Another good website is 'eyelineher ’ She Talks about how to fake eyebrows/lashes with great demo . Also shows ideas for headgear. Helpful re: product reviews etc as well
Hi Lolly, What is it with being 51 and BC. I am 51 soon to be 52 next week,
I have just had a mx on the 14th plus 2 infected nodes, Iv still got a drain in. Its driving me potty now, I will find out on Wed SNB and histology report plus size of tumour - was told Lobular and 7 - 9 cms and 2,5 width. so with you there.
, expecting chemo and possible other.
Hi to everyone, I see my oncologist December 7 th so think my treatment will start mid january.Like everyone im finding it all very scary but with the help of all you lovely ladies im going to get through it ! Look forward to sharing experiences,tips,laughing and crying
hi just thought i would share how i feel today and last night i have had my first melt down it has been over a week since my opperation to remove lump and 4 lymph nodes but still feeling sore under the arm does anyone know when this shoulld start to feel better . cant wait for wed to come as i find out my results , its been the slowest week in history i know i have a long journy but not the best of people to play the waiting game. anyway feeling a little beter now i had a cry . hope you all have a good weekend and speak to all soon .
Hi All,
I was diagnosed with BC just over a week ago. I have been told I will need a mastectomy, lymph node clearance, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and then I would like reconstructive surgery. I decided to go for chemo first as it means the time I will be without a breast will be shorter. It has been such a shock. What makes it even harder is my mum has stage 4 BC with secondary mets in her brain and they are giving her palliative care - up until March she was still working (at 76) and completely well. Anyway, that’s enough feeling sorry for myself. I’d love to join your group as you all sound so supportive and it would be good to have others to talk to who are going through the same thing.
Is anyone else going to use the cold cap? I thought I would give it a go as my brother’s mum in law used it and kept her hair although it did thin a bit. I am looking for ph neutral shampoo and conditioner as my chemo nurse recommended using one. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hi Lolly123 and Jus
Firstly, welcome to the forums, I am sure you will find it a great source of information and support.
As well as the support you receive on the forums you might find it helpful to order the BCC resources pack. It has been specifically designed for those newly diagnosed and contains information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like to order a copy just follow the link bellow:-
Also, do give the helpline a ring if you need any further support or information. They’re on 0808 800 6000. Open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 10-2 Saturday.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
Hi Jus
Your mum sounds amazing I’m so sorry you are where you are it’s really shitty!!! We are all here for you Hun …
Re hair I think any baby shampoo will do Alot of the ladies use Johnsons Think I’ll give it a try too although jury’s out for me with cold cap yet…but will give it a whirl.
Lolly- my arm and boob still painful nearly two weeks on but getting better And you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t feel emotional.
Think given what were going through a meltdown is totally ok!
I’m so anxious about results of SNB tomorrow and this not sleeping isn’t helping !
Can’t focus so won’t be baking tonight ,( OH very pleased ) LOL …
Take care all xxxx
Good evening ladies, hi CP, Dawn, Tomorrow will b, Mandyp and Jus and welcome to the Christamas Crackers.
lolly123 I had my SNB and 3 lymph nodes removed 2 and a half weeks ago and the pain under my arm started getting much better a few days ago. My arm still feels a little weak & heavy but definately on the mend.
I had a weird weekend. After the disappointment of not getting my results on Friday I’ve been feeling really teary. I took the kids to a friends birthday party on saturday and did the usual upbeat, chatty charade in front of the other mums when really I just wanted to run to the loos and cry. Oh well tons more kids stuff on in the lead up to xmas so my oscar winning performances will go on!
CP best of luck with your results tomorrow, will be thinking of you x
hi all
had mast in oct grade 3 4cm 15 nodes removed 11 were affected n due to start chemo on thurs 29th nov not good timing day b4 my 44th birthday but supose its got to start sumtime so i thought id prob best in the dec group not read all the threads yet have u decided on a name if not wat about the tinsles or would the BAUBLES b takin the p dont want to offend anyone just my sence of humour lol x
sue x
hi all
realise now iv been readin the threads u have picked a good name. forgot to say on my last post im gonna try the cold cap n i got told by the nurses to use a natural ph balanced shampoo they recomended simple and iv read sumwhere that the naked range from boots is good my nurses also said to DEF NOT use baby shampoos unfortunatly wen i tried the cold cap 4 size i couldnt get one to fit very good my choice then is bald on top or at front so looks like at the very least ill lose it at the front went out the other day n bought my first scarf n c wig lady an hour b4 chemo on thurs nowt like leavin it til the last min lol roll on this time next year by wen all chemo n radios over
sue x
Hi Ladies!
May I reserve a seat please? I get my results on wed 28th from my WLI and SNB. I’m pretty sure I will be joining you.
Not coping very well being in the “waiting room” but only 3 more days to wait. ONLY?! *laughs at self
Looking forward to sharing things with you all and hopefully offering support and (((hugs))) when you need it too.
Funki X
Evening ladies…a very late one at that !
for those of you that have had nodes removed & a drain placed recently…had my lumpectomy and nodes removed on the 1st Nov - got sent home the next day with a very big attractive bottle attached (was a bit taken back by the size of it ! ) needless to say I was a bit unfortunate that it came out the next morning when I heard a big whoosh coming from my breast…dont know who jumped the most me or my cousin Jo Jo that was sat next to me…nurse came in to remove it as couldnt be reconnected due to risk of infection,have to be honest in telling you ladies that the whole thing was probably of my own doing…didnt tell the nurse that the night before me and my cousin was making a cuppa,my cousin was looking sad for me the fact I was stood there in my pjs with this big old drain hanging out of me…so being the ditsy blonde I am I started to jig around the kitchen singing LMAO "iM SEXY AND I KNOW IT…WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE YEAH !!! " …that ladies share remain our secret between us !!! nearly 3 wks later & 2 courses of antibiotics , the pain and awkwardness has subsided,took paracetomol and ibuphofen , it helped…still feel like I am holding a brick under my arm but just a bit uncomfortable , not as bad as it was - so it does get better I promise ! put it this way I was able to finally get in my little broom broom and drive to the local shops without the fear of looking as if I was driving a banger racer !!! ha ha - as for being ditsy…had a blonde moment earlier today-logged on here , couldnt understand why I couldnt see any of you girls coming up…only to then realise I was on the American site…bet the ladies on there thought " who the bloody hell is this Brit & what she doing on here-coming on our manor ?!! "
kept myself busy today by having a cleaning spree around the house like a mad woman - even the cat got a make-over !!! this evening visited the folks,pretty chilled though they will insist in cooking me dinner…veg & more veg…by the end of all this I seriously run the risk of looking like a brussel sprout if anything else !!! (sorry Mum if you read this…ladies she has been checking in on us - but its nothing that I havent already told you mum…IS IT ??? ) Have hosp appt on tues where they will do my bloods,ECG and then maybe I will be given a date for the 1st dose of chemo - yes I am anxious being that I dont like needles, I am dental nurse by trade,family and friends find this fact quite amusing…! I dont like the thought of maybe losing my hair , possibly having to draw my eyebrows on without the risk of looking like Fanny Craddock…!!! (see I can still see the funny side of it…just about ! ) but on the other hand I just want to get this show on the road , get it done with , kick its bloody arse and get back to normal again…ladies we will all have our up and down days but we will also have some funny stories to tell throughout our journey - that I am sure of !
so keep your chin up ( the way I am eating at the moment …may end up holding a few chins …! ) , stay strong & think positive thoughts - lots of love to you all xxxxx
Shelley x
good morning to all , first day back feeling a.bit nervous as dont know how my freinds are going to be with me,and wheter i wil keep strong not to have anothr break down dont want to make them feel uncomomfotable,well only two more day and i will know where i stand with treatment
hope you all have a good day will catch up with you all at diner time x
Good afternoon Christmas Crackers,
i have just got back from work only lasted a morning, as Arm is too sore, and i had a lot of support from my freinds from work but did feel like i didnt want to be there , i have a good boss and she said for me to go home and only do what i want to do, so going back in again tomorrow going to work mornings only this week to see how i get on. hope you are all having a better day
speak to you all soon
luv lolly
Just a quick hello, have been in your shoes exactly one year ago, started my chemo on 2. Dec 2011, one year on and hair is growing back nicely albeit a bit slow, but blame Herceptin for this, I’m back to work which I enjoy and generally have my energy levels back to an acceptable level, go to the gym and being quite active. I’m looking forward to a nice Christmas dinner this year!! It’s not easy, but you’ll get through it and together you will help each other so much. We’re now 14 women from our Dec thread last year (aka December Darlings) who are very much in touch on a private FB group and have met each other last month. We became firm friends.
All the very best to each of you,
love 3N3
Hello all you lovely Christmas Cracker December ladies! Just want to pop my head in and wish you all the best for your treatment.
I started the December 2011 chemo support thread at this time last year, so can tell you all that this is do-able. It is a bit miserable BUT with the support of those going through the same thing as you it is manageable, so take advantage of this thread.
I had four rounds of TC, first one on 16 December, and I managed to have a lovely Christmas day with my family without too many SEs. On the SE side, I lost my hair everywhere except my eyebrows, eyelashes and toes (of all places!) but everything is back in the right place now including a two inch length of wavy hair on my head. I also ran the gammut of SEs but different ones after each round and some worse than others including a midnight hospitalisation for suspected neutropenia after my final round.
My advice to you all is: go with the tiredness you will feel, don’t fight it, sleep is your friend. Drink water like it’s going out of fashion. Remember to take your temperature religiously. And treat yourselves to something nice during the third week when you’ll be feeling almost human again.
All the best ladies!
Tracey xx
Good to hear from the December Darlings (2011), we Christmas crackers would love to hear your advice.
Hope everyone going for results today or any treatments has had a good and positive day.
3 more sleeps till my chemo starts. Hopefully it won’t be too bad and I’ll be able to share that with you all. Am worried that if it’s awful that’ll just frighten everyone.
Think I’ll need to take up a hobby to keep my mind off things.
Oh and a tip I was given by another cancer mum was to drink beetroot juice. I got some and it is absolutely vile. I was all set to bin it but had a look online and sure enough it does seem to be a super food with some science to back up the claims. I’m on day 2 of drinking it, heavily dilluted with apple juice. Hopefully it will keep my bloods etc healthy.
Sorry im watching the stones on tv - distracted and not looking at keyboard
Hi all, Im post surgery day 12. Iv till got the drain in. My arm feels as if someone has perpetually beaten by a bat. However, Iv been persistant with my exercises.
Welcome Funki - how did your BC nurse appointment go?