Hanging around waiting for the chemo…
Rattles - my Omeprazole worked better on second Tax as I only took one a day. On the first Tax my bc nurse advised to take more, and I had a lot of bad bloating and constipation after day 5 (following 4 days of diarrhea), a dose of constipation medicine sorted it out (basically stimulated the system). For my second Tax I read the Package Leaflet and cut it down to one first thing, and didn’t have any tummy troubles at all!
I threatened the bc nurse with baking her some shortbread - using my peeling hands to rub the butter in, just an extra special ingredient of dead skin scales! She didn’t seem too amused, but hey bad advice needs some punishment (maybe I should have just given her some!)
The good thing about being at home is having time to bake - I love it, but like others I;m getting worried about my weight, especially with stories about FEC foods!
Hugs to all
J x
Hi to Everyone. After a couple of days feeling very energised and not being able to sit still I feel a quiet,lazy day coming on with nothing but films to watch and knitting to complete. Had my walk with doggies so they’re happy.
Bikerchic - I like most others it see the onc between each treatment.
Rattles - thanks for the info on the TNBC thread. I diagnosed the both TN and DCIS ER/HR positive tumours. Positive stories on the thread.
Em - my first tax due next week (Thurs). Feel like the first time again when started the FEC. Trying to stay open minded about the SE but negative thoughts outweighing the positive and giving me headache!
Off to energise to body so can enjoy lunch with friends tomorrow and day with grandson the weekend.
Have a good weekend everyone. Thanks for being here
Hi all
Bikerchic - I have an appt with my onc a week before each chemo. She asks about SEs and adjusts meds if necessary. I find it quite reassuring, even though I’m usually only with her for about 5 mins (it’s a 40 minute round trip to the hsop).
Polarbear - hope the Tax works its magic on you.
Ginger and Jellipops - hope you got juiced ok, and are not feeling too bad.
Kitten-mad - I never used to be able to start the day without coffee, but I’ve lost the taste for it too. I’m craving things I never used to touch, like Muller rice!
Ambarose - hope the GP signs your form, if not I’m sure our resident medic, Doggirl, would do it for less!
Rattles - the chemo nurse gave me some mouthwash called Difflam for mouth ulcers, plus some sachets of Gelclair (which you can either make into a mouthwash or just put on like Bonjela) which seem to be doing the trick. I haven’t had stomach trouble of late, so don’t think my ulcers are related.
Sounds like we’re all getting into baking! I made some strawberry jam yesterday, just need some scones and cream to go with it. I’ve still got a few bits of short hair which I’m slowly shedding, have to remember to cover my head when I’m cooking so I don’t make strawberry and stubble jam
Have decided to see my chemo delay as a positive, and have just booked a short break with OH to a holiday cottage. Haven’t been away properly this year (can’t think why!) so am really looking forward to it. Hopefully we’ll get some sunshine in Wales to set me up for Fec 3 next Wednesday. Am packing my walking boots more in hope than expectation!
Hope everyone has a good weekend,
love Alix xx
Hi everyone
Polarbear - good luck with the Tax at least they have changed your treatment plan rather than continuing with the FEC if its not working as well as they thought.
Rattles - I took the omprazole for stomach cramps. I thought it was just for heartburn / acid reflux rather than the lower down cramps but the nurse said it was OK to take for these. However might be best to check with your hospital chemo medical hotline number if you have one, as you can describe the symptoms in more detail and they might be able to suggest something more suitable - dont continue suffering until your next appointment!
Bikerchic - I agree with the others re onc apointments, they are a useful opportunity to ask any questions, share any concerns or get your SE meds tweaked if they are not working for you.
Good luck to everyone being juiced today hope you have more success than me. My appointment (Herceptin 1 + Tax 1) was cancelled last minute after a 3 hour wait because no beds available on the ward so got to try again tomorrow, not sure about having it on Fri 13th though! Full details of rant posted in Benchland, might resort to original plan of chaining myself to a bed. Still taking the dreaded steroids (yes 8 x 2 mg per day!!) in anticipation of Tax any day now so must try and renegotiate appointments with hospital in a non-psychotic manner.
Squeakymouse xx
Squeakymouse-sorry you have been delayed, what a pain after being all psyched up for it! I’m a little confused as I haven’t been given any steroids to take pre-TAX next week and am now worried that I should be taking them… How many days before do you start taking them? I normally have my blood test the day before chemo so do you think I will get them then?
Em - I was told to start the steroids 1 day before chemo so if they decide you need them it should be ok if they give them to you at your pre chemo blood test. More info on page 8 of the bcc leaflet download on taxotere
Squeakymouse xx
Thanks Squeaky!!! Good luck for tomorrow, will be thinking of you- don’t leave till you get it!!! X
Hello to everyone and to the newbies,
I’ve loved catching up with all your posts, to many to respond to and I am sorry to hear that some buddies are having a rough time.
I had my taxol last week and was feeling ok until yesterday. I did drag myself out to the look good feel great make up session which I thoroughly enjoyed. However it was a near thing between that and my bed!
Bickerchic, I also see my oncologist the day before treatment, try and have bloods done on the Monday so he has it to hand on the Tuesday.
Could I ask my May buddies for advice this evening. I’ve been in bed most of the day, just so tired and my temperature has been creeping up. It’s 38.5 but I really don’t want to call the hospital because they will probably want me to go in and possibly stay. This happened with the first lot. Do you think it worth waiting until the morning to do anything about it?
Hi Claire, I think you should phone hospital.
Squeakymouse xx
Well, while all eyes were on Murray, Bradley Wiggins has been storming ahead in the yellow jersey. OH a big fan.
First - Claire - I think deep down you know you should ring even though you know what will happen. You prob need antibiotics. I know its a drag but better to do this than get worse.Big hugs.
Squeaky- very impressed that you managed to keep your cool, esp when you had steriods. It is crap isint it? I think the whole process undermines rather than supports psychological well-being. Cant think of anything to make you feel bettter. That Munch painting comes to mind ’ The Scream.’
Em, just to say I didnt get steriods to take before my first cycle but was given them intravenously on the day. Not quite sure why but to be honest, its a shame they cant do it like that every time. I really begrudge giving up that ‘good day.’ Its always hard to know whethere to trust the system to be efficient or get things wrong…
I am feeling under the weather again…Felt so good yesterday.
Good luck Squeaky - hope all goes well.
Emylou - I was given the extra steroids at my last chemo session and told to keep and take them the day before, they were tablets though. Isn’t it amazing that every one of us has different ways of getting things, just all depends on your hospital I suppose. Rattles - sorry to hear you are feeling down again - I am still not great but am definitely improving as I have been up for most of the day and went out for a little while as well. Oh and I have just done some baking - although it has made me a bit hot and bothered!!
Take care all
K M x
Hi All
Haven’t posted for a while again. I have been back at work again so find there are just not enough hours in the day when I am working. I have my fourth chemo next Wednesday but have such a sore chemo arm I am dreading it a bit.
I cannot seem to straighten my arm and the veins feel really hard. I did see a post that someone else said the same. In fact all my symptoms seemed to be the same. It was Ambarose (found the post)! Bad indigestion and like a lump in my throat when I swallow.
I also had to get the Doctor to sign to enable me to get my holiday deposit back. It cost me £15, I never thought to get the hospital to do it.
That is why this is such a great support system. All the things you think of seem not so bad when you see other people are going through the same things.
My OH and my son are going to Greece for a week without me (my idea). We had to cancel our big road trip to California and my son has been so good and not complained once. I felt so bad, my husband needs a break and I felt guilty that my son would not get a holiday. So its booked and I am fine with it (that is until they go)! They both resisted at first until I persuaded them. Neither of them dare say they are looking forward to it though!
Hope everyone is as well as they can be.
Hi Alesha, I sent my family off to Portugal in May for exactly the same reasons - didn’t want them to miss out and felt oh needed a break too. I held it together until they left then cried like a baby for a while, then I gave myself a good talking to and went shopping to keep myself busy. I bought lots of nice food and treats just for me - actually had a really nice time and spent time with friends. And remember your May buddies will be here for you if you get lonely. You can reschedule you California trip for when you are all recovered, something to look forward to, X Claire- I hope you have got that temp under control now and that you haven’t ended up in hospital but don’t take chances if it is still high, x Bikerchic- my mid chemo scan was organised by team and just came through the post one day. I’ve only seen onc once before chemo started and once half way through. Other times I see one of her team. Dorothy-we will be starting TAX together then, can compare SEs!!! Polarbear- my tumour hasn’t responded well either so far -let’s hope the TAX does the trick-my surgeon referred to it as the ‘domestos strength’ one - argh !!! Rattles, hope you are feeling better today. Thanks to all for the TAX/steroid info. Kittenmad your baking sounds good- yummy. I must try harder in the kitchen. Squeaky go get that juice!! Hope all goes well. Have a good day if you can buddies, much love Em Xx
Thank you ladies for the response concerning onc, I will be having FEC number 4 next Wednesday, well hopefullyour bloods are ok, nets were low last time so will have to see what happens, I’m going to ring chemo suite this afternoon and ask about the halfway appointment, hope everyone has a good weekend, take care, Toni xx
Hi everyone, hope you are all OK.
Partially successful mission today - got Herceptin, no probs with side effects or allergic reaction. However because of yesterday’s cancellation the pharmacy forgot to reschedule the docetaxel so had choc muffin instead and going in for third attempt to get docetaxel on Monday - onc is on the warpath re the pharmacy. Choc muffin was yummy but probably did not have the same effect on cancer. At least I get a day off the horrible steroids tomorrow - “start steroids 1 day before docetaxel” is becoming a moveable feast.
Unfortunately all this probably means back to square 1 with all my other appointments that I had so much hassle setting up (hospital not sending details or answering phones) will probably have to be rescheduled now to keep the 3 week gap between them so hope I can sort this before tax side effects kick in. Anyone would think I was trying to arrange a manicure not cancer treatment. I can feel another formal complaint coming on. I don’t mind that yesterday was cancelled, because this was due to someone else being too ill to be discharged from the ward on time, but I object to all the administrative failures and lack of communication.
Rant over - hope no-one is feeling too poorly, anyone being juiced this week had more successful missions than I did, and hope everyone has an OK weekend.
Squeakymouse xx
Hi Everyone
I think the idea of buying myself loads of nice food when my OH and son are away sounds like a good idea. Although I have put enough weight on over the last few months! I think my mum and sister are coming up to visit also which will be nice.
I have been having alot of pain in my chemo arm and have noticed today it looks quite swollen. Has anyone else had this and if so do you think I should be letting anyone know? I have chemo this coming Wednesday and will have to have my bloods done on Tuesday and am dreading both because my arm is aching so much. Any advice greatfully received.
I hope everyone has a good weekend or as good as it can be.
Hi Alesha,my chemo arm also hurts, well the veins are anyway, I think you should let someone know about the swelling, sounds uncomfortable, so I’d get it checked out xx Toni
Squeakymouse - sorry about all the hassle you are having with the hospital - it is just not fair and must be so frustrating for you.
Bikerchic and Alesha - when I saw my consultant on Monday I mentioned my arm - she said it was Phlebitis, and that it would respond to physio. Told me to use either ice packs, or heat on it and to take Ibroprofen or Paracetomal and rub Ibuleve on it. While this does help - the problem is still there, so I am going to my GP tomorrow to see if there is anything she can give me. I can’t reach above my shoulder and can’t straighten it and it is very sore as well. When I read up about Phlebitis it freaked me out a bit but to be honest she didn’t seem over concerned about it - but then it is not attached to her body!!
So get it checked asap as it may hold up future treatments.
KM x
Hi ladies, Kittenmad my GP gave me an analgesic cream, and said to try cold compresses as well, both of which have helped, but I’m also exercises the said arm, just straightening it out as much as I can then relaxing, that has helped as well, I’ve been told that itdoes get better, but I think all the time nasties are put into the veins it won’t go away, but hopefully once we’ve finished the veins will recover, the nurses I see also put heat pad under my arm to help the veins, so maybe you can ask for a heat pad, if you notgushing one already, hope you all have a good weekend, and those of you who’ve had juicing last week, gentle hugs and hope SE’s not too bad xx love Toni xx