Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Ali, would you be terribly offended if I didn’t accept your kind offer of your armpit hair to stick my head in? Very kind an’ all that, but I don’t really know you well enough!

Billhooks sound lovely and vicious so thanks Lif, I’ll take you up on that one, and I quite like the sound of the wool too. I suppose there’s nothing in the saying about burying your head that it has to be in sand, and wool’s so much softer…

I have to say I’m feeling a bit embarrassed about throwing a full-blown two-year-old’s tantrum just because I scared the Results Monster away. The rest of you have so much more to whinge about with all those pesky elves and fairies messing about in the woods.

Sarah 90210 and some others have gone a bit quiet today, hopefully not because they’ve found my bucket and are using it to throw up in after chemo.

Thanks everyone. I think I need to share out some G&B chocolate as a thank you for the support. You’re all welcome to come and visit my tent (it’s DEAD easy to find, it’s pitched right in the middle of the Limbo swamp) and I promise not to wave the billhooks and meat cleaver around when I have NICE visitors.


Edit: just as I was commenting on 90210’s absence, there she is! I think it was just because I didn’t recognise her with the half-mile shoes, curly scarlet wig and bright red nose.

CM -It’s good to see that even in the face of all this nonsense you can still keep your standards up and refuse armpit hair!

Hope you managed to wrestle the SleepFairy to the ground (I have a feeling lots of the pixies/gremlins etc are tip-toeing past you and your bucket)and had a decent kip.

I Did bump into the Results Monster just as i was heading back to my tent. He was quivering and shaking and hiding in a bush, you have certainly sacred the sh*t out of him. Anyhow, had a bit of a chat (he needed the Tamazipan before he came out and the chat was more of a rant) and now he’s heading back with the company of StopF**kingAbout to keep him in check. Hope they get there soon


Have been hiding in a tent called Backtoworkforafewdays and have been very comfortable there, but now need to come out and recharge batteries a little.

Did I hear someone offering G&B somewhere? Cos I have been hiding, not sure what has been going on in my absence :frowning: And the tired fairy is firmly sitting on my shoulder, so will try to catch up on the thread later.

I have bought plenty of supplies with me, whatever you need is here, hope I am still part of the gang although not in attendance for a while.

SJ xx

SJ - cos you’re part of the gang (although its not what most people would want to be part of!) Any chance to hop on a bus and escape the Woods for a bit is definitely a good idea, and don’t worry we’ll all tent-sit for you.

Only rule is that you must bring more provisions to ever dwindling supplies. Funnily enough the fruit and veg pile seem to last whereas the alcohol, choc, crips and fags seem to go. Most peculiar.

Glad you enjoyed work - who’d have thought it!!

Work is the means to end to supply the essential medicinal supplies… but partly, but I love my job and work with a great load of people…so very fortunate. Escaping for a few days was lovely but glad to be amongst everyone too!

Have just had a call from the local cancer centre to book a massage - might ensure my bones feel like their in the right place again - feelingveryunfit fairy firmly anywhere I go. Was shocked to find the stairs at work were like Mount Everest…

Work though, means that the Sleep Fairy has been in attendance :slight_smile: Yippee!! That also makes a difference.

Results Monster is a p in the a, and needs to be told what’s what on a constant basis, in case starts mucking about again!

Passing on my good vibes to all where ever you are in the woods

*hugs* to all

SJ xx

Yes, I am still here- at a LGFB session yesterday. Lots if lovely freebies. Wasn’t offered armpit hair interestingly enough…You can always rely on this thread! Can I go one better? Have 3 pubic hairs left, but am quite fond of them…!

CM, I have a very large selection of Global knives. Will sharpen,

Tracey x

Tracey, I wouldn’t DARE ask you to sacrifice your precious pubes! (But thanks for the information, I really needed to know about them! 8-D )

Tracey - 3 pubic hairs? That’s fabulous, can I suggest a plait? x

On re-reading my last post, realize that the mention of my folically-challenged (sp?) lady garden, and global knives in the following sentence, may have led to confusion. I am keeping them- I need all I can get. In fact, am hoping some might appear on my head! Better that nothing! I had a perm in the early eighties as a teenager, and in retrospect, it did closely resemble pubes…

However, let that be an end to it. I fear I have lowered the tone to such a level, that I might receive complaints…
Tracey xx

TSR…<grin> Thanks for that!! Just snorted all over my bacon and egg sandwich…</grin>

Have horrible feeling that all that remains of my lady garden is the stubborn grey ones that started to appear a year or two ago… knew they were bad news!!! Still convinced that when my head hair grows back it will be grey and curly… maybe I’ll have matching collar and cuffs for first time in years…

Ok. Could someone stronger please raise the tone of this conversation?? I would try, but I know I’d fail.

Sophie xx

Not a chance, Trip, the gutter’s much more fun! (Not quite sure about the plait though!)

Is mud any good for the skin? This Limbo swamp is still keeping hold, and even my BCN has gone walkabout today and hasn’t got back to me despite a couple of phone messages left for her. I suspect it’s because there’s a clinic on this afternoon so she’s probably been sitting in with lots of other ladies in the same situation so I won’t moan (too much).

Took the steristrips off today and I am VERY impressed with the incisions. The one around my areola is extremely neat and I’m confident it will fade to almost nothing. So someone’s obviously been sneaking some Magic Cream into my undies while I’ve been sleeping. Not so sure about the one in the armpit, that’s all lumpy and a bit sore, so maybe the cream ran out…

Tracey…laffed so much was told to be quiet be small child!!!
Oh please keep up the humour…it stops me from crying over my poor balding sore body…just been to collect said child from after school club to be told I look washed out and ill…yes I KNOW that! just do not need it confirmed…
I need the itsalrightonlyonemoretogo godmother to come and wave her wand…2 weeks to the last treatment and all my hair that had stalwartly hung on during fec has decided its too taxing to stay put any longer…

Hi Ladies,

Hope all are well.

Can anyone point me in the right direction of the decision making tent if we have one ? ? ?

Appointment with Onc today, very positive about my future but what next, feels i should have Tamoxifen for 5 yrs folllowed by something called letrazole (SP) & Radiotherapy but then the biggy, to chemo or not to chemo, 89.6 % with just hormone therapy, 93.5 % with hormone & chemo to all being well 10 yrs from now, all he would say was that it was my choice & having chemo was probs an overtreatment but my choice.

Whats a girl to do ? ? / pls point me to tent with helpfuldecisionfairy
by my side.


OMG…its soooo tough! I have a similar sort of added benefit…was not given the choice to make onc just said we will give you fec-t as we want to go down the cure route…
My daughters onc said 94% without chemo 97% with…
We both have had/are having chemo as would not want to say if only…
its all very well not wanting it but the whatif goblin may be a nasty surprise…
I look like death at the moment…but my lovely daughter looks and feels fantastic having finished chemo in June last year…

The three pubes should be placed in a matchbox and preserved as a specialist ‘Museum Piece’ to be admired by future BC ladies about to enter the dark, dark woods.

Don’t you just LOVE this thread?

Tracey, the plait made me laugh out loud :-))) a bead at the end maybe??

Sophie; I have a friend who had the choice, it came down to the fact that she wanted to know she had thrown everything she could at it, she’s still going strong many years later.

Don’t know if this helps, perhaps a glass or two of red and a good night’s sleep in the Calm tent may help?

P xxx( for me it was a must do).

Sarah, I was given similar statistics to you, along with a strong recommendation from the onc, so I went with it. Coming up to my 2nd FEC cycle, I’ve been pretty lucky. In theory, there shouldn’t be any cancer left; this is to get anything that might have escaped the one affected lymph node. On the other hand, I also had a DCIS 2 years ago, so that might be why I had a stronger recommendation with the same stats.

Best wishes,

We’re not quite panicky enough to be whistling in the dark. We’re not foolish enough to spit into the wind. We are _spitting at_ the dark.


Oh dear, 90210 has lost her way to Beverley Hills… what a tough decision to make! Unfortunately only you can make it as it’s such a personal thing. The decision tent is, erm, somewhere over in that general direction. Or is it that way? Or maybe it’s just under that tree over there? (Sorry, I’m completely crap at decisions and can’t even decide which flipping washing powder to buy!)

As I suspected my BCN was busy all day today, but she phoned me this evening (while I was at the school with my 14-yr-old trying to decide on her GCSE’s!) and said that the results are in but need to be authorised. I also asked her about the lumpy armpit and a couple of other questions I’d had. In short, I’m going in to see her tomorrow when the results have been authorised so at least I’ll have the weekend to get my head round it all, and the treatment plan will be divulged on Thursday as I told her I’ll be going to the other hospital with OH for his pre-heart op tests on Wednesday so can’t be in two places at once.

So the big dark doom cloud is gathering over the Limbo swamp ready to sluice me down of all the mud and probably drop flipping great hailstones like rocks on my head. Oh lordie, another day of hanging around waiting tomorrow, there are claw marks right near the ceiling I’ve been climbing the walls so much recently!

Alex, I’m not sure TSR would be willing to divest herself of her luxurious plait just yet, so your admirable suggestion of matchbox preservation will probably have to go unfulfilled. I’m liking the bead suggestion though - sounds a bit kinky! :wink:

What I want to know is, what has happened to all the hair that has been chemically removed? Did the practical fairies use it all to stuff those lovely cushions in the cumfy tent?

I’m crossing fingers, toes, and whatever else I can find to cross for tomorrow.

Most of us may not have any hair left by then, but recommendations for cut hair which is not long enough for children’s wigs include composting and putting out for the birds in nesting season.

Do you think we could attract the Blue Bird of Happiness if we put out enough shed hair?
