South East Meet

I too enjoyed meeting everyone today. It makes everyone seem so real rather than a name on the computer. I hope we can do it again some time.
Thanks again Kay for sorting it out,

I would like to add my thanks to Kay for organising today and keeping track of who said they would come! I’d like to do it again - and quite agree with Caroline it’s good to be able to put names and faces together (even though I have probably fogotten some already).


Yes, thanks again Kay for making the arrangements, it went very well and I hope everyone is not too tired. It was my first-ever get-together with other bc ladies - I’m sure it won’t be my last :wink:

Thanks for organising meet and wonderful meeting you all.
Pub lovely but disappointing pud menu but then that’s because I’m greedy cos the rest of the food was lovely!!!
Hope we can all and the others who couldn’t make it meet up soon.

Hello girlies,

I am so glad Monday was a success although of course am very jealous of you all now knowing each other as I sooooo wanted to come and meet you all but it sounds as though there might be another meet in the pipeline?

Hoping to get back to normal a bit in the next week so will be back posting and chatting soon.

Well done Kay!
