What do you mean, Bev, a dentist bill? Surely you should be able to flash your prescription card for that one! (I think so anyhow, give it a go.)
Crabbie, why on earth are you knitting SOCKS? I’ve given you a place to find a pattern, surely you can do better than SOCKS!!! It’s good that you’ve caught up with BringItOn and her chums.
There’s a huge crowd outside the media tent now, I was doing my stuff again yesterday. (Norberte, HBCM very nearly mentioned her dyke chum but thought leafy Surrey might have found it all a bit too much on top of the talk of feeling yer bits…) here’s the latest installment.
bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p00d83qn/Sarah_Gorrell_02_02_2011/ at around 2:07:30
Ellie’s fundraising has gone nuclear. Now has over £2,000! I’m completely gobsmacked. A friend’s mum’s friend is a professional photographer and is going to take pictures of before and after, and stick a link to it on her own website, it’s just astounding.
We’re now thinking about possibly putting on a music event at a local club here (other daughter is at school with the child of someone who owns a music venue so it should be do-able) so we’re having a bit of a think about who we can get to perform and how to market it. We think that the proceeds for the concert should go directly to BCC, because of all the support I’ve had from you lot and the publications that are given out at the hospital. That doesn’t come free so BCC could do with a bit of support in return for the support I get here.
I’ll keep you posted, but we only came up with that idea about half an hour ago so it’s not got any shape at all yet, just a few random ideas rattling round. Could be good fun as well as good fundraising.
MG, the Results Monster is still on the missing list, I’m going to have to send out a search party. Legs still very muddy from the Limbo Swamp but thanks for pulling me out.
Oh, do you like the avatar? I finally figured out how to put it up, so you get to see what got sent to Little Princesses. I’ll change it in a couple of days once I’ve got used to the lack of a plait, so you get the chance to compare the Before with the After.
And now to spend a good couple of hours wandering around the forums to catch up. I’ve been AWOL today as a very good friend drove up from Cornwall to do give her son a lift and rather than just wander round aimlessly, she spent the day with me. Now nursing sore sides as we did a lot of laughing. Terrific tonic. Sadly no gin in it, but a delicious lunch and a sneaky pint of Pride has put a warm glow on the day. Then we went into school to listen to Ellie’s assembly that she’s putting on for all the year groups and I had a very hard job keeping dry-eyed.