Standing outside the dark, dark woods.

Hi Lizzie

This is really helping me along and hopefully will do for you. It is such a difficult time and emotions can change without giving notice but it’s reassuring that this what you are supposed to be feeling.

Please call into my tent (pitched due to a delay) and gather as many supplies for your journey into the woods have plenty to share. I have got a bag of xmas lights in case you find an appropriate time and tree to decorate.

Take heart - there are unfortunatley plenty in there already and many more to follow. But there are lots more the other side, shining their lights and showing the other side.

I’m due to start chemo on 5/1 and then have max and reconstruction at the same time, but obviously a long way off at the mo.

Good luck, I’ll look for your footprints and your tree!

Hiya Staycalm,

Really helping me too, its a brill thread & brings some much needed light hearted humour along with heaps of reassurance, may call by your tent if only to have a Gin & a chat before we both get going on this journey :slight_smile:

Hi Sarah

Please feel free to call in any time, will tell Positive Thinking to budge up a bit, she seems to have gotten a bit cocky since she knew she had a bit of a reprieve and is taking up a lot of the tent!

Thinking of you in your run up.

Hi Staycalm, hoping to call by later. Shortest day of the year today and another step nearer, omg. I think I need sorting out - I’ll bring extra liquid refreshment xx

Hello to all torch bearers…

I have dates! Starting on 13th (!) Jan. So that’ll be me bringing up the rear then… following on. Has anyone got chalk to mark the trees?

Oooh, thanks Sarah, warm boots waiting, what a treat! Think I’ll pack some Fever-trees Ginger Beer, had some today and it was lovely - it could always double as a mixer! And the 6 mini Christmas cakes I was sent today, all the more to share with you all.

Lizzie - will be thinking of you on 24th.


Hurrah - it’s a party (!!!)

Will get the nibbles out and possibly get the party poppers off Positive Thinking if she’s feeling inclined.



I would very much like to join you all on your journey through the dark woods. I have made a start and had my MX but the wood seems to have now got very dark as I come to the scary Chemo starting next
week.I hope that there will be someone to help me through the very dark paths and help me to the light. I also hope that I can help those a little behind me
I have plenty of supplies to offer. OH and I went shopping last week and bought loads of goodies but the next day he went for the results of blood tests and was told his cholesterol was high and put on medication and a low fat diet so you would be doing me a favour if you shared the choccies with me!

Love to you all

Hi Janet,

Welcome, of course you may join us :slight_smile:

I hope that this thread will give you the comfort & reassurance intended & that the journey will not be as scary as in the past it may of seemed.

Any amount of choccie will always be gratefully received & the people starting the journey behind you will be grateful of any assistance that you can give.



Hi Janet - hand waving from the first clearing in the wood! Had my first chemo last Friday, and so have started the trek, but come to a bit of a grinding halt - it’s a little foggy in the woods right now, but it’s not half so scary once you’re on the inside. xxx

Sophie xxx

Hello all,

This wood is getting pretty crowded it feels more like glastonbury with the amount of tents in here!

Massive hugs to everyone in here when i get out the other side ill chop the poxy wood down so we can all see.

Rachel xx

Hi to all - and there was me thinking I’d be lonesome.

It’s such a shame there are so many of us but good that we’re not on our own.

Sarah - might have to call on your supply of shoes for some wellies for us hanging around in the BC Festival.

Sophie - Glad you’re not too bad, but probably best to stay still and let everyone do the running if it’s a bit foggy where you are. Have despatched TrytoRelaxintoThis to you, who will hopefully settle your mind a bit.

My initial euphoria of being ‘let off the hook’ for a bit has started to wane and Positive Thinking isn’t looking quite so smug. In fact i think she may have popped one too many party poppers. BringITon is chomping at the bit and ‘OhSh*t’ is stalking around.

Fabulous x

Staycalm am right with you with the bringiton. My chemo is due to start on 6th and im chomping at the bit to start. Positive thinking is struggling a bit at my end so need to start to help keep mind focused. Hope you dont mind me chipping in on your thread.

Love and hugs

Don’t be daft about chipping in - the more the merrier (?!)

So we are entering at the same time near enough, we’ll stick together.


Hi Deb,

so glad you have joined this thread, we need to direct Jo to it as will help us all.

Staycalm, am ordering wellies as I type & am thinking the more of us the less harder the Journey as we can take it in turns to have good/strong days at the BC festival.

Rachael, Glastonbury lol, is beginning to look a bit like that & as it so happens my husbands uncle owns Gbury so will have a word about front row seats for us all at our own little festival as I think we are entitled to easy access to the better music :slight_smile:

Hugs to all & stay warm in the woods.


Me again. Went to hospital today and, to cut a long story short, my chemo has been postponed from Christmas Eve because my seroma won’t go away, my new date is 7th January. It’s quite bizarre - there was me all upset because I couldn’t have my chemo when I’ve been dreading it for weeks. I’ve decided to pitch tent on the edge, seeing as I’ve been on the edge for weeks. I want to get this journey started.
I’m afraid I’ve already dived into the Baileys on my own tonight, but there’s plenty left to go round if anyone wants to join me.
Lizzie xx

Hi Lizzie,

i may stop by & have one with you as have to admit, i opened mine last night too :slight_smile: Sarah. xxxx

P.S I know the delays are annoying, especially when you have just got your head round something happening & then it doesnt but try to put it to one side & have a fab Xmas & New Year, ready to hit the road soon

Hi Lizzie

Exactly the same as me, chemo postponed. Try to stay chirpy and see it as a little holiday from this rubbish.

  • Having said that had a bad attack of ‘ItsNotFair’ last night but the Port seemed to help. 2011 will be here soon enough so we should perhaps make the most of the Christmas period.

Thinking of those starting today and tomorrow. Hope it goes well.


Hi Lizzie and Staycalm,
I’m a wee bit concerned ! I thought there was a sort of optimal time limit on the gap between the Op and the Chemo?
I have Seroma too, that just does not want to go away! had Mx on Nov 29th and Chemo not due til Jan 13th (which seems a long enough wait to me already. Do you think they will put it off even further???
Any advice gratefully recieved!

Ahh, Baileys! I remember back in the Jurassic putting it in coffee instead of milk after a night shift to help bring on the sleep fairies… Magic.

Off to fetch kindling from the edge of the woods, there’s room enough for all around the fire.


Hi Peachez

I have no idea about timings between ops and chemo, but I do know that when i was waiting for the tests the Consultant said that the 2 weeks would feel like forever but that they had up to 3/6months to come up with a plan, so I’m not too worried about the timings for myself.

I also asked if i could have chemo then Mx & recon in the same op, rather than the usual mx-chemo-recon, they looked into it and didn’t see a problem; so although everything is on hold I’m trying to (and managed to today!) stay calm, trust them and enjoy life.

My delay was due to an allergic reaction to the one type of chemo and so would have happened at some point.

Try not to worry, keep your campfire burning, I’m waving and raising a glass from the other side of the field. x

By the way - have hitched a flag over my tent, it’s a 2 fingered salute! (Not to you lovely lot but to the 'The-C-Who-Has-No-Name).

Hoping to get some directions on the map tomorrow when I hear from the consultant the results of the MRI. So should find out whether I loiter outside with my baps out playing pin-cushions with the biopsy needle or whether they’re going in for the lump, or chopping them both off and removing my armpits as well and then poisoning me to boot. Or something in between. The only certainty is that the wood ain’t going away…

The Cancer-fairy that kept me company today was “IgnoreItAndBeNormal”, which was a bit of a relief as “CatOnAHotTinRoof” leaves me completely knackered. And that’s before I’ve had any treatment AT ALL!!! Currently sitting on the sofa beside “WhatTheF***'sThisAllAbout” and scratching my head in bemusement as I don’t know how to feel about it all. I’m sure you know HER pretty well. Never mind, a nice bottle of Rioja will be going south this evening, followed by lots of passionate, rampant… oh, did I mention “Ha!You’veGotToBeKidding!” who likes to follow me to bed with my man?