Hi, I’ve been told I will be starting chemo in Feb 2014. There doesnt seem to be a Feb thread yet, so anyone want to join me and share our story!
Hi Jonsi79
I’m sure other users will be joining the thread soon for support during treatment.
Please feel free to contact our free helpline on 0808 800 6000 if you need any support or would like to chat to one of the staff, opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 – 2.00.
Best wishes
June, moderator
Hi Jonsi,
I am so sorry that you find yourself in this position. I am one of the February Valentines 2013. We were and still are a very close group. We have our own closed fb page now. I hope you and the rest of the new February intake who will soon join you, become as close and supportive as we were. All the best.
poemsgalore xx
Hi there. I will be starting in February too. If we join the Facebook page, does it show on our page that we joined? Don’t really want to announce to the world on Facebook! How do we join? Thanks so much.Speak soon I’m sure Jonsi79!
I will also be starting my chemo in feb. Going for my results tomorrow from node clearance so hopefully will get details of dates etc then.
Hi ladies,
I’m due to start my chemo in Feb too. I’ve had a delay, so I’m originally part of the Jan New Year Newbies as well. We have a lovely group on Facebook (all private which is good, as not many of my friends on there know about my diagnosis!) so I hope in time we can all get a great page up and running together xx
Hello, I’m off to see the Oncologist on Jan 27 to be given a start date for chemo in feb 2014. I was diagnosed Dec 12, surgery Dec 27 (theraputic mammoplasty and Axillary node clearance). I’d be very happy to join this group and share experiences … It’s all a bit of a roller coaster isn’t it!?
Hi MrsB62 and welcome to the BCC forums
I am sure you find lots of support here, you may also find it helpful to access some of our other support services including our helpline and live chat, you can find the details here:
Here’s also a link to the Treatments section of the site for further information
Take care
Lucy BCC
Hi Jill! Glad we’re starting to get a group together to share our thoughts! Seems like other monthly threads have been a real help and I hope we can become as close as the others! Do you know what chemo you’ll be having? I’m having a dense dose of AC for 8 wks and then another type which i cant remember now for another 8 wks!! Its 6 wks today since my surgery!! Thats flown by ao hope chemo time goes as fast!!!
Mariecay all the best for today!! xx
Had my dental check yesterday and just had a phone call to say all was fine with my xrays! She was happy with my teeth and that she’d be very surprised if I had problems. Cross fingers!! Just wanted to say that she was glad that I’d made the app as many dont check their teeth before starting chemo. So just wanted to share that!
Hi there. I find out tomorrow what the plan is. Received the diagnosis on 7th January and reasonably sure it will be chemo first, then surgery. Soooo much waiting! Just want to get started on something! Should we go for a dental checkup to make sure there are no problems before we start the chemo?
Thank you jonsi79…bit of a waste of time really! I was hoping to get all the info I need today to be able to move forward but it wasn’t to be. Only thing new I’ve learnt today is that there was only 2 nodes involved. Apparently there was no point seeing the oncologist today as I’m in tomorrow’s MDT meeting so got to go back to see him next tues when I will find out staging etc and date for chemo which should be the following week. Getting tired of all the waiting now, I just want to get going now so that I can start looking towards the end of this nightmare! I want my life back! Does everyone else feel this way? X
Finally have my first appointment with the oncologist tomorrow night. Chemo first so hopefully start next week. Can’t wait to get started and feel like I am doing something about this! Mariecay, I know how you feel. Rubbish thinking you’re going in to get answers and you come away deflated. Good luck next week! X
Looks like I’ll be starting chemo in February though no actual date yet, apparently it is so popular there is a waiting list!
I desperately desperately want to try and save my hair and would love to hear anyones experiences of the cold cap. When I asked I was told I could try the cold cap but have been given no other information other than it works better for people with thin hair…mine is definately thick. I would be grateful for any information as I so want to give this my best shot. The thought of chemo is frightening but losing my hair seems terrifying!
Best wishes to you all
How is everyone doing? I’ve decided not to bother with the cold cap as I think I would find it far too traumatic at this time to have tried and failed. I’ve decided just to let be what will be and in a strange way it’s given me a bit of control on it. I’m at the dentist today, I have got to have 3 teeth removed before I start chemo! Feels very odd having to have dental work on teeth that are causing me no problems, but apparently due to the risk that they may, it’s something we have to do! Has anyone seen the look good feel better sessions? Was thinking about maybe going along x
Funny Mariecay. I am feeling exactly the same way about the cold cap! Hair is the least thing I should be focusing on. Was at the oncologist for the first time last night. I am feeling positive. Start the chemo on Wednesday so technically, not a February newbie now. Hope you all don’t mind me sticking with you guys though! I fancy the look good sessions too. X
Hi ladies!
I’ve ordered the confidence kit from lgfb and have looked into the sessions so will see how things go. I’m also not trying with the cold cap! Maybe having no hair will suit me!! Love her my sis-in-law has got me some scarves from annabandana to wear around the house. Also got the wig I had from the hospital.
Jill please stay with us February Flowers!! While you’ll be starting your chemo session on Wed, I’ll be having my egg collection and embryos stored (hopefully!) Take care ladies xx
Hi everyone I went along to the headstrong session, I thoroughly enjoyed it, it just gave me a few ideas and I was surprised at how versatile a scarf can be! I dunno if being a hairdresser helped with this! By the end of the session I was quite excited about the ideas I had for ‘decorating’ the scarfs! I suppose when it happens I will be totally devastated just like everyone else, but I’m confident it is something I will come to terms with quickly.
Teeth are out and the experience wasn’t all that bad really. The dentist was genuinely upset that these teeth had to be taken as they were good teeth, but the gums looked suspicious so he was too worried to leave them just in case.
Yes please stay with our group, the more the merrier I say! My oncology appointment is tues and I’m hoping that I get the rest of my results and my chemo start date.
Out of interest ladies, what’s everyone’s diagnosis and treatment so far?..mines grade 3, 25mm invasive ductal carcinoma, ER positive, HER2 negative. Had lumpectomy with reduction on 2nd Dec then node clearance on 6th jan. X
I was diagnosed on 7th January, grade 3 invasive ductal, hospital says 2cm, consultant says 3.5cm with node inclusion. Double negative. Chemo for 6 X every 3 weeks starting wednesday then surgery including full node clearance. I am 45 next month. Order 6 hats/scarves from Anabandana today just yo be prepared! Xx