Starting Chemo in February 2014?

Sorry for spelling. Predictive text!

Hi again everyone, hope you are all as well as can be. Thank you for sharing your diagnosis. This disease is so varied! I too am 45 Jill. This seems a popular age for it to strike as I know a few people who have been diagnosed at this age!
I too am gonna order some scarfs from annabandanna, they do some really nice ones. I’m gonna check out primark too for excessories to pin on them. I’m having my hair cut short next week in preperation and when the time comes ill just shave it off. As a hairdresser I’ve come across and helped several people who have lost their hair through chemo and taking control yourself seems to be the best way.
I had a really rubbish day yesterday. I was in pain from the dental work I had done, plus already felt very emotional then my pathology report fell through my letter box. As I couldn’t understand the terminology I phoned and asked it to be explained. Without boring you with the detail, I don’t think they were expecting me to get it before my oncology appointment this coming tues! This only caused further distress. Anyway I think I cried enough tears yesterday to give me a few days off, so here’s hoping for a brighter few days. Marie x

Oh mariecay I’m on the November newbies thread but often pop onto the other chemo threads to see how everyone is doing. I can’t believe your hospital has sent you your pathology report through the post without the consultant / surgeon discussing this with you first. It must have been very distressing as some of the terminology is ‘lab talk’. Hope your feeling ok today, I’d certainly be bringing this up at your appointment. XXX

Marie life does feel rubbish right now as we go through treatment but this is just a very small blip in your LONG life. Once you’ve discussed your pathology results with your consultant put your boxing gloves on and kick ass! It’s not forever and before you know it summer will be here and you’ll come out of this a stronger person.

Sending you all hugs and positive thinking

Tracy XXX

I know everything seems so negative when at the hospital discussing everything as it is all just medical jargon that we don’t understand let alone know if it is good news or bad news. I have noticed medical staff understandably don’t want to commit to any “good news” aspects of our case. All very factual.I just want someone to say, “don’t worry, we can sort this”. Our only control is staying positive and accepting it all as a big journey and adventure and be proud that we make it through the otherside. Xxx

Hello , I was  diagnosed with grad 3 ERpositve tumour in november and had MX and axillary node clearance in December , I start my chemo on Friday , not technically Feb but near to it so thought I would drop in on this thread and say hello , they have found a met on my sternum too so I am also having denusomab for this and will be having Rad after my FEC D chemo I am having a course of 6 doses , decided against the cold cap I hate feeling cold I am a hot house plant .

Rowan :slight_smile:


Hi Rowan. I should imagine you are now feeling pretty nervous as Friday draws near. The unknown is such an awful thing, but at least being able to come on here and see other peoples experiences makes it just a little less daunting I think.
Was wondering if anyone has been offered any scans? I had 2/16 positive nodes and been told scans are pointless? Marie x

I am having a CTfon Friday before they put my marker coil in. I haven’t had surgery yet, that will be after the chemo. Could that be why I am having the scan? One more thing to worry about!

Is tomorrow you oncology appointment Mariecay?

Yes my appointment is this afternoon :-/ hopefully will get all the info I need today unlike last week which was a total waste of time!
Ah now you mention it I think they did say at the beginning that they only scan if it’s in 4 or more nodes. I got my pathology report through the post and it said 2/16 +ve it’s really bugging me what the ve stands for so can’t wait to solve that mystery, I like to be in the know :slight_smile: x

The ve means positive +ve.
Negative would be -ve.

I had a CT scan and a bone scan before my surgery. Standard procedure the BCN told me so nothing extra to worry about ladies! All the best this afternoon Mariecay! xx
Hia Rowan! xx

Phew! Thanks Jonsi79!



Im starting Chemo in 2 weeks and would love to join the February thread as I’m freaking out already and will not need all the help and support you lovely ladies have to offer !  Let’s do it girls and kick this disease into touch !!!  xxxxxxxxxxxxx Pinkrunnerxxxxxxxxx

Well I got my start date, a week on Friday, 7th. Mixed emotions, glad it’s starting but nervous too. They aren’t sure what regime yet though so gotta wait till Tuesday to find that out. Possibly FEC but because of my age are considering TAC. TAC is far more aggressive apparently with worse side affects hense their uncertainty to give it or not. They are having another meeting to make their final decision :-/ x

Well that is me home from my first chemo treatment. No problem at all, so far… With all the nausea drugs they send you home with, that will clearly change! I will just get a steroid injection tomorrow too. I am glad you have a plan in place Marie. Will feel like you are in control again. Hope all went well Jonsi?

Went well ladies thank you. Home now with some crampy period like pain but not too bad.
Gave my oncology nurse a ring earlier and she told me I can now start chemo next Wednesday 5th at 11.30am. Will be meeting her again on friday morning for bloods and to go through stuff!!! Like you Marie feeling nervous but better to have dates etc now to have things in order and planned.
Hope you still feel ok later on Jill xx

Totally not up on chemo talk but looks like FEC for first 3. I have Crohn’s disease as well so need to monitor as we go how I cope with everything. Feeling a bit “heavy” now. Ugh. Don’t be nervous ladies. Honestly not bad at all at the time, tomorrow probably a different opinion!

Anyone willing to say what city they live in? I am Aberdeen. X

Yuk…what a crappy night, boob and arm uncomfortable and baby wouldnt settle (at all), dont know if it was just one of them nights or if it was cuz im getting more anxious about starting chemo on tues

Mariecay, I am from Doncaster too, finished 6 rounds of TAC chemo end of September. Feel free to PM me any time, Take care ladies.