Ambarose, I’ve bought a couple of Happy Bags, they a really great, I’ve got one for myself and the other I’ve given to my eldest daughter, as she and a friend are doing the London Shine walk, I will be buying more bags to give out to others,they are well worth the money, hope everyone here will get one/some, great news that she reached her target :-)) x love to all Toni xx
Hi Buds,
So sorry Rattles and Harryduck are struggling - I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way.
Em - you are right about everything happening so quickly you don’t have time to take it in. I often forget I have cancer, particularly when I get engrossed in work things, as unlike, say, stomach cancer, the cancer itself is not giving me significant pain, sickness, breathing difficulties etc, and I have been lucky so far with chemo side effects. And then I remember and it hits me.
The only challenges I am currently facing are the ongoing battle to get my herceptin (too boring and depressing to write about, almost can’t be bothered any more), strange things happening at work, and hubby (who does all the cooking) having a go at me last night for putting a colander in the wrong cupboard in the kitchen. The onc was going through the standard checklist of chemo side effects with me yesterday and asked if I had any trouble with my mouth. I was going to reply that my mouth had been even more potty than usual (and usual is bad) since starting chemo, but I probably needed to wash it out with soap and water rather than the mouthwash he gave me which appears to be for soreness and ulcers rather than pottiness!
Take care everyone
Squeakymouse xx
Rattles how are you doing?How did you get on at this afternoons app? Cant even begin to imagine trying to maketea with chest drains in…! Let alone the emotional side of things. I know we are all thinking of you all the time. Elizabeth sends milky kisses mixed with a bit of anti thrush treatment thats supposed to taste of cherries but she says it tastes of mega yuk! My friend from next door is coming to sit with me tonight while oh is out im 36 for goodness sake but dont trust my arms and legs with a baby in my arms when going up and down stairs. Pathetic
Hi all I have not posted for a while as I have been in a bit of a chemo fog for the past few days, coming out of it now. Been trying to avoid 2 of my 3 boys( easier said than done) as they have colds and desparately do not want to end up back in hospital again.
Hope you are all not suffering too badly with SE’s and able to enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.
Rattles hope you are taking it easy and getting used to the new you. Hope the drains come out soon, that was a real turning point for me.
Harry duck It must be so hard to have to look after a baby and go trough all of this, it’s pants, it should be the happiest time of your life.
My chemo unit too is quite spacious and no limits to people we can take in. I am at RUH n Bath. Anyone form down this way??
Sorry if can’t think of anything witty on here, lost my sense of humour somewhere along the way, just want my old life back.
love louxx
Hello buddies,
I am on line again. Trying to rest.
The high of having the drains removed was a bit spoiled by the lovely breast nurse trying to fit a ‘comfie’ in a badly fitting bra. I was so miserable. I ended up looking worse with the bra and comfie thingy than without. I realised I have no idea how to get correctly fitted for a bra. The comfie looks enormous. I think I might just try layering-what do you think?
Someone had a good idea of posting in surgery. I joined a thread but I have got myself stuck as I dont want to post anything up in case I put anyone off about to have their surgery! I have though booked a reflexology appointment for Thursday and a friend is coming around tomorrow.
Em -agree the cancer-train hits like a speed-train. It is very hard to process everything that happens. Life changes in bigs ways and in other ways stays the same. It is all very surreal.
Ambarose- I find I live in 3 week chunks, ill a week, getting better a week, then madly trying to ‘live’ in week 3 before it all starts again.
Harry duck- I think you ar doing brilliantly. Having a new baby is such an exhausting time. It is also a big life transition. Having treatment for bc is also exhausting. Add them together and its a double whammy! I hope you can enjoy a bit of time with your friend. I am sure they want to help, so in a way you are helping them! Dont be so hard on yourself. I was thinking of setting aside one day a week for crying…
Squeaky mouse- loved your joke about the potty mouth. Maybe I will try swearing more. We can say it is a SE of chemo!
Bikerchic- nice to hear from you. Hope all good with you.
Hi Rattles,
I have put for you below the link to BCC’s publication ‘A confident choice’ where bra fitting/clothes/prosthesis are discussed. Also could I suggest you give the helpline here a ring I’m sure the staff here will be able to help you. Calls to the helpline are free, 0808 800 6000.
Hope this helps,
Jo, Facilitator
Harryduck, belated happy birthday. Sorry you had such a nightmare with your trearment, hope you are feeling better now.
Rattles, sending you big hugs
Ginger1, hope your bloods are ok for Thursday.
I had number 2 today, no steroids this time, so hoping the se’s will be less. Also have been given the injections from day 5 so hope I won’t be delayed for next time. Not too worried about the jabs. We went through fertility treatment between my op and chemo and I had to jab myself twice a day, so like you doggirl, I’m a medical expert now
Hope everyone is feeling ok today. Im off to bed, im pooooped.
Hugs xx
Ah a fellow MD
good luck with se. Keep us updated re the no steroids. Am seeing my onc Monday so will talk to him.
Sarah Xxx
Hello May buddies,
Polarbear74, glad your treatment went ahead and hope you’ll feeling ok.
Squeakymouse, hope any soreness and ulcers are minimal. Actually this is a SE I dread most, I suppose I love my grub too much and hate to think of anything putting the kybosh on it.
Harry Duck, it must be very hard looking after a little one with all the crap BC brings. You are not pathetic but doing a wonderful job in very difficult circumstances. It’s unfortunate that Taxol seems to affect arms and legs. I had a day and night from hell yesterday. Feet really hurt, no energy and when I went to the fridge to get some cheese my hands didn’t feel like they belonged to me, very odd. Feeling better today although tired and at least my limbs have come back to the fold as it were.
Itsmelou, hope yo avoid catching your boys colds and keep out of hospital.
Rattles, sending you big hugs.
JosieJo75, hope your SE will be slight. Interesting you are not having steroids, keep us updated on how it goes.
Hope everyone can enjoy the sun today.
Love Claire
Hello buddies,
Again, the promise of some sunshine- I really hope so!
It is great to be without drains, I keep going to pick up my bag and pipes!
<address>Joise, Doggirl- be interested to hear what the SEs are like without tseriods-my onc was talking about having them for more days(NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) to help with SE’s.</address>
<address> </address>
<address>Claire, sorry to hear about your hands. I have a similar experience with the docetaxol, the tingling and burning is horrible. I wasnt even sure if I had it on my lips, or whether I was going mad.</address>
<address> </address>
<address>Anyone suffering with dry skin and bruising? I look as if I have been in a fight with Mike Tyson.</address>
<address> </address>
<address>Itsemelou- missed your post yesterday. Hope you managed to miss those germs. Bath is lovely.</address>
<address> </address>
<address>Take care, Rattles.</address>
<address> </address>
<address>ps cant get the font off italic.</address>
<address> </address>
Im feeling better today hooray. Elizabeths first night in her own room went well and i got 3 hours sleep in a row.She slept lots 7pm til 1am then 2am til 5am then 6am til 8am I lay awake until 2am worried about her . All good.
We had a nice evening last night with the babysitter. She is coming again on thurs with a meal for two from tesco. I wont be able to taste it but im sure the texture will be lovely! Oh is going to see Mrs Browns Boys. Really fed up i cant go but im just not up to it. Hope you all enjoy the last day of sunshine even if its just through the window for those who are feeling grotty. Big hugs for now Harry Duck xxx
Hope everyone is ok today. just wanted to tell you that I went to a Talking heads group yesterday and it was well worth going to. There were only 4 of us and it was quite relaxed and a good laugh really. And we got a free scarf hat too - I chose Electric blue so if you have one near you and feel well enough do go along. They said not to bother with special shampoos and conditioner (typical after my ebay purchases) and to soak your wig in fabric softener at first to let the clips be more comfy! Also to wear sunscreen on your head as you can still get burnt through the weave. I must admit I hadn’t thought of that! Oh and I had been wearing one of those stocking things under it (a bit like a bank robber) and she said not to, must admit today it was a lot comfier without it and the wig sat on my head better as well. Definitely going to bully my son into shaving it today as my plug holes can’t take any more!
Take care everyone
L x
Hi everyone , hope you are coping ok with SE’s , looks like chemo will go ahead tomorrow, , Harry duck , glad you are feeling better today, Rattles glad the drains are out , makes it so much easier to move around,kitten-mad thanks for the tips about the wig and the sunscreen never thought about scalp burning , not that we get that much sun here lol , Josiejo will be interesting to hear how you get on without the steroids .
love and hugs to everyone xx
Hi all
Harryduck - good to hear that our mascot coped with her first night in her own room, and that you’re feeling a bit better.
Rattles - hope that things are on the up for you now your drains are out - I had one in for 10 days after my op, and getting rid of it was a real turning point!
Lou - I used to live in Bath - lovely city.
Hope everyone is doing ok with SEs and rollercoaster emotions.
I had my second FEC today, I lost about half a stone in the first week after FEC 1 with sickness and nausea (put it all back on in weeks 2 and 3!) so I’m on a new anti-nausea drug. The chemo nurse called it a ‘wonder drug’ and says no-one is ill when they have it, so I shall report back in a day or two… My blood count was only just high enough to go ahead, so the nurse thinks I may be delayed next time. Fingers crossed.
I have my chemo in Kendal, it’s in a new unit that’s been open less than a year, and is lovely (though personally I could live without radio 2 in the background…) Chemo buddies are welcome (though if it got full, there might not be room as the buddies sit in the spare treatment chairs). Last time they brought round sarnies and chocolates, but I was out a bit earlier today so missed the lunch run. Our hospital trust has been in the news of late for all the wrong reason, but thus far the treatment I’ve had has been great.
Had my head shaved yesterday, my scalp is really dry and sore, the hairdresser said olive oil is the best thing to put on it, so now my pillows are greasy as well as hairy
Great to have 2 medical experts on the team!
Love and hugs to everyone,
Hi Ladies
Rattles -So pleased you have had the drains out, makes life a bit more comfortable.
Post surgery I found the comfy did not ssit well in my bra, so what I got from M & S was a vest with hidden brs - it is the ones with the padded moulded cups - they are very supportive, comfortable and the comfy sits nicely in them. I am still wearing them now with comfy 3 months on. I have not got round to going back for my permanent prosthesis yet but am very happy with the look and feel of these vest tops.
Today 2 district nurses came round to flush my PICC line and I fainted whilst they were doing it, it gave them such a fright that they dialled 999. I came round whilst they were on the phone to the ambulance. Think it was because they made me sit at the kitchen table to do it after being horizontal for most of the last 6 days.
Hope all you ladies are doing ok, Glad our little Elizabeth had a good 1st night in her room, I remember those days with my 3 boys.
Must go and get horizontal again, feeling quite weak today, the SE’s seem to be taking longer to go this time, is it only me?
Take care ladies,xx
Hi Ladies,its lovely to get on here again and be able to read how you are all doing.
my thaughts are with you all and hope you are all feeling as well as can be expeected,sorry not upto much tonight on here.Ive not been good after last juice just no energy still and all i want to do is rest.
Lots of hugs to you all,take care
Donna xxx
Got my son to give me a number 1 shave - I thought it would be sore - it was quite relaxing until I looked in the mirror! At least no more mess in the shower in the mornings, but will have to blitz the bathroom floor. Pleasantly surprised with the shape of my head. Hope our lovely little mascot has a good 2nd night in her room - pretty sure she will have more hair than me anyway.
Hope everyone has a good night’s sleep. Take care.
L xx
Morning ladies,
Hope you are all well. I’m feeling a little fed up todaI. The upside of no steroids (I’m allergic so can’t have them) is I have mostly slept since but I have no energy and I’m so bored of being in bed.
Are all of you wiped out for days after juicing? I feel like I should be doing something useful but I’m just so pooped. What do all of you do to pass the time for this bit? I’m so bored of laying around and daytime tv is driving me nuts. I can’t take any more homes under the hammer
Any tips for things to pass the time? I’m feeling fed up and there still seems months ahead. Sorry for the morning moan xx
Kitten Mad she slept through the night… 8-6 what a clever girl.
Well done on the hair i felt so much better after we had shaved it. I still have some and some new fuzzy growth really odd. Convinced it will grow back grey and curly…
Donna sending you big hugs one more done now. xx
Lou sounds awful really hope your feeling stronger soon. Are you eating?
Alix i was told to still use shampoo for my scalp and its fine. The wig man said talc under my wig then baby lotion at night. I have not tried this as i dont wear my wig much. Olive oil makes me think of salad dressing and lettice on your head wold be very funny!
Ginger hope all goes well today and you dont have to many SE x
Rattles how are you feeling? did you get rid of your italic…?
Claire thank you for your kind words made me feel much better it is hard work but have lots of help x Hope your pains are easing. I was pain free for most of yesturday then had a blast for a couple of hours last night. All ok again today so fingers crossed. When they move to my head its horrible.
Sarah and Josiejo hope all is well with you.
Think i might wash the kitchen floor rock n roll x
Josiejo, sorry you are feeling so pooped and fed up. I think you just gotta go with the flow, if you sleep and rest now, you might get better quicker. Steriods def. give me more energy, but they are horrible.
I feel like I have been in bed for months and only allow myself to watch Lorraine. I am not that techno. but you could sign on to virgin films, or something similar. I have been watching box sets and signed up to lovefilm. Borrowed a portable dvd player and hey presto! Comedies work well for me. I cant always read books but what are your tastes? I was going to knit and bought some patchwork, but only thing is that my hands hurt so much cant do them. My mum suggested reseraching our family tree? I have started to do lists of things I want to do, places to go…Others must have other ideas?
Alix- thanks for the tips. ATM cant bear anything on skin. Was thinking about silk…but so expensive?
Ismelou- at least the nurses were with you when you fainted! I am sure you had a fright. I used to faint when on taxol. Was told to drink lots to help with BP- maybe one of our resident medical experts can explain this, dont know reason, but worth a try? Also, eat little and often.
Kitten-mad- I hope that you, like the rest of us, feel a bit better now the hair has gone. Everyone will tell you what a nice shaped head you have? When they said that to me, I felt a bit of chemo-rage!!!
May- nice to hear from you. Keep going.
Harry duck- your post suddenly appeared! Well done Elizabeth- that is brilliant. Did you sleep? Took me ages to relax when my daughter went into her own room. She howled in protest too! I am glad pain easier. How are you feeling otherwise?
I have also used olive oil. Keep finding tiny hairs everywhere. Uugh! Also, have a bit of new fuzz growing back due to delay in chemo.
Raining again…
Rattles, xx