Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Tripp & LIF, I got bored with waiting for one of my Ops, and notes were there, so was having a good read when the Staff Nurse spots me. She demanded that I stop reading and went straight to the phone and shouted at Theatre “we really need to get her down now!” I had only got half way through my Path report too… anyway thought I was allowed… I tried to sneak another peak, but the men in white coats came and took me away ha ha!

MG, Do what’s comfy for you. Put the things with your stuff for the morning and close the door! I would want them explained to me in the morning though!!

Sarah, Well done Lass! lots of hand holding ready and waiting. My PositveThinking and BringItOn are on their way - I know they’re not with me anymore … CM, may I borrow that Cleaver - I seem to have an I’mGoingToDie monster in my tent :frowning:

Tracey, your BCN was right, Wine = Appetite. I CAN NOT stop eating today! Trying desperately to stick to healthy, but stuffing away - like chain smoking but with food. Better steer clear of the scales in the morning !!

Blimey its taken me ages to catch u ladies can really chat! Sarah, so glad you have made the decision, I really think its best to throw everything at it and destroy it completely . I have No 2 on Friday so not too far ahead, in fact I think I can still see you on the edge getting ready to pitch your tent. Choccie, good luck for Wednesday and well done for kicking them into action. Peachez, almost same stage as you, reckon Ill need all the positive vibes next week. As for notes, I read everything I can about me and ask loads of questions. dAY 17 FOR ME AND KEYBOARD IS SLOWLY FILLING UP WITH HAIRS, OMG, off to shower ladies, may be bald on my return .Alison x

A very tasty Rioja, thanks, Cheryl. I’d forgotten I had it on top of the cupboard. I have to confess that I don’t think I’ll need that vaccuum pump thingy for the rest of the bottle. (Anyone got a blushing emoticon?)

90210, BringItOn is on her way, sorry for hogging her, though I think she was one of twins. Or octuplets, given the number of us who are using them! PositiveThinking and all the other good fairies are busy arranging a surprise par… ooops, have I said too much?

Trip, your militant pixies ain’t got NUFFINK on mine, I reckon mine will have taught yours all they know and kept a bit back for themselves. I really am a big coward and a total pushover most of the time until someone pushes me over the edge and then… well they’d better watch out whoever they are– you’ve already seen me rampaging round the woods with the meat cleaver, you should know what I mean. Good grief, I even scared off the Results Monster! (Thank you all for capturing him and tying him down long enough for me to give him a stern talking-to before sending him trotting back to my consultant with his sorry tail between his legs.)

SCACO – the bucket is red, so in the absence of a red hat, the bucket will have to do. It clashes beautifully with my purple cardie. (No, seriously, I DO have a purple cardie, which I will hunt out and make sure I wear to tomorrow’s meeting. No-one but you lot and me will know why I’m wearing it, it really is a horrible garment and makes me look like I’ve been punched in the face and definitely doesn’t suit my colouring…)
Peachez, I also got a telling off for reading about my babies in my notes. The lady who came over to talk to me just said something along the lines of “I don’t think you should be reading those,” to which I replied “whyever not, I’m reading about my babies.” I didn’t realise at first that I was being told off so I just carried on reading, exclaiming that I’d forgotten how much my last baby had weighed at birth, as I’ve had four and I swear at least a third of your brain is removed with each placenta… I reckon you’re pretty close to me, perhaps we can meet up for a coffee, as you’ve mentioned a few places that are VERY close to me. I’ll send you a PM.

Ali, I’m sorry, by the time I got to your post, I’m already most of the way round the outside of that lovely Rioja (such a lightweight!) so all I can say is, good to see you back. Hope you’re enjoying your “good” week and best of luck for Friday. Might even let you borrow my bucket!
Thinking about it, I’m probably going to need that bucket myself. I’m a total lightweight and that Rioja has hardly touched the sides!

We are sounding like we have our mojo back (as the lovely Cheryl says- because we are worth it- although her shampoo is s…t, mines all fallen out…lol)! Talking of hair, this blinking Tax is finishing off my eyebrows, eyelashes, AND nasal hair. Can you believe you can actually miss nasal hair!!! Tis true. I thought the ceiling was leaking one day, but was my nose…

If you need me, am off to the You’ve gotta laugh tent…
Tracey xxx


Hi MaryGrace,

i promise you that the wire insertion is quick & pain free, I am the biggest wimp out there, also when they coil it up & stick to your chest you can neither see or feel it.

hi all
So there I was waiting for the cannula to be put it before my ct scan,the bringiton fairy in attendance, and the very very nice male nurse :sunglasses: asked me if I was allergic to alchohol. ‘Oh no, I can still manage the odd gin’ i replied. A pause followed…Actually, he said, I was thinking more along the lines of an alcholic wipe. But he did commend me for my perseverence of continuing with the odd snifter.
Today I go for no 2 tax and herceptin,weekly if you recall ladies, so then it will be 2 down, 16 to go! I am hoping that the bringiton fairy will arrive, and then I shall trot over to the chocolate tent. Half way through the woods now, see you all at the campfire
x sarah

Hi see you at the campfire later!

Glad the wire insertion isn’t too bad. That’s he dangers of reading too much. I was reading on a forum somewhere how much it hurts. I think you just have to ask for a hefty injection. The biopsy hurt like heck but the ultrasound guy said it shouldn’t and he probably hadn’t injected deep enough. Fingers crossed. See you all at the campfire later xx

Think Sarah might be right about the anaesthetising effect of alcohol tonight for some of us… Hee hee, made me laugh Sarah, think I would have had same thought…off it myself at mo, think day 2 of Tax, might be pushing it!!
Hope it goes ok MG,

You should get a local before the wire insertion, and then the wire will be taped down so it doesn’t move. It’s no worse than needle aspiration, certainly, if you’ve ever had that. They do a mammogram aftewards to make sure it’s in the right place, but you should be fairly numb by then.


Positive thinking has disappeared into the darkness. I’m outside the I’m going to die tent but no way am I going in. If anyone can see bring it on then send him along to me because I need him for Thursday.

Janipi: I think you have wandered into the wrong woodland honey - there is NO GoingToDieTent in our wood or field, so get back to us.

Look - I’m over here waving my torch. Can you see the 2-fingered-salute flag? Head for it, I’ll be there with a warm blanket, a glass of wine and a box of tissues? I’m sending GetAGrip YouCanDoThis PositiveThinking and IWillCelebrateMy93rdBirthdayWithABigGlassOfGin! to help you on your way.
Please try not to let the gremlins whisper in your ear - you can do this.


Positivethinking and bringiton have had a nice long visit with me over the last couple of days, so I’ll give them a cup of tea and point them in your direction.

I suspect I’ll make the aquaintance of whywasIascaredycat on Thursday, so perhaps she’ll visit us both then.

Luck to us both,


You can do this. The scary thoughts catch up with us all sometimes- but go just as suddenly. None of us stay on an even keel the whole time. You CAN do this! Just keep posting when you need to, have a cry when you need to- and don’t feel you have to be some sort of ‘rock’ for your friends and family the whole time,
Love Tracey x

Janipi, I was outside that tent yesterday! I’ve just backed off a bit - com’on, we’ll get back to sacao’s tent together… :slight_smile:

Phew, back home after SNB and WLE. Janip, sorry you’ve been having some dark moments. I have those too and spent the last couple of weeks outside that tent. Tonight though I’m in the Thankgoodnessitsover tent. If not quite dancing round the campfire (that’s tomorrow!) I’m feeling much more upbeat.

Wire for guided WLE didn’t hurt because radiologist double injected it when I said i was scared it would hurt. Surgeon really good and positive. SNB showed no node involvement (though they need checking under microscope and results of histology next Friday (which is a bit faster than I though it might be). Scar under arm not too big at all (only took 2 nodes out), arm moving fairly freely. What a rollercoaster this is. Big hugs to everyone having a down day. We will all get through this together and dance round that campfire xx

Janipi - big hugs girl, hang on in there - we all miss the turning and spot that tent now and again - just walk on by, and follow the sound of drunken revelry, laughter and occasional rants. The way is lit by fireflies, flame throwers and 1000watt torches, and the ground underfoot is littered with empty bottles, fag packets, chocolate wrappers, sterile dressing packs and the occasional bundle of hospital notes that someone dropped in the corridor… it’s not very neat, but it’s a good indicator of where we all are - and we have years ahead to come back and litter pick when treatment is done. Besides, in these magical woods, with a bit of luck the brownies will come and do the clean up for us in the morning.

Sophie xxxxxxxxx

Mary Grace - gentle hug, and grin of relief for you that you’ve got this bit done! Allow yourself a bit of sofa time if you can get someone else to run around after you… and remember your exercises, but do them gently!

Here’s hoping you have the best night’s sleep tonight that you’ve had for a fair few weeks xxxxxxxxxxx

The bringiton fairy visited me in chemo suite today, so I’m sending her off to whoever needs her. There is DEFINATELY no Imgoingtodie tent, head to the campfire everyone! You will find me in the Chocolate tent , anybody care to join me?
x sarah

Did you say CHOCOLATE TENT? I’m there!
