Thanks Rattles and Bikerchic - he said one count (neutrophils?) was 1.1 and it needed to be at least 1.5 for chemo and something else (?) was 2.5 and needed to be at least 3.0. disappointed but just another setback along the way - they are now planning to give me injections after next chemo to boost white cell count. oh well, at least I can enjoy another week of feeling well and tasting food…Em Xxx ps. Rattles, your public loo incident made me chuckle - sorry!!!
Em - so sorry to hear about your bloods, after you had planned everything around having chemo this week too. Its horrible when things like this don’t go to plan .
Rattles - 1 hour in a public loo sounds very scary
Squeakymouse xx
Hi to all you lovely ladies.
Happy to say im feeling happier this eveing.
Doggirl,im so sorry you have had to have a stay in hospital and it might mean you missing or your holiday being delayed.I do hope you will soon be feeling better and out of the hosiptal.
Merc,you always make me laugh.The bit about the thatch down your Mums loo really tickled me.Love the tshirt link aswell ive got to say.
Ginger,yes i had same problem as you with sleep and omg i thaught i was on my own with the poo problem,but i was ready to throw a party when i went today.Feeling a lot better now.
Rattles,thanks i think ill try the bottled water and see if that tastes any better.Got to admitt had a bit of a meltdown yesterday with my Mum staying over.It want a good day for me,i had a work top being replaced in the kitchen wich took 4hours please.Couldnt go near the kitchen from 8 in the morning,aswell as my mum! by the time my daughter called round on her lunch,i opened the door and burst into tears! Felt so bad but just couldnt hold on to it any longer.
Alix,yes i think my son is a star too.He has been an angel today while ive been resting,checking im ok and asking if i needed anything.Its funny really you saying he is a star,because he is in a band and there doing well and all he has ever dreamt of is being a star.I hope one day to see his name in lights.
Harryduck,i felt so sorry for you when i read your post.There is nothing worse than that happening.Sometimes a magic wand would come in really handy.Hope your feeling a bit better today.
Sqeakymouse,im really worried about loosing my hair and yes faceing the neighbours as only one of my neighbours knows about my bc.She stopped to speak to me to say wow Donna you had your hair cut!what made you do that.I felt so bad telling her,but i wasnt going to lie.She was full of appolagise and i told her not to worry.
To you new ladies a big welcome this site with all these lovely ladies are just what we need.
Lots of love and hugs to you all xxxxxxxxx
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Oops forgot to say Josiejo,i hope you enjoy your look good feel good class today.I went to one yesterday,my original appointment wasnt untill the 23rd July but i got a call saying there had been a cancellation and did i want it. I snapped it up because i was feeling so fed up,it was really nice to sit chatting with the other ladies.Got to say they were all at the end of there treatments and i was the novice in the group.The goody bag we got was lovely it was so nice to be given such a nice gift.Josie ive got my next treatment there on the 13th,whens yours and are you local?im in Knotty Ash by Broadgreen Hospital.
Thanks for the welcome everyone, big hugs all round.
Anti-sickness drugs seem to be working currently just I’m not speaking too soon.
Thanks Squeakymouse, I have a look at IBC stuff. Good luck with your next chemo, are you having Herceptin?
Night everyone, stay strong x
positive thoughts to all you lovely ladies.
we will get throught it. xxx
Hello buddies,
Well, the sun is still out here in London which is gearing up big time for the jubilee! Polarbear- glad the drugs are working and Babychops , being able to send an email at nearly midnight speaks for itself.
May it sounds as though theFGFG class came just at the right time for you and glad you enjoyed it. I have been drinking elder-flower cordial and sparkling water which has been easier. I just seem to be able to taste the tap-water-its like chlorine!
As per ususal, its impossible to go back a page without the fear of losing everything. Think it was bikerchic who asked about what to expect as you go forward? My experience of the FEC/Tax was that the SE’s were all predictable and followed a definate pattern, but some things got easier e.g. tweaking the drugs to better manage sickness. As you can already see from the last month, some hiccups seem inevitable - low bloods, infection etc Unfairly/fairly they don’t affect everyone- just like the SE’s.
The one thing though that I would say is that with each cycle, it becomes bit more tiring, even on the good days and it can take a bit longer to bounce back. I am sure we have all been warned that the effects are accumulative so it sort creeps up on you slowly, slowly. Just take this into account, make time for a rest/sleep/looking after yourself etc. Personally, not so good at doing this !! But it helps to know its all part of what you can expect. Hope this helps.
Rattles, xxxx
Rattles, thank you it has helped, I’ve not been told that SE’s are accumulative, least now I can,( as much as you can), prepare myself, hope all you ladies are feeling ok(ish), thanks again Rattles, hugs to all xx Toni xx
Hi to all the buddies. It’s my day off work today so I’m going to make the most of it and do very little! For all the buddies worried about losing your hair - once I had it shaved off I felt so much better - I was very down last week and now I just don’t care what people think. I’ve decided who needs hair anyway - it’s very overated! Haven’t worn my wig yet this week it’s been too hot - just been wearing a scarve I bought from Annabanadana - yesterday at work we had a school in for a visit to the Kids Lab (I work for a big chemical company) and I thought one of the children might ask why i was wearing a scarve but noone did. Wearing a hard hat with a scarve was a first for me too - although pink scarf and yellow high vis hat is not a good look! Did guides last night - not one of them said anything either - although I had warned the girls that I’d probably lose my hair so it’s probably not a shock to them. I’m hoping that in some small way my attitude to my appearance will give at least 30 girls a bit more confidence in their appearance - did anyone see the bit on Breakfast TV about children’s body confidence this morning?. Finally for anyone who needs a laugh - on Monday went out to get something from the car and forgot to cover my head - a couple of neighbours down the road were stood chatting - I think I traumatised the poor blokes! Off to do something useful now - venturing into my daughter’s room to tidy up - her best friend is staying with us for a few days - her mum and dad separated at the weekend and she’s with us whilst they sort themselves out - I couldn’t say no when asked if we could have her. Julie
Morning lovely ladies.
Managed to get some sleep with the aid of the sleeping pills from the gp, so I’m starting to feel a bit better, so blooming tired all the time though. I just did some washing up and fed the cat and now I’m pooped again. 36 going on 90!!
@may64 I did enjoy the lgfg course and the gift bag is amazing. The ladies at mine were mostly at the end of their treatments too (I was so jealous) most of them had no hair which I found a bit hard as I’ve still got that hurdle to go yet. Im not sure where your hospital is, I’m in Portsmouth.
@giraffe50 are you Superwoman? You seem so energetic through this. I’m not allowed to work at the mo, and not sure I could stay awake if I did. I’m hoping as I get further on, I will feel well enough to be able to go, I miss the normality. I work in such a large place (university) they are worried about me catching germs.
Are many others of you managing to work?
Hope everyone is feeling as well as they can be today. Hugs xx
Ps typing this on my brand new iPad. I treated myself with all the money I’m saving staying in. I love it!
Josie, I’ve heard of the lgfg, but not sure where mine would be, I’m in Northamptonshire, would the nurses at the chemo suite know? Good for you treating yourself :-), the iPads r great, I don’t have one but OH does,it’s great, :-D, As regards to work, my onc didn’t like the idea of me working, so had a chat with HR at work and they’re fine, to use their words, " Take as long as you need, get yourself well again" but I don’t think I could work I get so tired after juicing, especially 1st week, keep falling asleep, lol take care Toni xx
Hi Toni.
My breast care nurse told me about it. Here is the link I found on their website you can find your nearest one on here.
You get a free pack of amazing products from face creams to all kinds of makeup and even perfume and they teach you how to put it all on. My bag has things from Clinique, Coco Chanel, Elizabeth arden, Lancôme and Armani. Felt thoroughly spoilt, it’s a wonderful idea.
Hope you find one near you xx
Josie, thanks for the link, I’ve just got to work out which is the easiest/closest to me, the gift bags sound amazing, can I take someone with me? Toni x
Has anyone heard from doggirl the last couple of days?
Hi all hope your coping with the heat. Squeakymouse i was wondering the same thing. really hope she is ok. I have been to my mums for the day today glad i got out but i find everything hard work at the moment. This treatment was much easier in the begining but is taking longer to get through. I really am very drained. Had red meat for lunch in the hope it perks me up. Think i will have to feed Elizabeth in bed tonight as coming downstairs to do it last night nearly finished me off… I have my LGFB place booked the week after my chemo is due to finish. Not sure if thats good or not. Does anyone know how long it takes for the steroids to leave your system. I am only just sleeping and finished them 3 days ago. Also having horrible dreams.
Toni, I’m sure you can take someone with you, although they can’t join in. They can help you do your makeup though
I have been thinking about Doggirl too. Hope she is ok. Maybe she is just in hospital and can’t get reception on her phone. I’m hoping she’s swanning around on her holidays though.
Harry Duck, I’m so sorry to hear you are suffering. They only reason I have slept is because I got some sleeping tablets, it’s not a big dose and I don’t geel too groggy in the morning and a couple of nights has made the world of difference. I know that it will be hard because of Elizabeth, but if you have someone who can stay with you both overnight, I would recommend getting some. Sleep has made me feel much more ‘me’ although I still have a bad tum and and feel sicky.
Hugs to all
Oh that’s good my eldest daughter would love to come with me, I’ve not heard anything concerning Doggirl, I’ve sent her a PM, I only hope she’s on her hols and not still in hospital, poor thing, Harryduck sorry to hear u r having a rough time, I agree with Josie, if u can get someone to feed Elizabeth thru the night do it , everything is harder for u if u feeling like crap, I started to feel better once stopped the steroids, they certainly never gave me an energy boost , I kept falling asleep, not so bad for me, I’ve got no little ones to take care of so I can sleep all day if necessary , hope u feel better soon, gentle hug xx Toni x
Hello buddies,
I managed to get out in the sun today. Was lovely but needed so many pit-stops for lunch, coffee, ice-cream…Oh well, been stuck in so long, not to worry.
Harry - I have been having terrible dreams too. So reassurred (but sorry) you are too, but I am not having to get up in the night! Please do, do ask for help!! I got a bit scared when I took the lorazepam- I sort of felt on speed and relaxed at the same time and it freaked me out!
Bikerchic- re accumulation of SE’s- just wanted to be clear that I am not sure that the actual SE’s get worse. But, it is the wear and tear of it all on your body. I think of it as being a bit like getting a bug every 3 weeks. After one, it is just a bug, two its a bit boring, three, its getting wearing, four, oh my g.d I’ve had enough (but here you get the boost of knowing only one/two more). You just don’t bounce back as easily. Hope this makes sense. I would hate anyone to think the actual SE’s get worse if that makes sense.
Lovely picture Josie!
I feel a bit guilty about a LGFB as I went to one two years ago- they might think I am a fraud! Instead I went to a dept store and got all free samples!!! My guilty secret. I said (which was true) skin gone mad, acne one minute, dry the next- handsome guy gave me a make-over (then realised prob not a good idea-infection risk!) and loads of free samples.
Bad, bad Rattles. xxx
Hi lovely ladies i hope you have all had a nice day.
Ive not done anything much still suffering with cramps and not a lot of energy.
Josiejo so glad you enjoyed your look good feel good,what you got in yours sounds similar to mine except a Prada perfume wich i was well impressed with.So ill be smelling good aswell for a change im such a muppet at times dont know why i thaught you were in Liverpool,think we wont be bumping into one another at our next treatment.
Harry Duck i think your lgfg when you have finished your treatment will be perfect timing,just what the Doctor ordered.Something for you to look forward to.I hope your feeling ok this evening,big hugs x
I was wondering about Doggirl too,i do hope she is ok and she managed to get going on her hols and she is having a lovely time.
I hope all you lovely ladies sleep well tonight and feel a lot better in the morning.
Ive got a headstrong appointment tomorrow,ill let you know how it goes.Fingers crossed for me im a bit anxious about this one.
Lots hugs to you all xxx