Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Obviously you should bring this up at your next appointment. I’ve had a few glasses of wine, white and red, over the last 2 weeks with no adverse effects.

Have you had menopausal symptoms previously? That was the one that got to me–waking multiple times during the night, first hot and sweaty, then cold and wet.


Strop Imp and Tantrum Witch, backed up by Letter Writing Goblin, appear to be best buddies with BringItOn.

I called my BCN and asked how I could deliver a letter by hand to my surgeon. Tantrum Witch’s best mate StressyTears stuck her head out too and I got a bit upset on the phone. Again. (Not too keen on StressyTears, I have to admit - I HATE crying and I’ve done rather too much of it since dx.)

When I dropped the letter off, my BCN said that if they can get the lab reports in written form, my surgeon will see me tomorrow afternoon, time currently unknown.

So AGAIN I have to put off the thing I put off on Wednesday and Friday last week. I tell you, I will go into nuclear meltdown if I don’t get SOMETHING tomorrow!

‘IF’ quite possibly the worst word in the english language.
Suggest we have a bonfire of 'IF’s tonight that’s IF we all can make it. (see how it works!)

P - I had more than 3 glasses of red last night and feel fine, don’t panic. But if you can’t help yourself panicking have a stiff drink - it will take your mind off it.

Cheryl; Thanks Hun, Just spoke to BCN, thought it was a one off, and probably coincidence and not connected to wine consumption at all!

scaco;I feel a control test coming on, 2 glasses tonight then!! but I will mention at Onc unit next week…oh FEC2 is getting so close :frowning:

CM, sounds like you woke with KickArse at your side this morning :slight_smile: We’re all gunning for you Hun, (your mantra for today “this too shall pass” breathe and repeat…)

I’m planning my weekend in the Happy Glade as I’ll be out of purdah immunity wise, and wedding anniversary coming up! Anyone off to be spoilt this weekend?

Monday hugs to all Pxxx

Well my little team of imps, goblins, witches and fairies seems to have done the trick. A little bit anyhow.

I’ve just had a phone call from my surgeon who was very apologetic about the way things have been handled, and she’s got me booked into her clinic for tomorrow afternoon for a discussion about what next. While on the phone she was able to tell me that unfortunately my margins aren’t clear, so I do need to have more surgery. (I replied, “that’s a shame, because the scar is really neat”, to which she replied “it still will be!”)

I made a point of saying that I wasn’t setting out to be a difficult patient, and my letter didn’t go completely OTT with blaming anyone, because I don’t see that anything is achieved by it. I just wanted to know.

I have also got an appointment with her tomorrow afternoon where I get the other results, so tonight when I go to bed I suspect I’ll be hounded by the demons most commonly seen in the depths of the night when everyone else is asleep, like YoureGoingToDie and DefinitelyChemo and YoullNeverSeeYourKidsGrowUp and all the other darkness inhabitors. Should be ok though, if I keep F**kOffCancer and ImGoingToLiveForever, along with good ole PositiveThinking and BringItOn.

Think I might have a glass or wine or two this evening when I get home from taxi duties. But at least I know some of it, and have a definite for knowing the rest whatever it is, so I feel much calmer now.

CM - glad your letter has booted them into gear - don’t you dare start feeling the least bit apologetic now that things finally seem to be moving - you were totally justified, and look what happens when you squeak? Things happen. good for you.

Sorry you didn’t get clear margins, bummer, but at least you KNOW now… and when you see surgeon tomorrow you can discuss next moves, already mentally prepared for more surgery. Let us know how you get on!

Sophie xx

Buy something in crazy purple and a clashing red hat. Think of ways to embarrass your kids when you’re older (as opposed to the ways you embarrass them now). And make sure the wine is good.


Thank goodness you’ve got something out of them at last CM! Sorry to hear your margins weren’t clear though… Mantra for tonight “my nodes are clear” … and repeat…

I wasn’t being apologetic, but I think it’s important NOT to go blaming people, when blame doesn’t get you anywhere. (Well except for the idiot who came to get me for surgery - I most DEFINITELY complained about HIM!)

I think she understands that I am just trying to keep things on track, and she definitely understood the anguish the uncertainty and disappointment caused. As I said to her, if I’d been told two and a half weeks until results I could have kept a lid on it, it’s just the repeated disappointments that completely mess with your head.

She also offered a range of dates for the follow-up surgery, and said she could fit me in this Wednesday! From the complete halt of yesterday to 90mph, eh? That means that OH will have to go for his tests on his own so I’m disappointed (and yes, feeling guilty, but that’s just me and I can’t help it!) that I won’t be there to support him when he’s supported me. But I’m sure he can manage on his own. I think I wanted to go as much for me as for him.

Actually, those demons are hounding me already and it’s the middle of the afternoon! Be off! Away! (Now where did I put that cleaver?)

At least that will get you both a step further.

Write down a few killer put-downs in case you get the same porter.

Good luck for Wednesday.



CM…glad something is happening at last! I didn’t have clear margins either so had to go back and believe it or not the scars were even neater the second time!! We will look after your tent whilst away and put goodies in there for your return!

M-G…OPEN the envelope! Its about you so you are entitled to photocopy the whole lot! That is exactly what I would do! NEVER be intimidated nor subserviant to the oncs and docs etc…remember WE pay their wages!!!

Hi All,

After much crying, stressing & talking myself in & out for 3 days! Sarah has left the decision tent & taken herself off to gp’s called helpline & read a million studies on the internet & has finally decided that she will be moving from the edge of the woods & joining you all, so bring on Fec number 1 & lets get going :slight_smile:

P.s someone send Bringiton & letsgetgoing fairy’s please as not as brave as i sound.

Sending bringiton right over.


90210, I’m happy to come and hold your hand, you may well have to drag me along with you too, but I’ll know more tomorrow. I’m sorry, I’ve been hogging BringItOn and LetsGetGoing today, but they were very useful - and also helped to send the imps, goblins and tantrum witch back to the edge of the trees. I did send them off with a large bar of mint G&B chocolate as a thank you, they seemed happy enough with those (didn’t want to top Tantrum Witch up with alcohol, I’ve seen what she’s like when she’s blathered!)

As for killer put-downs, I have a “look” that can wither at 50 paces when necessary, that’s at the top of my back pack and will be thrown very hard if I happen across him again.

And DEFINITELY open the envelope. When you’ve seen it you’ll see that it’s not actually that interesting, but it’s yours so you look at it if you want. If guilt gets you, just stick it down with some more sellotape!

STILL STANDING - so far, after last, but one, Tax!!

Peachez - I am 41, and have bad night sweats in the first couple of weeks of the cycle. My onc nurse said it was my hormones and the drugs. She has positively encouraged me to have a glass of wine or two(says it will stimulate my appetite - yeah, like I need it!) even the onc recommended stout today ( although he may have been referring to my figure…)!

Sarah- tough week. Are you relieved to have made the decision? Plenty of hand holding on offer here.

Mary Grace- I would not open Pandora’s Box, unless you are sure you will understand the photos and report.

CM - are they conducting some sort of unofficial experiment on the effects of mental torture at your hospital?? Talk about highs and lows. Hope you are ok. Would be great to get it over with sooner rather than later though.
Tracey xx


Sarah, well done on the decision made - I know that was really tough for you xxx big hugs - you’ll be fine, we’re all here to send booze and good fairies your way. Oh, and chocolate, fags etc etc etc…

CM - re-read my post and apologise if militant pixie was roaring a bit - I was just SO pleased something was happening for you :slight_smile: Am also aware that once I’ve got what I want, I tend to backtrack unnecessarily… and HATE myself for post-success grovelling…lol… shouldn’t have insinuated that you might do similar, hehehehe.

Marygrace - I’d have steamed it open by now, such willpower. course, you can always wave it tantalisingly at medical team and refuse to hand it over 'til they’ve explained what’s inside… that way you don’t have sleepless night over it, but still get to know (if you want to). Personally, I loathe the secrecy that surrounds all such stuff… I’m the one who crawls down the bottom of the hospital bed to retrieve my notes from the clip on the end… and YES, they do hang them there so patients feel they shouldn’t peek… huh, like anyone has more right to know what my body is doing than ME??? <grin>. But I do appreciate that not everyone wants/needs to know. And that’s fine. (Can I peek instead?) xxxx</grin>

Sophie xxx

CM - Hurrah, the paid professionals that we trust our lives with have finally got their act together! Good grief - how hard is it?! But that moment has now passed and your into the next bit, which is good. Enjoy the wine, you have, without doubt, earned it! I’m passing you a rope so that you can finally get out of the swamp and would you now please take the bucket off your head.

Sarah - BringITOn and RightThenLet’sGetGoing are hot footing it over to you, i definitely think it’s the right decision. I’m at day 15 of FEC1, it hasn’t been too bad and i can see and feel a difference in my boob already. When you do go in for the treatment keep drinking!

Oh look! Can you see it? A hare! Aah, so sweet. Oh look - another one and another one, Oh! and another 10! Hang on, they’re not hares - it’s MY hair. Bum.

I spend ages looking at my notes when available…after all they are about me so I spend ages studying everything…must say they were not to chuffed last time when I managed to drop the whole folder and muddle up bc notes with all the ante natal stuff!! he he!

There is much too much secrecy involved in hospital stuff and whilst we often would prefer not to know it actually helps to have as much info as we can lay our hands on as I have to admit I have learnt more from the ladies on here than the oncs, surgeons, docs and nurses put together…which is not so good methinks!