Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Hello campers
I wonder if I could join your band of woodland warriors? I am roughly halfway through the woods, and it DOES seem like a long journey 8-(
Have done FECx 6 and now am about to have 12-18 weekly tax and herceptin… I might have surgery after that.
Can the positivethinking fairy hop over here for a bit cos I appear to have need of her at the moment.
x sarah

Hi All,

Feeling so much better just for having you lot with me, I love this thread because it doesnt matter how cr** a day you are having there are always other warriors/campers to help out, make you smile, reassure & remind you that we are all on this journey together with one aim & that is to get to the other side & the sunshine.

Welcome Sarah, please join us as we are finding strength in numbers a real bonus, all of us are at different stages of the woods & a cpl like me just peering in from the outside until we get our start dates etc, great for security though & am getting to be an expert with the old flame thrower :slight_smile:

Cm, Sj,Scaco,Tracey, Cheryl & Lizzie, thank you for the hugs & reassurance, so helps.

Love to you all


Welcome ‘cromer’ sarah, here - take a flame thrower, we’ve found them quite useful when the eebygeebies turn up and your PositiveThinking has been found hiding behind a bush, so despatched, with a swift clip around the ear, in your direction.

Sarah - glad you’re feeling a bit less low. x

Hi Cromer Sarah, wow, you’ve made some good inroads already.
Cookie- it may be the codeine that is giving you the headache. Common side-effect for some, me included,

Hello campers! Have erected bloomin gurt(big in west country speak) yurt in clearing so we can all share when times are tough and we don’t want to be alone! Wood burner installed and lots of comfy cushions and futons! hugs and good wishes to all feeling a little rough…come in!
Will be up late to night courtesy of shed load of steroids in rediness for 5th dose of chemo (2nd tax) tomorrow morning. Mouthwashes and whisky (single malt of course) at the ready and hoping the ‘just a little scratch’ nurse is not the little prick kind LOL!

Wish me luck I may be gone sometime…

ps…don’t forget to keep the woodburner full!


Best of luck LIF, join me at my meagre campfire, we can stay awake together.x

I am liking that everyone is on board with the luxury tent concept! I think we deserve it don’t you? And I’ve never been a fan of sleeping mats…Bad enough on holiday after a bottle of wine; no good in the woods on steroids. There is alson a large fridge somewhere for all those frozen peas…

Silk-lined sleeping bags all round? And we’ll all bring our favourite dance music for any steroid highs.

I know where the commando disguises were hidden the last time, so we can get them out again in a jif if needed.

Hi all,
I’m ridiculously fine considering I’m going into the woods proper tomorrow , must’ve finally found my BringItOn!! Wonder if she’ll still be with me this time tomorrow ??? hmmmm…

Can I have a large sleeping bag pls? Can’t do those Mummy things that tie your legs together- ugh! Power shower for the morning and A telly in the corner with Zen playing on it might be nice, oh those eyes!

Mini Magnums in the fridge for those that want them…wrestled my GingerNuts away from the clutches of my teenager for you too… going off for a night out humming ‘I will survive’ quietly to myself…

Sarah, Lif and Lizzie, hugs and fingers crossed for a good thursday for all.

Love and hugs to all

P xxx

Best wishes for tomorrow, Peachez.


Loving the gurt yurt, LiF - and a central tent sounds like a darn good idea!! Think it should be one of those magical ones that transforms into whatever state you need it to be in, at that moment in time - so party yurt whilst hyper on steroids, a zen tent when in need of calm and inner peace, a coffee canvas when in need of gossip, and not forgetting…BEER TENT… perfect! And perfectly capable of being all things to all of us, all at once.

With special anti-gremlin waterproofing on the canvas, and heebyjeeby slug powder around the perimeter, the only problem might be in leaving its shelter for next hosp. appt…

Sophie xx

Good luck today for everyone leaving the shelter, and braving next hospital session,

Good Luck to all. x

I am heading to the tent marked chocolate, which incidently has a set of scales which read backwards, so I am actually getting lighter the more chocs I eat. The Bringiton fairy is hopefully paying me a visit both this morning (flu jab) and this afternoon(onc visit). I always feel low when going to see him, regardless of the news. Poor chap.
x sarah

Good luck, everyone.

I have a portable bedroom if anyone wants to borrow it when I’m not using it. I picked up my car today (was at OH’s house just a couple of miles away) and feel so much better being mobile. I don’t intend doing hours of driving, but it’s so tedious and a lot more tiring not having transport. I did leave it more than 48 hrs from after general and I’ve got no mobility problems with my arm, so I feel much better.

Took 14-yr-old to the physio at the hospital yesterday, the mile there and mile back might have been a bit too far to walk as I then crashed out on the sofa, but after a solid night’s sleep last night felt much better this morning so when I got my car I took 12-yr-old to dentist and then to school, had a browse round Sainsbury’s and now going to have a nap, so you might have to wait for that portable bedroom.

I’m in !!! finally in the woods proper. Traffic was a nightmare so glad OH insisted on setting off early. Nurse got vein ok, but was keen that I have a PICC at first sign of trouble :slight_smile:

I have been thinking of all others having cocktails/results all morning and hoping you are all ok…?

Managed soup and a walk round Wisley after; got all my pills dished out into old lady pill boxes when I got home; about to crash on the sofa as suddenly v tired. Will have to get up now and then as have been drinking for England!!

Hugs all round, LIF, how about leaving a Yurt in each clearing for those of us following?

P xxx

Well done Peachez!

Wouldn’t it be great to find a yurt every step along the way? Even better to find a day when the wood was no longer an issue in today’s society, then we could burn the whole damn thing down and have instant, fireproof party village.


Oh not a happy bunny today…downinthedepths as far as I can go…feel like sh#T and want to shout and scream but dont have the energy …cant even be bothered with facebook!!! must be bad…feel like really bad hangover without alcohol…please send help as I dont want to sink any deeper…Alison x

Hi Alison,

The troops are on their way,have had a cpl of dark days myself & they were sent to me & am feeling much better & ready to continue with the journey,although still keep nipping to smokers corner via the beer tent :wink: because still having the sleepless nights.

Have sent pickmeupfromdowninthedepths & an extra flame thrower aswell as heressomeenergy & a hugforyoutoo. xxxx

Sophie, we have been given the go ahead by the nice people at woodland council & are allowed as many yurts as we want :slight_smile:

Peachez, was thinking of you today, hope all went well & hope everyone else is well too.

Hugs to you all & thank you for sending pleasemakemefeelbetter.
