Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Thanks Sophie - good to know i’m with some strong women. Hope you’re still feeling ok. x

Trip - your approach worked and I slept v well in my tent, even thru the racket you were making!
Good luck CM, hope it is the best of news.
Right then - let’s get this show on the road.
Bringiton you fencers!

Thanks LIF. Any hints on heartburn for me now??
Limped out of tent to wave a stick for you Staycalm. Fear I may look like one of those ridiculous parodies of an angry old woman though! The thought is there! See you in a bit,

Morning fellow woodlanders,

I took a sneaky cpl of days off & have been AWOL in Devon for the weekend but am back now ready to fight the fight again with you all.

Thinking of you CM & SCACO today & hope all goes well for you both & hope everyone else isnt suffering with SE etc too much.

Love to you all

PS anyone seen my flame thrower ? ?

Can I second Tracey’s request for heartburn remedies? I want to deal with it before it gets worse–maybe going back to half meals more spread out during the day?

Day 4 arrghhh not quite feeling myself and cant sleep…demons seemed to have attacked every orifice, been up since 4am but soooo tired and yet cant sleep. Sikness ok but diahorrea set in, oh the joys! On the whole though not as bad as i thought. Happy to let all positive thoughts and good feelings stay with all this weeks feccers, I will call, very loudly, if I need to borrow them back for a while. Love to all you ladies, chins up Alison x

Heartburn…ask for Omeprozole (sp?) I am on two a day…can eat anything and could possibly take up fire eating if needed…You can have the odd swig of gaviscon if needed too but not at the same time!

Good luck today CM and SCACO and anyone I have forgotten! Will have the tea urn on the go when you get bacl xxxx

Heartburn here, too - so thanks for that advice Val - just started up again with it today, lasted a while last cycle too, so will def. get a scrip. Rang hospital just now about missing mouthwashes (doc had prescribed, but didn’t materialise, and of course, after FEC, I didn’t remember that I should be picking them up!), and have to ring back if not heard by 4 as they are manic up on the ward at the moment - but mouth not too dry as yet, but again, starting to go that way, and that was the worst of all se’s for me. Yuk. Gherkins break through the scum, but up the heartburn, so it’s about catch 22!!

Sophie xx

Started a sep thread for heartburn!! Didn’t realize that the domperidone before meals would help, which is very interesting. Felt like I had swallowed LIF’s flame thrower last night…

Hurrah - I’m in and all fecced up.

I am sensitive to steroids so they are going to take more time putting it in next time.

I’m obviously feeling fine - those pesky bu**ers haven’t caught up with me yet, so am making as much haste as i can before they do, in order to get to the campfire built by Trip. Am wielding the flame thrower with a passion, so if you want to make the most of my temporary euphoria give me a sign and i will be there to kick ass!

I’m not expecting to feel this great all the time - but whilst i do i’m enjoying the moment.

Thanks for all the support ladies.


Staycalm- Oh well done! Not sure if ‘hurrah’ is appropriate, but it’s kind of what you feel isn’t it? Hope your night is ok,

SOS, :-((

…tent surronded by monsters of every kind!! Only a few rounds of ammo left…Please send help!!!

Had escape to Cheshire at the weekend, but my ‘braveface’ fairy is completely exhausted, all the ‘your hair really suits you short’ and ‘you’ll be fine’ ‘it’s wonderful what they can do…’ comments.
(StayCalm said it exactly as I feel on the previous page).

I Am SO tempted to hold hands with the ‘letsPretend’ fairy and just walk away like nothing happened.

I have Onc appt tomorrow and FEC1 on Thursday. Will it be better once I’m in the woods ??? please put my ‘HeadLess Chicken’ out of it’s misery if you find it… you’ll have to move quick, it can’t half shift!

love and hugs to Stayclam and CM, hope you’re ok.
love and hugs to Lizzie & Sarah,
love and hugs to anyone else that could do with them too naturally!!


P…I’m on the case! You ARE going to be ok
List to take with you…
Ask …nay demand both and stamp foot like a goodun…both thses drugs will stop you feeling sick but you MUST get both.
For occaisional nausea after day 3
Omeprazole…for heart burn
Anything you can beg for sore mouths
A good book
Huge bottle of iced water.

I will virtually hold hands as I too am in for chemo on Thursday at 11am so we can do it together ok?

Will keep bottle of something nice in tent for thursday night

Good luck on Thursday. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to escape, just for a weekend or 24 hours? Really escape, I mean, not just go somewhere else for a bit and pretend.

Seriously, I did feel better after FEC1, simply because it had happened, if that makes sense. And then I was coping, so I could at least fool myself that it might not be so bad afterall. Or at least not for a while. At least not until I start worrying about the PICC and FEC2… Quick, where’s that flamethrower? I want to do some GBH on this train of thought. :wink:


Hi LIF and Cheryl, and thank you. Someone has caught and casseroled headless chicken for me, many thanks whoever you are!

Have printed out your list LIF, to take to Onc tomorrow. I’m def up for a bit of virtual handholding on Thursday too. Have heartburn meds already in stock as OH has just been put on them! Went and bought warm hats today for walking the dog, really feeling the cold now my hair is short!!

Now feeling like I’ve been on one of those Waltzer rides for far too long and just want the music to stop so I can get off… If only we could all do that!

Hope everyone gets a long visit from the SleepFairy tonight! P xxx

Peachez - headless chicken was casseroled and tasted good xxxx

It’s very much easier on the inside, mad though that seems. Lif’s list is ace, take it with you. They very often start new chemo patients on the cheap end of the drug spectrum, and work their way up to the wonder drugs (Emend) if the cheaper ones don’t work well - which they don’t for a lot of people - but do for some (me, at least, not sure about anyone else!). The important thing is not to suffer in silence - this is one time in your life when you really, really need to shout if things aren’t going well, ok?

Sophie xxxxx

Thanks Woodlanders, will take all your expert advice on board!! Feeling clamer, but don’t think I’ll be getting much shut-eye somehow… hey ho…

Turned my hand to making JVac drain bags tonight; apparently the company used to provide them, but don’t anymore, I made up one for myself for my Mx and my BS liked it so much I run some up every now and then for her to give out. Tonights were lilac silk with a gold and purple trim round the top!! Always feel better when I can help someone else. P xxx

Hi there - glad everyone’s so upbeat. My hangover finally went but I’m now being pursued relentlessly by the Sleep Fairy. Also, I’m having great difficulty drinking 2 litres of water a day - anyone know if it does have to be just water? Love to all, Lizzie xx

Hi all,

i need virtual hand holding on Thursday as SUPPOSED to get results of further investigation on lymph nodes pleasedontwantitthere :frowning: also will then have a decision about more surgery or straight in to being a fecer, the wait feels like the worst part ALL the time, surgery was Xmas Eve, they only took 2 nodes, why is it taking so long ? ? ?someone please help me get sosorryformyself & whyme out of my tent straight away, sooooo uninvited !!

On the plus side am still happy to be woodland security whilst everyone else is having their treatment & promise to keep flame throwers loaded, fires burning biscuits,chocolate & alcohol safe & SE medicine stocked full with only the best medicines :slight_smile:

Love to you all.


Hi Lizzie, it’s 2 litres of fluid, so drink whatever goes down well. Ok, so most of that should be non-alcoholic, but that’s the only real restriction. I’ve decided to largely leave oj alone, as it’s a little too acid. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are ok as sources of fluid. (The bottled water industry has a lot to answer for.)

Sarah, the holidays probably slowed lab work down. The lab mine was done in moved to a new building, delaying everything for nearly a week. I practically went crazy. Have I identified a new species, justmyluck?