Starting Chemo in February 2014?

Thanks for all of your kind words and support everyone. I’ve tried explaining how I feel to my husband and family but I’m not sure they really get it. I think they are just too scared to consider that the cells might have got out and not have been killed by the chemo. I get my surgery on 17th July and the surgeon has assured me they operate again if they don’t get clear margins first time round. I’ve also to get a wire inserted before hand. Not sure what that involves but I’ll ask nearer the time. I got wire markers put in before chemo so not really sure why I’ve to get a wire too.

Hope you are all as well as can be.

Love hazel x

Thank you Sue. Good advice. I struggle to explain myself to my onc sometimes as she seems to treat me as if I am neurotic. So I end up just agreeing to anything she says. My next appointment has been changed to 2nd July. I went to clinic this week as I was told I had an appointment to discuss rads, to be sent away by the nurse as they said I didn’t. When I got home sure enough I did have a letter stating I did have an appointment! Never mind.
I’m interested to know how long it usually is between chemo and rads? I am undecided whether to take the children on holiday in 3 weeks when bloods are up prior to rads starting. Searching the site, there appears to be a few ladies who have done this.
Hazel, I hope you are feeling a little less worried? Do we ever?! I understand how difficult it is to get family to understand our worries sometimes. It feels very lonely at times as I don’t want to worry them too much but it’s hard to look ‘normal’ and act normally when worrying. I find keeping very, very busy helps but sometimes even when busy its hard to shake off the worry which makes me snappy! I’m not sure about your marker if you already had one inserted. Maybe its due to the margins of your tumour changing die to the chemo? I had mine inserted prior to my mastectomy but didnt have chemo first. The 17th must seem a while away but it will get here and you will then have a clearer picture which will be much better for you.
I hope everyone is as ok as they can be and are enjoying some of this lovely weather we are having
Love Caz xxx

Hi Ladies just popped in from december thread and wish you all well in rest of your treatments.

Hazel, The wire gets attached to the wire marker prior to surgery to guide the surgeon on area to remove, its a common procedure when having a lumpectomy. My oncologist was also dissapointed that my tumour had not shrunk as expected during chemo, however by the time I had surgery my path report said it had shrunk quite considerably and clear margins were acheived so try not to worry too much, hope everything goes well.


Sending hugs and best wishes to everyone

Wyn x

Thanks for explaining about the wire Wyn. Thanks too for telling me about your path report. Fingers crossed mines ends up the same.

Lots of love

Hazel x

Hey up me ducks
So its looking like me n andy are having our 5th baby!!!
Youre all fab
Love n hugs

Hi Hayley. Congratulations! Lovely news. Here’s to a happy, healthy pregnancy ? xxx

Thanks dudes for your messages, im hoping its going be an easy healthy pregnany n try stay pregnant for as long as possible! after another talk with onc im opting for a mastectomy after ive had the baby
Love ya all

Hi Hayley. glad you have had a talk to your onc and you are settled in yours and Andy’s decision. i have everything crossed for you. you deserve a happy pregnancy after all you have been through xxx
Hi Sue! Sorry to hear you have been poorly. Strangly enough I have sufferered badly with headache and sickness after my final chemo. A week on I’m still headachey. Maybe it’s due to the cumulative nature of it?
Lol I’ve always got worries, Sue, yes I’m still waiting for the thyroid biopsy.
Glad the end is in sight for you. A big b day -Fab! Hope you are well enough to have your meal out and you can celebrate in style ? I know what you mean about age, I’m 42 and still feel 20 in my head. Probably act it too!
My gorgeous little fella (middle one) is 8 this weekend and we are also hosting another big horse show. I’m struggling to get over that last chemo so I’m a bit worried about the weekend. I feel like I should be jumping for joy chemo is over but the ungrateful swine that I am I am a bit flat, restless and worried. Not sure why, I’ve looked forward to this point for months. Oh the fickle mind? Off to the corner to have a word with myself lol
Love to you all. It’s a bit quiet on here at the moment, hope everyone is ok. I think about you all daily xxx

Thanks dudes, hoping I can keep this this bun in the oven full term, freya, meg n noah were born at 32 n 33 weeks, managed get to 36 weeks with ellis so fingers crossed I can keep this 1 cooking a bit longer, feels weird knowing I’ll be having my boob off after ive had the baby but know its for the best (andy cant work the oven let alone the washer :-)) feel weird posting on here now I wont be having radiotherapy round the time you lovely lot are, would you mind if I kept you posted with how our lil bun is cooking
Love n hugs

Hayley don’t you dare disappear we want to know how you and the bun are doing it doesnt matter that you are not having radiotherapy when we are you are one of us and we care about how you are doing xx

Thanks dudes, cant hide the fact im pregnant cuz didnt have much morning sickness with the others but its all day with this 1, the girls are really excited n noah who continues to call ellis ‘woody’ keeps asking if I have a little brother can we call him buzz…im thinking NO noah, bloody kids ?
Love you all

? on way hospital xxx

Hi everyone!
Just wanted to update you!
I started this thread back in february and I cant believe that today I’ve finished all active treatment!!
I started this journey back on Dec 2nd when I was given the news that I had BC! 7 months later I’ve had a right mastectomy, all 20 lymphnodes removed, embryos frozen, 4 x AC chemo, 4 x Paclitaxel chemo and 15 rads! Looking back I cant believe I’ve done it and that the time has flown by so quickly. I’m definitely a stronger person and the whole experience has made me look at life/people in a very different light!!! Life is too short to worry about the little things!!! Ive lost some friends on the way but I now know who the important people are and who I need in my life!
Now to look to the future - whatever it holds! My fiancee and I have booked our adventure to china, australia and hong kong in october so we have that to look forward to! Cant wait!!
I know its a strange thing to say, but I do feel lucky that I’ve received the best care from my local surgery and hospitals and that the nhs has not let me down!
I think I was the first to start treatment back in Feb so to those of you still on your journey, you will get there!!
I make a toast to new hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, and lots of fun fun fun!!!
Lots of love, Eleri xxxx

Hi everyone. Hope you are feeling better sue and chemo goes well today. Sleeping before chemo is never easy. I have joined the FB group but have no intention of leaving here as I want to know how you are all doing :slight_smile: Happy birthday for tomorrow Sue. I hope you manage to have a lovely day and make those lovely memories. I’m sure you will find it hard missing your partner but I’m sure he will be smiling on you and hoping you enjoy such a special day. Big hug xxx
Hoping you are ok Hayley. Worried about you
That was a lovely uplifting message Eleri filled with hope and positivity. I hope it made the other ladies smile the way it did me. Although we all have our down days we all have a lot to look forward too and that reminded me of that, thank you x
Poor ducks jaffacakes. I was thinking about you the other day as 12 ducklings appeared on our pond with their mum. They disappear during the day into the trees but reappear in the evening. However the other night they appeared without their mum and there were only 8. We haven’t seen their mum since and I have been frantically googling ‘how to hand rear ducklings!’ However we can’t catch them. They are fast little bleeps. We have masses of reeds around the pond so they can hide. Apparently other ducks and geese ( of which we have 6 bad tempered ones) try to drown them so I’m losing sleep lol. We could do with your husband to sort them out- he seems to take his responsibilities to yours seriously :slight_smile:
Horse show went well except one of the 4 judges didn’t turn up so that was a bit stressful. I managed to commentate on the show jumping but was tired yesterday.
Love to you all xxx

Hi everyone

Happy birthday for tomorrow Sue and well done for getting through your radiotherapy. I’ve still got that to go but got the MooGoo udder cream at the ready. The packaging it comes in is like a milk carton and makes me smile everytime I see it ?.

I’m on day 2 of a short break with my hubby. The sun is shining and I have a glass if wine in my head so feeling good! I do have my feet up on a chair though as my ankles have decided to swell to twice their size. Just another after effect of the chemo I think. My hair is coming back nicely though I still have a bald patch on top (what’s that all about???!!). I’m hoping it fills in it else I’ll need to master the art of the comb over ?

I’m glad my garden doesn’t have a pond because the duck situation sounds way too stressful. I hope they all make it and become healthy, happy ducks. We should make them our Feb chemo thread mascots. I for one am rooting for them!

Hayley I hope you are ok. I’m thinking of you.

Jonsi, what a lovely update. It’s so great to hear from someone at the end of the treatment. Wishing you lots of love and happiness for the future. Enjoy your amazing holiday. We had to cancel a trip to Australia when I was diagnosed but we will rearrange when I’m finished treatment. It’s our focus for the future.

Much love to all you lovely ladies.

Hazel xx

The wine is in my hand not my head ? (though maybe it’s gone to my head and that’s why my typing isn’t the best ?)


Hello everyone, Im back from my break away with the family. Good times were had but I did get somewhat disheartened sometimes as I felt I couldnt do as much as I normally would.

Your post made me smile Hazel, I spent the last couple of days away with swollen feet and ankles. What better time to enjoy a few glasses of wine ! I took it easy for a couple of days and fingers crossed it seems to have sorted the problem out.

Happy Birthday for tomorrow Sue, I will be thinking of you , and wishing you a special day.

I loved reading your post Jonsi. Well done you, its good to hear that you have come through such difficult times and are now looking ahead. Have a wonderful Holiday, it sounds fantastic !

Hope everyone else is feeling good. How are you Hayley ?, hope you are ok.

Started Rads today, for some reason I had really worked myself up, fear of the unknow again I suppose. Anyway somehow I got to thinking about all our little ducklings, ducks geese and ponies and it was over in no time lol !! One down, nineteen to go !!!
Love to all
Cath xx

Happy 60th Birthday Sue xxxx

I was given Eumovate at the Hospital yesterday to use twice a day. It will be interesting to hear which products your team recommend Alice.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy biiiiirthday dear sue oo
Happy birthday to you
Hip hip …
Hip hip …
Hip hip… Hooray!!!

You’ll be glad you couldn’t hear me - Simon Cowell won’t come knocking anyday soon :wink: xxx

Happy birthday Sue! I hope you are having a lovely day with your family and eating lots of yummy birthday cake!
