Hi all,
I really feel like this cancer is spreading and I’m fighting a loosing battle, I need some positivity, I’m on weekly paciltaxel chemo with a week off every three. Last week was my week off, and I’m due to have my chemo this Friday. Wednesday I’m seeing the oncologist, my left shoulder is rock hard and painful, with my left side of my neck very hard and lumpy. The right side instead of one I can now feel three lumps, I’m in desperate need of some reassurance as I feel like I’m loosing this battle Blanna
Hiya blanna
Think positive …hang in there …I’m sure there is another treatment when you see oncologist.
Sometimes we all wish we could wave a magic wand or produce a magic bullet to sort it all out but all I can do is send you loads of positive vibes and a huge amount of hugs .???
Thanks carotene,
It’s tough, I’m short of breath and I’m more and more restricted
Sorry blooming auto spell carolus x
Oh fgs carolyn
I hate predictive text too… if I don’t double check what I type… the posting can look really weird.
Hugs xxx
Hi blanna
Sorry you are in discomfort and also worried about your treatment. I’m sure you will be discussing these with your oncologist on Wednesday and they will be the people to tell you what is going on. I hope they give you some positive answers and, if the current treatment doesn’t appear to be working, that they start you on another treatment ASAP.
Sorry I can’t be of more help but do let us know how things go and you know we are here to support you.
Nicky x
Dear Blanna
Please try to remain calm I know it is not easy when you are faced with the thought it is spreading. I was in the same state last October when my bone mets increased by 5 and my skin mets are now covering most of my chest stomach and side. Your medical team will sort you out with a scan and possibly a change of treatment but they will give you more confidence tomorrow. Remember cancer feeds on stress don’t let it get you down.
Sending you loads of love and (((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) and good vibes for tomorrow. xxx
Dear Blanna, I’ve just been reading this thread. I’m new to all this and I can’t offer you any real words of advice or experience but I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and I am sending you positivity and strength for your meeting tomorrow. Don’t give up. Love to you xx
Thanks all for your support, I’ve just got back from the Marsden, I had chest xrays and Ct scan Friday, chemo suspended, and the pain team came to see me, I’m on tablet slow release morphine, paracetamol, ibuprofen, something for the sharp pain, sennacot and stomach tablets, instead of liquid oramorph I have tablets instead. It might need tweeking up or down but she thinks she’s got it about right. So in the kitchen is a pharmacy corner. I’m in bed as I only got three hours sleep last night then in for bloods at 8:30 this morning so I’m in pain still. Onc gave me the full once over and told me not to panic as there were alternatives for me. Ive had enough of writing as I’m tired.
At last Blanna
Sounds like the painkillers will kick in and u will b able to start gardening soon in that lovely garden of yours.
Hugs xxxxx???
Hi blanna
just to let you know I’m thinking of you and hope you’ve had some sleep. Stay strong. Sending you a hug xx
Bianna, i really feel for you. I have jst been through a period of severe breathlessness and i dont know anything worse. Lets hope your meds have now kicked in and yo are feeling better. We all live with the fear that this damn thing is spreading and its not always easy to remain positive. I always try to listen to Marie rose who always radiates positivity, bless her. Please kep us posted. xx
Hi all thanks for your positive words, I’ve just got out of three days in hospital, loads of tumours pressing on main vasculature veins in neck with a couple of clots which has left me out of breath and breathless all the time I now have them from my skull to a bone in chest 24 in total, I’m scared, all my other organs are clear. I see onc Wednesday to find out where I go from here, there is talk of vascular specialists to sort out the impacted main artery in my neck shoulder and arm. Dam this cancer.
Oh Blanna
I’m so sorry to hear about this next bout of problems.
Hopefully they will b able to fix you up with the specialists and help you through it.
In the meantime I will send you loads of hugs and positive vibes ???
Bianna, so sorry to hear your news bt hope that now you know you will get the best tretment possible. Hope your pain has subsided.
Sending loads of love and hugs.xx
Thanks again all, being taken off paclitaxel has had an effect to, lack of sleep, my hubby done a pain sheet so we can track all the medication and dosage times to try to get some rest and sleep, pain leaves you exhausted, a few more hours would have been nice, but small mercies at least I got some. I had an horrendous time trying to do my ct scan Friday, and I think I’m only just starting to get over that, but that’s something I’ll post later, as it is too long to go into. My median nerve has been impacted also, so my thumb and two fingers are numb and tingling right up to my neck. Sorry I’m tired again will try to post more hugs to all xxx
I’ve had my appointment at the Marsden, I’m on carboplatin and gemcibatine, three weekly, then gem on different days, pain has settled down and the morphine is keeping it settled, I’m feeling more positive. Off for a liver function test tomorrow, then I have to have an MRI of my skull tumour, then my treatment will start. they said this one is a bit more aggressive and I’ve shown a good resistant to Se which is why they have put this one forward.
I seem to be improving pain wise now just need this chemo to do its work xxB’lannaxx
So glad that you have got the pain sorted a bit and a treatment plan but phew its going to be tiring just going to hospital for all those appointments !!!
But your in their hands and they will do their very best for you …at times the NHS is the best in the world.
Hugs xxx
Good luck with your treatment Blanna. Thinking of you x