slightly nearer the date and probably a better idea then of numbers) - I can’t ring next week because I am away on holiday from Friday.

Thanks K xx

Just thought I’d update the list we had from a week or so ago…

8 “definites”: Me, Deidre, JaneyR, carolinew, mrsblue, dippykate, GillSc, hopege, judyw47 and KatieP

4 “maybes”: Humphr40, LouLou2, and Dawnhc

And there are a few people who have expressed an interest but not posted since we decided on a date - week on Monday (14th April) at lunchtime (11.45 to avoid the real lunchtime rush???). Can’t remember who you all are, other than Angee.
