Hi ladies… Emylou, Rattles and Doggirl thanks for the advice on the hair…I have put the appointment off as I think that shaving it off before it is starting to come out will be more stressful…
Hi Alix - I’m having my first chemo next Wednesday too so am glad not to be the only one just squeezing in!
To everyone else I hope you are coping with your difficulties - you all sound amazingly strong whatever is going on…Thinking of you all and hope you manage to enjoy the weekend.
Had my heart scan this afternoon and apparently have a thickening of the heart wall but ‘it won’t affect the chemo’ apparently…4 months ago I thought I was healthy and now I have cancer and a heart ‘problem’ Had to bring someone in for second opinion:( …Not too worried as I don’t have any symptoms so hopefully it won’t cause any problems…Anyway I’m getting used to hearing bad news now!
HELLO lovelies. I had my Docetaxel yestuday and had a reaction whilst it was going in. a bit scary but fine in the end. It did take a long time though as it had to go in really slowly after that. I dont feel nearly as bad as last time and am managing. Lots of love ao all x
Hi Buddies,
I have been out in the garden,watering, dead heading and generally pottering and am feeling much better
anni welcome, shame for the reason that you have to join us, but if you have to be in this situation, the people especially on this thread will hold your hand, make you laugh, cry and generally help you through the rubbish we are all going through.
New interesting challange…“The teenager” (daughter) caught me on a weak moment and is now planning a wild life pond in the garden [](javascript:EmotionsDialog.insert(‘smiley-undecided.gif’,‘emotions_dlg.undecided’);)…It is going to be therapeutic ??? I’m not sure if i’m just going to end up with a muddy mess in the middle of my lawn, teenagers on study leave.
They do make you laugh though, with their enthusiasm for life[](javascript:EmotionsDialog.insert(‘smiley-laughing.gif’,‘emotions_dlg.laughing’)
Luv viv x
Really messing up these “emotion things” ?!
LOL viv x
A POND!!! Viv you must of had a very weak moment, teenagers r very good at getting what they want lol, just the thought of frogs ewwww no no no don’t do frogs yucky things
Arghh this new server is getting as bad as the other one, it’s only putting half a post on, flipping annoying,
Had my app. with the onc. on May 18th and supposed to start my chemo 6x FEC - T within 2 weeks which means that I might be in May. Well I thought I would pop in and say Hi to all of you. Got my prosthesis yesterday and it felt so good to be sort of normal again. It feels so much better than ‘the cotton wool in a sock’ softie I was given at first. Well today is my birthday and I am spending part of it going to a well reccommended hair dresser to talk wigs. I thought I would go while I still had hair so she could see what I wanted the wig to look like. Didn’t really want to go on my birthday but it was either that or wait 3 weeks and wasn’t sure I would have hair then. Have delayed my birthday until tomorrow so that I can have my smoked salmon and champagne birthday breakfast. Well thank you everyone for tips you have given. Wishing you all a happy and SE free weekend! Off to do some garedening.
Hello buddies,
Well, I have managed to make it from the bed ot the sofa. Had a tiny bit of beans on toast and a cuppa, but it was mind over matter and now need a rest! I am going to read back over the old posts to remind myself that this nasty bit only lasts a few days…
1J - Happy Birthday for yesterday, hope you have a great birthday breakfast. You certainly have the weather for it. Enjoy! Enjoy!
Vivi- I did enjoy hearing that you had relented on the pond front. It is not only teenagers who know how to get their way! I find it very hard to maintain any boundaries for my four year old when I am like this, I just makes me happy to know she is happy. So you made me feel better. She also has her first wobbly tooth!!! How can this be happening?!
Harry duck - hope you are recovering, glad to hear you are doing better this time.
More later, Rattles, xx
Hi ladies. Sorry to hear that some of you are feeling poorly. I hope you feel better today.
I’m struggling a bit today, more mentally than physically. I can’t sleep and these Dexamethasome are making me so aggitated. Does anyone else find this? does it stop when they stop?
I had a bit of a cry as I feel so frustrated and restless. I’m sure if I could sleep, i would feel much better.
Sorry for the moan, I’m just finding it a bit overwhelming today as there seems like a such long stretch ahead.
Hi ladies. Sorry to hear that some of you are feeling poorly. I hope you feel better today.
I’m struggling a bit today, more mentally than physically. I can’t sleep and these Dexamethasome are making me so aggitated. Does anyone else find this? does it stop when they stop?
I had a bit of a cry as I feel so frustrated and restless. I’m sure if I could sleep, i would feel much better.
Sorry for the moan, I’m just finding it a bit overwhelming today as there seems like a such long stretch ahead.
Hi JosieJo this is exactly what it does to me. it will pass and soon. will fill you in more when i can x
Hi Annie Harry duck,vic,Bickerchic,1J,Rattles,Josie and to all you other lovely ladies on this tough journey in our lives.We will all come out of this better and stronger ladies.
Ive been feeling not too bad after my first chemo on wednesday,feeling tired today though so havent made any plans other than chilling.
I hope all of you are enjoying the weather and are not suffering too may side effects today.
Take care all of you,
Donna xxx
Josiejo - sorry youre feeling low - I felt really down a day after i stopped taking the steroids - but felt much better after a couple of days so it could be because of the meds…but we have plenty to feel down about anyway so its only normal to feel low sometimes - you’re not alone. After dog and family left me yesterday for their holidays my hair has finally left me as well - haha!!! it was coming out it handfuls so I spend all morning cutting, clipping and shaving it off - realised its quite hard to do on your own!!! I had a bit of a panic half way through imagining that it was all a bad dream that I had cancer and that I was shaving my hair off for no reason!!! Anni and Alix - good luck for Wednesday - i shall hopefully be having my FEC2 that day so we can all hold hands together,x Harryduck glad you are ok now - was it your first docetaxel? Happy birthday 1J - enjoy that champagne and salmon - sounds lovely! Rattles - you WILL feel better soon but meanwhile be kind to yourself,x Vivibell - we have a wildlife pond and it is fab - attracts loads of insects, dragonflies etc and birds and yes (sorry Bikerchic) lots of frogs!! hope all the other May buds are ok Gillian, Squeakymouse, Merc, giraffe and anyone else ive forgotten - love to all, Em XX ps. going to a friends BBQ this afternoon to give my bald head an outing - too hot for wig so just got my buff on - arghhh wish me luck!!!
Hi all Buddies,
I had a bad dream last night that i had a garden full of teenagers, a big muddy puddle and i was fussing around wondering do i offer beer or coke with the fifteen pizzas and chips i’d just made! oh no wait a minute i think it’s a premanission…Lol sorry about the idea of frogs Bickerchic but in a funny way i am really enjoying watching the wild life in the garden and want to encourage more. Also i am having a hard time with the server- loosing posts and filled in a load of stuff on my profile, ( find it helps when i’m talking to someone to build a picture up on my mind).
I thought i sounded really fun and interesting then lost it all, so i am still not filled in.and boring Lol
I had a terrible time with nerves and aggitation last time and couldn’t sleep Josiejo but as everyone says it passed for me when i finnished the anti-sickness drugs, hope you feel better soon :-). By the way the moan on here is one of the main support points, as we all know what each other are going through!! if you look back through this thread you will probably find a moan from each of us. Luckily not all at the same time. We can then go and face the world with the strength and determination that we always do!!!
Would it be bad to say i’m jelous Rattles i have got the weekend to not feel sick but just postponing it all till maybe monday or next fri if bloods are not up. And yes whoever said it is better to tick each FEC off after, you are right! less dissapointment!
Con grates May64 hope the SE’s continue to be mild.
Any one got any ideas for getting neutraphils up more quickly? meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk all the things i tend to try to cut down on in normal life. Teenager is force feeling me milk shake, cheese omeletts, steaks and bacon sandwiches, i would love a nice bowl of butternut squash and watter cress soup umm
Luv to all God bless
Thank you everyone. I managed a bit of a sleep after having a rough morning. I’m not managing to eat today, but my lovely boyfriend got me some ice lollies and I a bit of 2 so far. Am trying to keep fluids up, but as I have read on here, that seems to be a bit of a struggle. It’s all very odd.
Not sure this sunshine is helping, My friends are all out having fun and I feel cooped up indoors. Boo.
Last day of meds tomorrow, so am hoping to pick up after that. Thanks for your support and reassurance today,
Hugs to all x
Viv, I pretty sure u need plenty of eggs, cheese, fish, red meat all high protein stuff, I have to eat like it all the time, I have low blood sugers, and high protein diet keeps it nice and steady. Jodie, once meds r finished u WILL start to feel better, the meds make u feel very odd, like any out of body thing, very weird, but it does get better I promise
Hi josiejo, just a quick quick note to say that it does pass. I had a little wobble thinking “I cannot do this. I cannot feel like this for the next 18 weeks”. The restlessness was awful. And one night I had hallucinations every time I closed my eyes to sleep there was a busy street Market along side the bed?! Like being drunk lol.
Then it all stopped. And back in the room. I was me again.
I only took the pills for two days after. And that’s when the symptoms stopped.
So big hugs xxx
Hi to all the buddies - hope you are all doing well. I had hair shaved off yesterday - too many bald patches to comb over. My hairdresser trimmed the fringe on my wig and I wore it to pick my daughter up from school - first thing she said was Mum you look like a rock star (I was wearing sunglasses too!) Have been out today to take Ceri to dancing and walked up to the shops with a bandana and a sunhat on - hubby went to an interview yesterday and bought me 2 hats from an Accessorize outlet shop - £3 each and as a bonus made me laugh by telling me that he tried them on in the shop himself! Feeling tired now so may have overdone things a bit today!Love to all Julie
Morning Giraffe/Julie, hope you had a good night, was my first day waking up with a bald head too but only me here at the moment so nobody to scare except the guinea pigs and they didn’t seem to notice!!! Em xxx
Hello buddies,
Josie, sorry you have been feeling so rubbish- maybe today will be a bit better. I feel pretty much like I did yesterday, and like I did this time three weeks ago, so holding onto the hope that the worst is nearly over. Like you, doggirl (and others), I find the steriods the worst. I am taking mine til Friday so heaven help me. Any volunteeers to come and peel me off the ceiling if necessary!!
Vivi- I really am sorry. Its awful when you get so psyched up for something horrible and it does not go ahead. I am trying to adopt a different outlook i.e take the good bits where I can so forgive me if I made matters worse. Last time I had chemo, I was going to make a big poster with the last date for all to see but one of the nurses warned me against this on the basis that most people have at least one chemo delayed for one reason or another. If you do have to have a delay, better it happen when you can be out in the sun andboost your immune system. It would also be awful to be suffering with neutropenia…
Giraffe - good for you ! How did you cope with the school run? That is one thing I am dreading. Think you helped me nail the problem with Velma. I feel like I not only need rock-star sunglasses, but heels and glam dress (think I may have done Velma a dis-service!) Wearing Velma just makes me look even more yellow and ill. She just looks too good for the rest of me!
Em- hope you are doing okay on your own. My OH and daughter have gone out for the day. Happy for them, but miss them too.
Hope everyone else doing okay.
Rattles, xx