Hi Marie, Destiny , Polly, Shaz1234, I think The Christmas Crackers is a great name. Iv asked my GP for flu jab before my anticipated chemo as i dont want the lergie thats going around. I have 2 boys Angus and Niall.
Hi Ladies yay… we have got our name The Christmas Crackers is great!
And at times we might think were going crackers too. I have got two boys as well Joshua 16 and Ethan 12. I also love Christmas too but can’t seem to get into it as make this year.
Good luck to you all. Xx
Hi Destiny we are here for you, Take care (((Big hugs))) Xx
Good choice especially is I’m feeling more than a little crackers. I was supposed to get my results today but instead got a call to say that the pathology report is still incomplete and won’t be ready until Wednesday…Grrr!! Just about held it together on the phone and then had a good old blub to myself. The kids have kept me busy the rest of the day so not much time to feel sorry for myself but planning a huge glass of wine when they go to bed and no doubt another blub!
I have two kids, Adam 5 and Emma 3.
Maire, It’s good to hear that your kids are handling thing’s so well. So funny, I know what you mean about siblings, my two seem to have bickered all afternoon. I can’t have been easy telling them though, I’m dreading that.
Love Polly x
Hi Christmas Crackers !!! ( by the end of this , some of us may well be !!! )
I hope you ladies have had a good day…thanks for the replies, really helps to speak to others in the same boat as they say ! I have basically been keeping myself busy as I have been since the diagnosis but to be honest nothing new with me , always on the go even before BC , spent the evening visiting my 3 neices , so have kept me on my toes and given me a few giggles,especially going through their christmas nativity play with me, its gone from when I was a kid "away in a mainger " to bumpty bump - whats that all about !!! ha ha , but it also highlights the fact that after chemo another nodes op and radio that I may not be havving them myself especially being the age I now am 36…but then I have to say to myself that however sad I feel about this , this is my life I am talking about so it leaves me no other choice but to go with it and kick BC’s arse for once and all , no matter how long this journey make take ! I will end this on a good note by saying you ladies and your comments are really helping in what could be a tough ride but only if we allow it to be…something tells me with tough cookies like myself and you lot - not a chance !!!
enjoy the rest of your evening ladies whatever your plans may be (being honest mine is just crashed out on the sofa watching the old box with a bit of choc , kids have knackered me out ! ) & catch up with all your updates later - lots of love xxxx
Shelley x
hello everyone
Im recently diagnosed ( October) had surgery etc and go for outcome of SNB on Monday. Have LVI so fully expecting
chemo to be part of treatment plan starting in Dec, so will really value being able to talk to you all. Sister- in -law at stage 4 with extensive Mets so Im feeling really scared…Still numb from diagnosis.
Xmas is my favourite time of the year so going to “deck the halls” early and get as ready as possible. Determined to be as festive as possible and make sure Sis has a loving last xmas… BC is a terrible disease!!!
I need to stay strong and think I’m in great company with you guys…
Have a good weekend all
Christine xxxx
Hi CP, welcome to this thread. We are here for you.
Hi. I’m starting chemo in December too. Had mx with 2 positive nodes. When told oncologist i was concerned about hair loss, she said most ladies find it liberating - I said I definitely wouldn’t! I think its the unknown that’s the most worrying. I’ve read all I can on side effects, and realise everyone’s different. Would be great to be part of your group to try and give each other encouragement.
Hi , I just ppopped in from November sparklers,
love the Christmas crackers name
good tip to see how people are doing on their journey , keep an eye on the month before you , our guys are brill , we rant , share funnies and how we are coping with side affects , including hair loss , I found it liberating plus I love my wig ,
Good luck on all your journeys ,
stay strong xxxxxx
hi please can i join. waiting for my results to see if it has spread to my lymph nodes to see what treatment i will need
hi i wolud love to be part of your group, just been diagnosed with BC waitng for my resuts to see if it has spread into my lymph nodes get results on wed, to see what treatment i will need.
not sure how this site work do i have to do anything to keep in this group
Hey Lolly
Think a lot of us newbies too…I certainly am.
I guess like all of us on here I’d give anything not to be on the site (great as it is of course!)
But I am., so I’m trying hard to come to terms with my Dx and do my research so I can contribute to my treatment plan following SNB results on Monday. Recovering ok from surgery have my moments /meltdowns that seem to come from no-where.
Just had my hairdresser (of 20 years) here for usual colour cut etc Think he’s more devastated than me at thought of hair loss. Think he washed my hair in his tears today LOL Bless him He’s gone away to find me the right wig etc …
But if it means I’ll live and survive then so be it. Its only hair I guess. I’m more upset that He won’t need to come every three weeks as is my ‘norm’
OH keeps saying we have to find a new normal but I want my life’ as is ’ I love my life just fine!!!
Biggest problem so far is insomnia, can’t sleep, Too anxious and keep thinking morbid thoughts totally out of character.
On my treadmill at 3am this morning!! Then baked 2 cakes, 24 scones and flapjack None of which is edible!!
so the birds had a great breakfast …
I just want Monday to come so I know exactly what I’m up against and get on with the treatment .
Does anyone have any good reference points/reading etc for lymphovascular invasion ??? I’m trying to find out if it always results in chemo ?..
Take care all xxxxx
Hi new Christmas Crackers. I’m sorry your in this position but welcome to the thread. It’s such a scary time for all of us but I’ve already found this a great support and know we’ll all help each other through it.
Shelley, from one tough cookie to the other I’m up for kicking BC’s arse (you may have to remind me of that on my worst chemo days). x
Christine, it must be so tough being diagnosed and not only dealing with that but having your sister in law battling with bc too. What a terrible time you and your family are going through. ((Big Hugs)) x
Sand, hopefully we can all help each other with support and advice when the dreaded side effects hit us. Can’t believe your onc said that, at the moment the thought of losing my hair just makes me feel sad not liberated! x
Lolly123, just keep following this thread and chat to us all and we’ll all soon get to know each other. I’m due my results on the same day as you so will have everything crossed for the both of us. x
Hi all
Thought I would introduce myself, Im 35 and a single parent to three daughters aged 13,11 and 7. I was only diagnosed 2 weeks ago and had surgery last week to remove both lumps and lymph nodes. I am due to get results of the op on 14th December or sooner if they come in before. I have already been told I will most likely need chemo which I’ve worked out may start mid January and will be course of 6 every 3 weeks. I find the prospect of chemo very scary as I dont deal very well with being poorly anyway. Ive been very positive so far but as its only 2 weeks since diagnosis, which came as shock after a clear mammogram in May and reassurance since that my lumps were ‘normal’ for my age and nothing to worry about, I havent really had time to stop and think too much about the journey I am about to embark on but am fully aware that an emotional breakdown is on the cards and may come at any time. It all still feels pretty surreal. I’m coping by taking one step at a time and only dealing with each appointment as it comes.
Good luck to all of you or the coming months, I look forward to sharing our stories and supporting one another.
Dawn xx
Hi all
Thought I would introduce myself, Im 35 and a single parent to three daughters aged 13,11 and 7. I was only diagnosed 2 weeks ago and had surgery last week to remove both lumps and lymph nodes. I am due to get results of the op on 14th December or sooner if they come in before. I have already been told I will most likely need chemo which I’ve worked out may start mid January and will be course of 6 every 3 weeks. I find the prospect of chemo very scary as I dont deal very well with being poorly anyway. Ive been very positive so far but as its only 2 weeks since diagnosis, which came as shock after a clear mammogram in May and reassurance since that my lumps were ‘normal’ for my age and nothing to worry about, I havent really had time to stop and think too much about the journey I am about to embark on but am fully aware that an emotional breakdown is on the cards and may come at any time. It all still feels pretty surreal. I’m coping by taking one step at a time and only dealing with each appointment as it comes.
Good luck to all of you or the coming months, I look forward to sharing our stories and supporting one another.
Dawn xx
Evening Ladies !
I thought I would check on you,see how we all doing…? that includes the newbies that have popped in the last day or so ! (we will all be behind you all the way…to give you support as and when its needed ok ! ) on a journey such as we are all on at the moment , we are going to have our 'ups ’ and ‘downs’ its normal to and to feel anxious as well…my day today has been all over the shop today,woke up this morning to find my Blackberry(mobile) out of action - an hr of keeping me on the home phone to an 0845 (probably cost me an arm and a leg !!!) tell me its been corrupted,so I make the journey to a branch , first time I have driven since my op - seemed to take me forever to get there driving like a one-armed bandit!!! only for the advisor to inform me it had to be done over the phone…I could have swung for him at this point !!! there was no way I was going home without a mobile,one way or another…3 hrs later whilst getting a run down of the advisors love life (6 girls on the go & he wonders why he has problems in this area ?!!) I get to walk out the shop with a phone that so far I have no bloody idea how to work !!! ha ha - didnt help that inbetween said phone call this morning, I received another phonecall from a wig specialist ( I was looking on the net …as you do…) qouting me prices of £1,500 - by this time it wasnt only the thought of losing my hair that bought tears to my eyes , I could decorate half my flat for that price…! so yes ladies a day full of mixed emotions today…some sad & others that just went beyond belief to the thought maybe it isnt all so bad after all…we will come out the other side of this stronger and maybe more then a few funny stories to tell amongst the sadness and unknown of it all…you know what theey say - laughter is the best medicine …so keep your chin up ladies & take comfort in the fact that we are all on this journey together and we will help each other through…tomorrow is another day
big hugs & lots of love to you all xxxxx
Shelley x
Good morning everyone
How we all doing??
Shelley £1500 for a wig??? Thats really high end.I’ve got a pink one I used to wear when I followed David Bowie I’ll send you that much cheaper…
I continued in my quest to become a ‘master baker’ through the night. Determined not to let a Victoria sponge beat me (cos everything else has) Really pleased with it… It’s massive !!! Realised later that could be the result of getting baking powder mixed up with bicarbonate LOL. I packed it with jam and cream and gave it to OH for Sunday breakfast!!!
Well in the absence of little ones (my baby girl now in London) it keeps me occupied and distracted from bc…
.Going to TK Max to stock up on cake tins & whatever else I’ve seen Nigella use Ha Ha … then for Sunday lunch at our local inn…
Lots of us getting various results this week so let’s keep fingers crossed for best possible outcomes whatever stage on this journey we’re all at…
Ill check in tomorrow after I know my full path results …in the meantime There’s a bottle of Rioja with my name on it for lunch…
Love-n-stuff to all
Hi All…I’d like to jon the Christmas Crackers! Start chemo on the 6th. I’m a 46 year old mum with three kids, 9 and 8 year old twins. I had a Grade 3 3cm lump and elected for a mx… had to have a second op as had some complications and am waiting for it to heal. My oncologist is just lovely…just met him last week and feel very comfortable with him and the nurse…for the first time, someone said to me “we will get you through this”, as so far, apart from my husband and 2 best friends I have felt very very alone…
Anyway would love to join the forum and hopefully make some friends on this journey…something good has to come out of it!!!
And importantly share the trials and tribulations of Chemo… any hints? cold cap - yes or no?
Mandyp x
Hi ladies it was alovely morning this morning but now tipping down! I am off to the Cancer unit tomorrow to talk about my Chemo plan. If i am offered the cold cap i think i will give it ago. For me losing my hair is going to be one of my biggest thigs to cope with. Also i have heard you can only wash or hair a couple of times a week, i normally do it every day. Hair dryer and straghtners
Anyway i hope you all enjoy the rest of you weekends ladies take care and lots of love
Sharon Xx
Only 4 more sleeps till chemo-gulp!
Have a meeting with the nurse on Wednesday. Not sure what this entails but think I’m getting my wig token. Then off to get a wig I suppose. No idea how this works, should be a laugh though.
It’s great our wee group is growing in that we’ll be able to share our ups and downs. Sad too that so many of us are being diagnosed with breast cancer. I was stunned to see so many woman waiting for their operations the day I had mine. It really does seem to be on the increase. On the plus side treatment seems to be quite effective, if horrible.
Anyway, I’m off to scale the ironing mountain. Got to keep busy to keep the heebie jeebies at bay!
Hi all
Im a bit mixed re:cold cap. My sister in law has it (stage 4 EOL) Also had it when she was first DX 3 years ago.and whilst it has meant that she kept most of her hair Her view is;
it extends the overall treatment time by a good couple of hours
Its very painful apparently
Her hair has become very thin, lifeless and hard to style
Dont want to generalise as it may be different for everyone,
I may opt to give it a go and take it from there …otherwise I’ll go for really good wig and Buffs. Take a look at Buff website also Annabandana a good one and very reasonable… Guess whats on my Xmas list this year…
I love my long hair but I love My daughter,husband and life much more…