Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Oh Sarah What a decision to have to make. Luckily (?) my ONC made the decision for me and I didnt have a choice. Sending you positivethinking as he has been with me today and I think your need is greater than mine. Whatever path you take Sarah we will all be there shining our torches at you and wishing you love and support. Take your time, you will make the right decision for you. Alison x

Hi everyone. I’ve been back to work this week, hence my absence from the woods. It’s been great to feel almost normal again and I’m hoping to go next week for a few days before Fec 2. I’ve got a problem I didn’t think I’d have - I can’t stop eating! Anyone else got the same problem - can we set up a special tent for overeatersanonymous? Mind you, reading about all the ladyhair floating about did rather put me off eating in the dark. Also, I would think it could be a major fire hazard so I am bringing in a few fire extinguishers just in case and, anyway, they’re always useful for throwing at any attacking nasties.
Good luck to anyone getting their results or latest cocktails tomorrow. Will be thinking of you all. Love from Lizzie xx

Hi Lizzie Glad you are feeling ok. Yep over eating like mad, if I keep it up I think I may spontaneously combust!! Anybody seen the doyoureallyneedtoputthatinyourmouth gremlin about?..

… Onc wouldn’t give me my Stats :-(( though said he had “lots” of ladies like me doing 10 years and some more… Should I insist next time I see him? P xxx

Hi All,
Sarah- horrible choice to make. Impossible to be handed that sort of set options, and asked to make a decision really. I wasn’t offered a choice, and in fact have said to several people since, how grateful I am NOT to have had any choice- both in terms of a mastectomy, and chemo. If I had been borderline, I am not sure what I would have done. I think I would want to feel that I had thrown everything I could at it, but I really don’t know. It is very personal. Am thinking of you, anyway

CM- thinking of you too Luvie, hope today goes ok x

Re eating- what can I say- somebody stop me…Confession time though, had two glasses of red wine last night (actual, not virtual, Peachez) and slept like a log for the first time in ages,

Fat, bald, and now guilty,

Cm good luck today. Can I suggest that you take a meat cleaver with you, don’t comb your hair or wash. Sit there silently, looking slightly deranged. Am thinking you you will be seen quite quickly.

Sarah - poor you. Obviously your decision and only yours. Me? I would do anything to blast the damn thing. Don’t want regrets later.

Am hanging my coat up as going to London for weekend. Mines the moth eaten one, omnot looking after it!!! X

Alimbutt, I have one thing to say to you, in true pantomime style - “IT’S BEHIND YOU!!!”

Anyone want to borrow a meat cleaver? Actually, probably not a good idea as you’d only go and chop up a piece of steak to cook…

SCACO - you clearly haven’t seen me, because you’d know that the look you suggest would be completely indistinguishable from how I look normally!

Peachez - if you want them, demand them. Don’t be patronised by him - and you actually have the government behind you on this one, for once - NHS staff are supposed to share ALL information with the patient, if the patient wants to know - and are meant to offer the information in any case. So long as you remember that stats are just stats… all very well being 99-1, but if you’re the 1, who cares about the other 99?!! Yup, I’d demand. Just out of sheer bloody mindedness, if nothing else!

Sophie x

Peachez - i’m with Tripp! Demand them! How he/she patronise you in this way!! It’s your body and your bl**dy cancer and YOUR Stats. If you have asked then they should give - different if you haven’t asked, i think they may work on a ‘need to know’ basis. Remember though that stats aren’t relaiable - according to the ‘stats’ I shouldn’t have cancer in the first place!

Thanks, will do. Yes i know Statistics and damn lies and all that. I don’t see him for another month or so, but I will not leave without knowing this time. Pxxx


CM transforms from a normally sensible, reasonable, calm adult to a screaming bright green banshee with billhooks, meat cleavers and a very convenient chainsaw that I found by the edge of the swamp. It was a bit grubby but I’ve chopped down a few trees and it seems to be working ok.

NO BLASTED RESULTS!!! If anyone has any demons monsters or naughty imps around that they want disposed of PERMANENTLY, send them towards the Limbo swamp and I’ll see that they don’t get away unscathed.

Off out for a few hours (parents have responsibilities - you know, the ones that you need to PLAN around) so will be back to read later.

I really don’t know whether to rant and scream, or collapse in a soggy heap and sob, so I alternate between the two.

Choccie…alternate sobs are good but you can and will combat this just have to play the waiting game and we are all good at that!
Dont let me loose with a meat cleaver, never nind cutting a steak, id eat the whole bl##dy cow!
I think we need to throw a virtual party. Everyone invited, get out them dancing shoes, polish our heads and make way to camp fire. Group hug, chocs and alcohol, tears and laughter, party games (pass the bucket,sleeping/wide awake lions, you get the jist) how about it campers? Alison x

! x

Hang on, I think I’ve got the Limbo t-shirt, Choccie. You know, the been there/done that one. How about a war dance around the campfire?


CM, Rage on Hun,

also got the T-Shrit with this one. Words are not enough ((((((hugs)))))).

The only thing that stopped me from smashing every mug in the cupboard was that I knew it would be me clearing it up, but if you’ve got some spare crockery you might want to give it a go!!!

P xxxx

Definitely up for a party! And the “refreshments” need to include copious quantities of the rather tasty red that significant other has thoughtfully provided. (Unfortunately he’s had more than his fair share but only bought one bottle, so I think I need to have serious words with him. That or send him round to Sainsbury’s for another one…)

So what do we need in the party tent? Can I suggest that we don’t bother with wussy pink for decorations, let’s go for the crazy-mad-old-lady purple as the theme colour! I think we need spittoons for those who are practicing with the “I will wear purple” poem things.

Suggestions for music? Something very loud and outrageous? There’s a programme about Iron Maiden on the telly but perhaps Status Quo is more the thing. They definitely put on a good show, I saw them at Bulldog Bash a couple of years ago.

Food - most definitely chocolate, but the calorie-free variety please. Any other requests? Perhaps some of that very best steak (Ali, let someone else eat the rest of the cow, you stick to top-class fillet, daaaahling!) and some of the sprouting seeds I’ve been reading about on another thread. (Love beansprouts so very tempted to try other sprouts, except Brussels ones of course.)

Let’s make this the BEST party, and SOD the Results Monster! (Actually, I don’t mean that. Could someone please catch the cowardly so-and-so and stick him somewhere he can’t escape from before next Thursday).

Drink - the aforementioned red, but also cider for the westcountry campers, aloe vera juice for those with digestive tract discomfort,

Bring it on then… x

We definitely need some fizz for this party. (Prosecco is perfect for late night heart-to-hearts with your sister you haven’t seen for a few years.) Big platters of antipasta and tapas. And, as you say, chocolate.

At some point we need some sing-along music.


Tapas a must but no garlic as I am alergic to it! Havent had a proper drink for a couple of weeks, fizz sounds good. Sing along, yeh bring it on, havent done that in ages!! Still feeling pretty good, where have all naughty imps gone, have we managed to extradite them, hope so dont want to see or hear from them again for a long long time, safety in numbers girls, marching on together, like it!! Alison x

Cheryl, if I saw the sister I haven’t seen for years, she’d be the first thing with a meat cleaver in her skull. So to avoid me getting arrested for murder, she’s most definitely banned from the party.

As for where all the naughty imps have gone, they’re quivering behind the trees, having caught sight of the meat cleaver, billhooks and chainsaws (I found a second one if anyone else needs it). Tricky little sods are still around though, and have a tendency to sneak out when the chainsaw’s being used elsewhere and bite you on the bum. So watch out for them.

We do need to bring some of the native inhabitants of the wood into the party tent. BringItOn is a REAL party girl! PositiveThinking is good for the atmosphere, as is SodThis and her twin, SodThat. GentleHug will probably be there, but the others, like OhMyGodIThinkImGoingToPuke will be barred at the door. The Housework fairies will be despatched to our tents while we’re partying, and GoodNightsSleep will be waiting at the tent flap on our way out afterwards.

Sounds like a great party in the making.