South East Meet

It’s a scary prospect meeting loads of new people at once isn’t it!!!
I’m sure we will recognise each other and I think the table is booked in a certain name cos then we can just meet at the table and introduce ourselves there? I think the table is booked early so there would probably not be too many other biggish parties there which will help.
I’ve found it before quite easy to spot the group of women I’m looking for cos usually they’re having a good laugh together even if it’s the first time they’ve met. I just get confused between people’s nicknames and their real name and then immediately forget again so don’t leave me to do any introductions, please.
I suppose other clues tend to be there as well eg looking for someone, dare I say it, the chemo hair, scarves etc.
I will be hopefully coming with Deirdre who is picking me up at the station so that makes it easy for me!!
I am in contact with FayJay and LouLou sunday night and see if they are coming but I know they are both ‘maybes’ at present.
julie - the postcode for the pub was printed earlier in the thread so you can just google AA/RAC route map or street map to find the pub.
Looking forward to it.

Can I just ask when you are all meeting in Guildford? Thought it would be easier to just ask than to trawl through 5 pages of comments!

the pub is the Weyside which is on the right by the river on the A281 out of Guildford, heading towards Shalford & Bramley. It is just past Debenhams, the theatre and the large Millbrook carpark (pub only has a few parking spaces, so this is the best place to park probably). Postcode is GU1 3XJ.

Dug this out wendy - meeting in pub restaurant area at 12 noon on 14th - Monday


That’s a shame, I can’t make that date. Thanks Dawn

Should be there - barring an act of god or a car crash! Childcare sorted! I am in Sutton would happily given anyone a lift if it helps - if not see you there. Geraldine

Sorry Girlies I’m ill and wont be able to make it. Hope you all have a lovely meeting.

Regards Judy

Hi. Just to say I’m definitely coming, but saddly a father from my sons old school passed away and the memorial is at 2pm so I will need to leave early (& be dressed accordingly)… Anyway hope this is the first meeting of many x Jane

I was discharged yesterday and to be honest do not think I will be well enough to come along but hopefully this could prove to be a good south east meeting point and maybe we could do another meet soon as I really would like to meet up with everyone.

Have a drink for me

Angee xxxxxx

Hi all

Back from my holiday (very good though the weather wasn’t great - it didn’t snow though!!) and trying to catch up with this thread. Really sorry to hear some of you can’t make it - the next one maybe??. Hope you are both feeling better soon, Angee and Judy.

I rang the Weyside a week or so ago and they are reserving the restaurant area for us (under my name). Evidently they aren’t busy at all on Mondays normally, so there should be no problem recognising each other, particularly as we settled on 12 o’clock to meet, which is the time they open.

I did promise them that I would ring tomorrow and confirm numbers etc. I think we are now …

Confirmed as “intending to attend” (11): me, dippykate, jools, mrsblue, gillsc, Deidre, Dawnhc, KatieP,carolinew, JaneyR and hopege

3 “maybes”: LouLou2, Fayjay69, and Gill’s friend Liz

K xx

Thanks so much Kay for organising this and look forward to meeting you all there. Should be arriving on a train from Woking/Basingstoke at 1130am!!

I have been in hospital since Wednesday - discharged this morning - was neutropenic. Better now but still on anti biotics. I am going to see how I feel in the morning. Hopefully I will make it (with Liz).

Look forward to meeting everyone tomorrow (all being well),



Just rung the Weyside to confirm table booking. Not sure now whether we are in the restaurant or in the conservatory area - think we can choose when we get there!! They are expecting about 12 of us though.

Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell, Gill - hope you and Liz can make it tomorrow.

See you tomorrow - 12 o’clock at the Weyside.

K x

Hubby has talked me through journey and also printed off map so am coming

Just a few questions -is the table booked in your name Kay?
And the Millbrook car park -is it a pay and display or pay on exit? just need to make sure i have change!
Looking forward to meeting you all



I really dont think I will be able to make it tomorrow I am still a bit sore after me op and knackered. But please keep me informed of any other meets. I would love to meet up with you all.

Sorry cant make it. I am sure you will all have a fab time. I only wish I could make it.

Fay :o)

Hi all

Sorry you won’t be able to make it Fay but am not entirely surprised given that your op was so recent. Hopefully we will meet again before too long and you will be able to make that one.

Jools - table is indeed booked in my name. Think it is actually the only booking (certainly the only party of that size) so you shouldn’t have any difficulty locating us. I don’t normally use the Millbrook car park when I’m in Guildford but I am fairly certain it is a pay and display (rather than pay on exit).

Looking forward to meeting you all - feel I should be doing some “research” on you all by reading some of your old posts but am going to go to bed instead!! Probably wouldn’t remember what I’d read anyway!

K x

I hope you all have/ had a lovely meet. Please let me know if there are any other meetings planned.

Hope you all have a lovely time!


Just wanted to say what a lovely meet today was.
Great to put names to faces and look forward to doing it again


Just to let you all know I have been thinking of you and I am sure you will have enjoyed meeting up. Its lovely living in Cornwall but it soooo far away from you all.


Hi all

I really enjoyed meeting everyone as well. For those who weren’t there, we were a group of 12 but had no trouble identifying each other. Remembering everybody’s name was slightly more difficult but we did get there in the end, and it will now be really good to be able to picture faces as we read posts. Dawn cleverly brought her camera and took some photos which she will post on the other site if anyone would like to know what we look like!

Thank you also to everyone who has posted wishing us well. Hopefully some of you who wanted to come but couldn’t manage today, will be able to make the next meet whenever/wherever that should be. Think Cornwall might be a little too far to come though Debs, although it would be lovely I’m sure! Have great memories of holidays as a child on the Lizard.

Kay x