Starting Chemo in February 2014?

Hey mariecay, unfortunately the word rest is not in my vocabulary although I keep being told that im going TO HAVE TO let people help me during chemo, The hubby trys his best but he just doesnt do things right (ie, the way I do things) hope your ok

Blah blah blah sometimes I wish the hubby had an off switch xxx

Hi, my name is Vanessa and I am starting chemo on Tuesday the 4th Feb in Reading area.  Found lump early December, appointment with consultant the19th, results on the 27th and wide local Incision with sentinel node biopsy on the 8th Jan 2014. Results 16th Jan, high grade Invasive mixed ductal and lobular cancer with node involvement. So plan of action is Fec-T for 6 cycles, then lymph node removal, then radio. 

Had Pic line put in yesterday and am planning on having cold cap treatment, but have wig in case it does not work. Good luck everyone, together we can kick Cancers butt!!! 

Hia Vanessa! Welcome to the February group! Sounds like you’ve had a fast paced few months like me!!! Good though! I start on wednesday - 4 cycles of AC and then 4 cycles of Taxol. Just been to meet some of the nurses and had my pre-chemo blood test. No problem with my veins today - nurse was amazing!! But will probably have a picc line too. Was it ok having that?
Picked up my medication too to take on tuesday.
Ladies I live in Narberth, Pembrokeshire.

Still feeling not bad. No sickness, just achey. Had the CT scan, coil marker placement, mammogram, wig fitting and genealogy blood test as I am triple negative, all today. Knackered!

Ok ive moaned about my hubby but not told you anything about me so here goes…Ive just turned 33, married for 8 years (together 19years) with 4 beautiful kids, freya 17 on thurs, meg 11 in 2weeks, noah 6 in april and ellis 5 weeks tomorrow, I was diagnosed with IDC grade 3 ER+ HER2-, had lumpectomy and nymph nodes removed, start chemo 4th feb, I know I must sound very matter of fact about things but thats how ive managed to get my head around it, ive been a complete mess the last few weeks, but im doing this for my kids cuz they are my life (along with the hubby)

That is great Rowan. Sounds like my experience as well. Just a slight head ache and ache bones. The process it self was so easy too. Mine was injected slowly by hand by one of the nurses. Wow! Patience!

Starting my first chemo cycle on Feb 7th!

Yes! Wee was red between syringes! How the body works is quite strange. Does anyone get the feeling of the chemo in action. Could totally be in my head but almost feel twinges under my arm and lump like it is doing it’s job. I haven’t had any wine yet tonight before you think I’ve lost the plot!

I’m glad you both are feeling not too bad, it’s making me feel much less nervous about the whole thing! Are you both on FEC? X

Read treatment diary. Looks like i am on EC 100, whatever that means. Had to take something out of treatment due to my crohn’s disease. X

Hey up me ducks,
Tuesday is getting closer and im getting more and more scared, its the fact that im going to let them pump me full of stuff thats possibly going to make me ill that I dont like, I dont even take paracetamol and I need to be ok for my daughters birthday on thurs

It’s very difficult not to let the anxiety get to us at times. I too have been quite snappy and inpatient. It feels like waiting to be hung! My breast care nurse told me that you tend to react to the chemo the same way you react to the anesthetic after your op. If your sick after then you will tend to be sick with chemo as they use the same anti sickness drug! Dunno if any of the ladies who have started, going through or finished their chemo can shed light on whether this is true? X

Glad to hear another one of us is doing not too bad during chemo, it is really helpful reading your posts everyone. Everyone is different I suppose and we all just have to wait and see how we will respond. Luckily I only have to wait till Friday. I have a really busy week till then. I’m going wig hunting today (have decided to have one in place just in case) then back to see the oncologist tomorrow for pre chemo checks and see if they have made their decision between FEC or TAC!

Has anyone set up a Facebook page for February yet?

Marie x



Can I just ask - are you going to try the cold cap ?  When I spoke to my Oncologist about it, she said because of the combination of the FEC and FEC-T it wasn’t very successful.  Just wondered what your thoughts were or anyone else for that matter on a similar regime ?   xxx Pinkrunner xxx

Glad to hear you’re doing ok ladies. I didnt have any sickness after my general anaesthetic so cross fingers its the same! The oncology nurse asked me on friday if I am a sicky person, which I’m not, and she said that is normally a sign too!! Who knows hey!
Mariecay - keeping busy is definitely the best thing to do! I wasnt home one day last week and it didnt give me the chance to over think things and just wait!! Surrounded myself with friends and family over the weekend also for the rugby! Good distraction!
All the best for those of you starting tomo! TresVan I too have a wonderful muminlaw who I get on with really really well!! She’s been to a few appointments with me, but husband wants to come with me on wed when I have the chemo!
Keep in touch ladies and together I’m sure we can help each other!

That is great Rowan. I think we need to start a Facebook group soon with all of us so we can start sharing more info. I havent a clue how to set up. Anyone? Would be nice for wig photos etc. To keep our spirits up. Faces to names too. Thoughts on this ladies?Xx

I ordered my wig on Friday from my wig lady. Waiting for my colour to come… Judy Plum wigs are fab! X

Also got a few of the little jersey hats from anabandaba. Will look cute with little broochs/pins on them. X

Well I have bought a wig! Completely different from how I would ever have my hair but I would never choose to be bald either! I’m gonna get mixed reviews but do I care? No I don’t! :slight_smile: x