Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Hi all,

Its ok as have packed extra supplies, blankets, shovels, brandy (medicinal purposes in this cold weather) & Santa has said if the going gets really tough we can borrow his sleigh & I still have plenty of Gin :wink: & for those of us finding the path quite hard, I have STRONG shoes for everyone :slight_smile:

Love to you all


Chocciemuffin - very strange but i have thought the same way about this situation. I was the first of our group to be pregnant and, although happy, looked on with envious eyes as others carried on getting drunk and living general life of riley. I didn’t have any terrible pregnancies but did have the strong awareness of nothing would be the same again. However, it did become (as it does for us all) the ‘new normal’.

Bizarrely this is already the new normal: Blood sample? - Be my guest. Bone scan? - Of course. MRI? - No problem. CT scan? - I would think it rude if you didn’t. ???!!!

HeyHo, Just added a big dollop of ‘C’est la vie’ to my knapsack.


Do you remember towards the end of pregnancy wishing you could just put the pregnancy bump to one side for half an hour and have a rest? Well there’s another similarity. (I’d like to put this cancer to one side for ever and ever and ever, but I’m not going to be able to do it just for a second. Bum. Might be able to switch brain off for a while though.)

And despite spending I reckon the whole day on this site reading (minus a couple of hours going out for a drive - that was fun!) I’ve been best bosom buddies with HeadInTheSand today, so I’m actually feeling ok, apart from the inability to face eating anything. Beer’s good though. Not that losing a pound or two will do me any harm, but I know I should eat, I just can’t face the idea of trying to force it down my throat past that lump that CatOnAHotTinRoof shoved down my gullet a couple of weeks ago. More beer!

Shoes done up.

Ready to step in.

Anyone about??

Actually have been in the dark dark woods today with OH and OH’s dog, and big daughter and her ex-bf’s dog and it’s a lot prettier in the dark, dark woods when there’s snow on the ground, and you can see further. Bloomin’ cold though. So I could complain about the cold, but prefer to feel happy at how pretty it looks.

(Have had a bad day emotions-wise. Dreadful night’s lack of sleep and have not been able to think about anything else all day, even when out christmas shopping. On the edge of tears all day. Silly woman, need to grow a pair and man up.)

Chocciemuffin… things must be dire if you’re quoting Jeremy Kyle… welcome to the daytime telly ratpack!!!Nothing silly about getting emotional, bc does that (yet another similarity to pregnancy…), and at this time of year I think everything is designed to make us weep and count our blessings… had to turn off Noel Edmonds as every person he spoke to either had cancer/had lost someone to cancer/was fundraising for a hospice… all very noble and very deserving but also VERYINMYFACE.


staycalmandcarryon - torch waving for you, just up ahead - I’m crashed in a clearing with a fire going and the alcohol within reach… it’s not as scary when you’re inside the woods… try to get some sleep tonight, and be brave… you won’t be alone for a single step of this journey - there’s flickering lights all around.

Sophie xxxxxxxxxx

Trip, did I really quote Jeremy Kyle? Never watch the show, can’t stand it. It’s something my son comes out with occasionally (not to me about this, thankfully) so it perhaps it’s not just Jeremy Kyle and more of a generational thing. In any case I think we’ve discovered YOUR dirty daytime secret! :smiley:

Took BePrepared out shopping with me today and bought a nicely fitting bra and extenders in M&S, and some pjs in Primark - never wear the things normally so don’t want to waste money on them. Suppose it could have been BePrepared reminding me today that made me feel so glum, as she kept HeadInTheSand out of the way.

Yup, have actually been too tired to turn over when the awful Kyle comes on… and lie on the sofa thinking ‘oh god, at least my life is WAY better than theirs is…’… first time I caught myself doing that, I knew that I was close to the depths, and it was just up from here! Uphill, though… and hard going!

Dear all
Man up or MTFU is a gee up phrase my son uses to me all the time, he finds it difficult to express exactly what he is feeling because he doesn’t want to upset me. When he struggling a but wants to protect me that’s what I get - man up! Thats what he wrote on my card on my flowers for hospital! Most think it strange but we understand one another and that’s what counts!

For those who need a bit of encouragement, I’m shining a light, cam you see me? I’m here to guide and support you (BTW I have lots of goodies to help too!)
SJ xx

Mx on 29th Nov and waiting for my start Chemo date in early January. ‘Head in the Sand’ would be a relief over Christmas, maybe I should get back on the Valium! Presently suffering in the company of ‘Headless Chicken’. 021210 may I reserve a pair of size 5s please…I’ll be looking for your shining light SJ…

Was ready to go. Bloods good, hitched up to drip but had allergic reaction to DOCS. (Having this first as in part of a trial).

So departure date delayed until 5th Jan.

Feel actually fine. Obviously all geared up to go but least i can have a proper xmas and hunker down in the new year.

So my entry to the woods is delayed. Am pitching a tent a little away form the woods, decorating it with xmas lights and stuffing my face with mince pies, turkey, wine, bubbly, port and obligatory Gin. May as well make the most of it! Will have Positive Thinking with me (Obviously safe for her to be around at the mo’)Bring-IT-On, ‘C’est la Vie’ and 'B**ger (Not burger!) It And Make The Most Of It for company; but if you are trudging past and fancy a rest before you carry on rattle my tent pegs!

For those in the woods I send bundles of the above via the xmas fairy, see you in Jan.


whats DOCS other than the obvious ones in white coats?


May have meant ‘dox’ - no idea really!! I’m on a trial for ‘artemis’ and although not been chosen to have the actual new drug still following protecol, which is thei dox/doc stuff first then fec rather than other way round as would be normal.

When i go again they will just add more sreroid and piriton to counter out this. Really don’t mind - lookingat it as a little holiday!


Hi everyone. This is my first ever post, but I do so want to join you all in our journey through the woods. I had my Mx in November and start chemo on Friday (Christmas Eve). I’m standing here on the edge of the woods thinking how dark it all looks and wondering what sort of journey I am going to have. Had a big family meal yesterday as I think I may be otherwise occupied on Christmas Day and am getting lots of support from my wonderful family. However, I’m still feeling a bit lonely and very apprehensive, and scared. Anyone else out there like me?

Hi Lizzie,

welcome :slight_smile: we have room for as many as need to join us & plenty of supplies to see us all through safely.

I myself will be catching up with some of the others who have already set off & just know that like for you too they will be there to guide us through ,shine their torches, share supplies & reassure.

Peachez, shoes are ready & waiting, will keep them warm for when you need them :slight_smile:

Take care everyone

Luv n Hugs

Thanks for your warm welcome Sarah - it’s a good feeling knowing I’m not alone.

Lizzie xx

Hey lizzie. Welcome to the forums, wish you didn’t have a reason to be here. Sadly there are lots of people in the same boat (now how did that boat get so far from the sea?) so with all those torches flickering you will know that whatever happens to you in the woods you won’t be alone. I predict this forum will help you to retain your sanity in the midst of all the lunacy. Good luck with the chemo, and keep your eye out for the nuggets of good stuff mixed in with all the crap. You’ll find lots of good bits on here too.

Hi lizzie and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the valuable support you have here please feel free to call our helpline where you can talk through any concerns with one of our team, the line is open 9-5 weekdays and 9-2 Sat on 0808 800 6000.

BCC have published information about undergoing treatments for breast cancer which you may find useful to read, you can read or order a copy of the relevant ones here:

Take care

Hi Lizzie
Unfortunately, you are not alone, there’s far too many of us on these forums, but the good thing about that is that there are plenty of us to share the burdens/laughs that we all experience.

Personally, although the staff treating me have been fantastic, the people on here have got me this far, some days when feeling very positive can have a good laugh, on the not so good days having a good cry.

The sharing of this experience, does make it easier, believe it or not, I would have been so much more scared and isolated without everyone here.

Those of us that are further down the line are able to reassure that the feelings you have atm are completely normal, and we are following those who have gone before.

Lots of love and welcome

SJ xx