Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Alison - on way with flame thrower (and belching flames too, until this heartburn med kicks in), six pack of beer and couple of bottles of wine - hold the fort til I get there.

Sophie xxxx

Sarah, nicely negotiated with woodland council - these woods will seem less dark and scary each day! Sure I must be just missing you in the beer tent/smoker’s shelter… no, hell, this is OUR woods, let’s smoke inside :slight_smile:

Sophie xx

Sending ValkyrieFairy in an ‘Apocalypse Now’ helicopter to help you fight off your demons!!

Hope you’re feeling better soon

P xxx

I’m back…and off to bed to sleep it off…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sleep well Val


Oh shoot. Been sick once, feeling rough, more meds soon, hope they work! Taken to my bed…

Well done LIF and Peachez, another one to strike off the list. Hope you both get some sleep. Alison- sounds like you are feeling crap- hope you can at least have a good night’s rest too,

Peachez, sorry you’re feeling crap. The GentleHug fairies are flitting gently towards you, carrying soft fluffy pillows and some mouthwash in case you are sick and need to freshen up a bit.

Alison, I would have sent them to you too, but the blades of the helicopter wouldn’t do their wings much good. Reckon you’re more in need of industrial strength hugs anyhow.

Lif, just a quickly whispered “sweet dreams” for you, don’t want to wake you up.

Hope you both feel better very soon.

Hi Guys…Looks like you all paid a visit to my tent but couldnt find me…truth is I was stuck in a hole…started trying to build a tunnel inside my tent and burrow out but didnt get very far…back now and feeling better with all the positive thoughts you left for me…tunnel collapsed and hope it stays that way. Day 7 now after 1st chemo…ba##ards demons really decided to put the boot in for the last 24 hours and I am still fighting with the last couple but they are retreating fast as I blow cig smoke in their smug little faces…Thanks Guys for all your help and support, couldnt have turned this around without you lot…Marching on Together … Big Hugs all round…Trip, Sarah, LIF, Tracey, Peachez, SCACA, lOVE YOU Guys and anyone this demented brain has missed out…X Alison

Choccie…How could I forget you XXXX

Lizzie…Havent heard from you for a while…are you ok…sending you lots of hugs just in case you need them…Love Alison x

Val - hope you sleep well tonight. Time to confess that I poured you a Jura last night but later drank it myself - will send a virtual one to the Yurt. Barbara x

hi all
the Bringiton fairy alighted in clinic yesterday and now I feel better. Having nails done today so in for a bit on self indulgence! Hurrah!!! Best wishes to all of you suffering SE’s, may they be over soon. The Gentlehug fairies should be with you right about now…
x sarah

Morning All,

I found the bestnightssleepinweeks fairy last night, she appeared with bringiton & positivethinking, sent gentlehugs off to visit others as i had selfishly been keeping her to myself the last cpl of days.

Hope everyone is ok, Scaco & Lizzie hope you are doing well as worry when we dont hear from our fellow woodland warriors.

Lif, hope u 2 had a good sleep, Sophie will wait in beer tent for you today,Alison, Peachez hope you are feeling brighter.

Sarah, will meet you at the nail tent later :slight_smile: am glad you are ok.

And everyone else am sending big hugs & think this safety in numbers thing (& luxury yurts) are doing us the world of good

Love to you all

Morning All

I have been exploring and busy!! Follow the gin-bottled road thru the wood and behold: a tent village! Noticing that people have been busy getting the Woodland Council on side I thought I would strike while they were being agreeable.

Places to visit:

IFEELSORRYFORMYSELF Tent: Indulge completely in whatever you want - no matter how ‘ridiculous’ you might think it is. ‘I hate lying on the sofa…’ ‘It’s not fair…’ ‘I don’t want to do this…’ ‘Well it’s alright for you to say that but YOU don’t understand…’ All of these things we have said/want to say but feel we shouldn’t at times can be said here to the most delicious woodland adonis, who will simply hold your hand, smile and tell you that you are absolutely right. Of course he may be up for more but i’ll leave you to ‘explore’ that prospect!

S*DTHIS Tent: Basically a beer and smoking tent, but obviously quite luxurious. Miraculously, because of the magic, any non-smokers won’t be offended as the smoke instantly gains the aroma of perfume.

SPA Tent: As it says - jacuzzi, sauna, pool, and a constant temp of 25C (Too hot? Change to suit)

I’m now packing up my tent. The SEs have been very kind to me so far. No sickness, just a bit of woolliness, so taking advantage to walk deeper into the wood and set up further treats for fellow travellers.

Flamethrower is at the ready and have despatched BringITon, GentleHug, Good old (?) PositiveThinking and KeepGOING! to all that need it behind and in the field.

Best wishes to all. xx

Morning campers…or should that be afternoon?
I’m back and feeling good…blooming knacked after long walk…in the dry…amazing!

Getting my billhook sharpened as am entering a hedgelaying competition in March…stuff the lymphodema risk!

If anyone sees my getupandgo trying to sneak off and if anyone spots Imgoingtogetherwithaninfection sneaking up please send them in the right directions. Peachez I do so hope you are feeling better…remember the magic medication for fec everyone is EMEND…
If they will not give it to you ask to pay for it…or refuse to enter wood without it…that will usually do the trick!

Hi LiF! Picturing you with billhook… bring it on! And to think my bcn gets the jitters over me walking the dobermanns…lol… figure if I’m going to get lymphodema, it’s more likely to happen when I’m back at work opening and closing the bleedin dishwasher…so no one need think for a moment that I’m going to let 50kgs of stupid mutt worry me!!!

Hope you managed to sleep after all those steroids!

Sophie xx

Had a quick frolic with ICanDoThis fairy following steriod this afternoon, managed a bath, but then she b*ggered off and was swiftly replaced by OhB*ggerI’mGoingToChuckAgain, who has been with me since yesterday afternoon.
Taken advice from Onc unit, and am now giving up tablets in favour of anti-sick suppositories from GP - now isn’t that fun, didn’t know there was a ‘BendOver’ fairy out there 8-/

Added ‘sea-bands’ just in case they help.

Hope the SleepWell faries are kind to everyone tonight.

Love P xxx

Ooooh, was thinking it might be a sharpprickcomingup fairy, but bendover fairy is prob. worse… little sod had better work fast!

Hope you’re feeling better very soon

Sophie xx

Oh Peachez, your Senseofhumour fairy is hanging in there grimly isn’t she? Sorry you are having such a tough time. Hopefully they will put you on Emend next time. I was not nearly as sick as you, and I had it on the following cycle,