Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

thanks sophie
If i can get through emmerdale, corrie and eenders without throwing up I will be well happy! Alison x

Thanks Sophie. Taking all the anti-sick meds but I’m afraid Ohmygodimgoingtopuke got me a little while ago but afterwards I attacked him with my little friendly elf called ‘GingerNuts’ who has done a grand job fighting him off (I’ve plenty of supplies if anyone else needs some). Apart from a muzzy head, I’m not too bad at the moment and the woods don’t seem half as scary now that I’ve finally entered. Lizzie xx

The Reality fairy chucked HeadInTheSand out of my tent earlier, when I got my hospital letters telling me about surgery admission and nuclear medicine for Monday morning. Surgery Monster is lurking outside the tent making growling noises, which are getting louder. BringItOn is nowhere to be seen.

A quick trip to the pub with my lovely man soon sent the Reality fairy packing, and head now firmly and comfortably tucked back in the sand where it will stay until Sunday evening, but Surgery Monster still out there and isn’t going away.

CM…keep head in sand and eyes closed…I’m on the trail of the surgery monster with my flamethrower! Ginger beer is also good for tackling ohmygodimgonnapuke…
Oh and whilst I’m on the prowl with flame thrower please ladies keep the alternative hair animals under lock and key or we may have the RSPAHA (royalsocietyfortheprotectionofalternativehairanimals) after us!!!

Well done all you Feccers!
Was wondering though whether Tax is short for taxidermy, rather than taxotere…yuk!
Cookie- know what you mean about the surgery. Have not got my date yet, but will be around mid March. Keep getting the odd flash of reality, before shoving it firmly away to be dealt with later…

Wish I was a feccer, Im only on EC and feel quite left out. Being treated at St James in Leeds, a teaching hospital and they reckon the F has no positive input in the scheme of things. But I happen to like the F word whwere this BC is concerned so I think I may just consider myself an adopted feccer. Love Alison x

To think I couldn’t wait to join the feccers - this is some hangover! Lizzie xx (trying to stay awake sitting in her tent shooing away Ohmygodimgoingtopuke)

Oh dear Lizzie - hangover without the pleasure of achieving it!

I’m due tomorrow for my first and am trying to drink as much as poss (non-alcohol!)without getting myself water-logged. Some people say this helps but who knows? Everyone is different.

Am passing over the ginger beer and ginger nuts. Have found your GetUpAndGo wandering around at the bottom of the field (quite clearly Got Up And Gone) and have told her to get back to your tent so she’s there ready when you feel you can face her. Also sending BecauseYourWorthIt! (Irony) x

Hi staycalm, goodluck for tomorrow. I didn’t find the actual procedure too bad and the side effects didn’t hit straightaway - they just crept up on me. Thanks for sending back Getupandgo as couldn’t find her anywhere this morning. I might even take a little walk this afternoon. Lizzie xx

Hi all

Getupandgo is here, who needs her because I seem to have too much FEC3 day3! In fact, she is quite annoying atm…had planned a sofa afternoon with Downton Abbey, feelingalittlesorryformyself, so I get the TV remote…

Plenty of gingernuts here, if required, not seemed to have neede them so much this time, so a little overstocked!

Alison, had not thought of the ciggie problem with alternative hair, another reason for the hamster to stay on the stand, although I quite like her, she doesn’t like me and makes my head very hot!

Have plentiful supplies of all the medicinal stuff, choc, gin, red wine plus a lovely cheesecake made for DS’s birthday cake yesterday, and he is too ill to eat, bless him, has the flu good and proper! Whatashame, we’llhavetoeatit - come by and have a slice.

Thinking of you all, can you see me waving those behind, it may not be as bad you thought at first, but if it is there are plenty here to help you along :slight_smile:

SJ xx

SCACO - thinking of you and wishing you all the best for tomorrow - you will feel a sense of relief once it’s all under way… and with any luck, tomorrow evening will see you sitting in your tent feeling like a fraud because the se’s don’t appear half as bad as you thought they might…

FEC2 has been kind to me thus far, now day 3 (counting FEC day as1), and other than being a little tired and occasionally wave of nausea, nothing much at all. Foggy headedness seems to have passed me by this time around - which is brilliant. Now, if only stale horrid mouth decides to keep away too…

Which elf/warrior/gnome is good for scaring away vile mouth? If anyone has him lurking nearby, send him my way, please!!

Sophie xxx

SJ - is FEC3 being kind? I know loads of people have said that the third was a b*tch, and all the more irritating for it because 2 was much easier than 1, so they kind of got blindsided by 3 being unpleasant to the max. Do hope you’re the proof that it’s not always so…

Had Getupandgo’s company this morning, quite took me by surprise, but used her help to get two loads of washing done, tidy up the kitchen and take son to work… now on sofa with flatasapancake, but not feeling ill, just a bit wiped. If this is as bad as 2 gets, then I’m not complaining!!!

Sophie xx

So is this wood specifically the chemo wood or the bigger cancer wood?

I’m about to stick my head under the trees tomorrow with surgery and won’t know whether I have to have chemo until I wake up, so it’s possible I’ll “just” be skirting the edges. Keep your fingers crossed for me for tomorrow, and keep your toes crossed that the OSNA test shows no lymph involvement. Watching Harry Potter isn’t quite doing it for keeping the demons away, I have to admit, I’m really, really scared now. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Clock going round and nothing I can do to stop it.

How can we not be scared? In some ways, even bad news is better than not knowing. It’s worse, perhaps, to be very confident and then be blind-sided.

I agree Cheryl, I got this feeling of just, tell me the worst, don’t drip feed it in…not that it is ever easy to hear.
Choccie, good luck, hope tomorrow goes well.
Everyone sounds kind of ok as far as SE’s today?! Feel the gremlins might all be in my tent…but possibly not quite as achey today with the Tax. Just SO frustrated about feeling so weak, dizzy and useless- aaargh!

Am on prowl accompanied by whodoyouthinkyouarelookingat and armed and dangerous with weapons to get demons…especially the nasty i’mgonnadie monster and the 2aminthemorningandscared goblin. They will not be allowed to get near you lot tonight…promise xxx

TSR…am just arriving to fumigate your tent…

Chocciemuffin… I don’t know how staycalmandcarryon feels about admission to her dark, dark woods, but I’d say the whole of bc is big, bad and scary… and there’s no ‘just’ about any of it, imo. Good luck tomorrow with your surgery, hoping that the node demons have been contained within your breast and not explored further. I really hope that you find what I did - that surgery was much easier to get over than I could have imagined… at least, once the bloody drain was out!!

Let us know how you get on, when you can - I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Sophie xxx

Staycalm is anything but!!!

Have the whole bloody lot of them in my tent - OhSh*t, WhyMe, It’sNotFair, WoeIsMe, IWantToRunAway, PoorYou and ICanFeelItSpreadingOhYesICan!

Am desperately loading my flamethrower so if you see a blazing inferno in the corner it’s my tent.

Pulled the chain tighter on PoisitveThinking and trying to chivvy BringITOn on but finding it a bit of an effort. Feel ridiculous as obviously i need to and want to start the treatment but it does make it so awfully real doesn’t it.

SCACO - for heaven’s sake don’t burn your own tent down flinging that flamethrower around! You do not need to be getting cold and wet tonight because you pulled the trigger too early…

Not surprised there’s a party of ghouls hanging around your tent tonight - they do seem to do the rounds and know instinctively where to head for…

BUT the rest of us are converging, flame throwers, alcohol and chocolate at the ready - shouting and waving our fists and shaking our balding heads at all the bad 'uns - and cheering you on through the night.

Sophie xxxx