Starting Chemo in May 2012

Great to hear you will have your last FEC Ginger. I feel like I am the one lagging behind. I think we need to promise whoever is last to go that we wont end the thread until they are well and truely juiced!!
I have bought some happy bags too.
Good you are busy doggirl- I guess that is because people go away I was scared getting a TBNC diagnosis - not helped by the way the describe it - ie we dont know much about it. I try (!!) to see it as just different. The positive is that tend to be more likely to respond to chemo. Agree about the belt and braces, but you know you have to rely on the chemo so +tives and -tives. I think when all is said and done all cancer is pretty s…e.
Well, I managed to get dressed today. Spurred on by all you buddies walkingi, I walked around the block!
Hope everyone feeling bit more up beat.
Squeaky- hope you are doing okay with your picc. It will make a big difference and your veins will be so happy.
Rattles (aka foxy lady- not!)

Go Rattles. Clothes. That’s progress. Don’t over do it with the walking. Are you healing well? x

Pixie, I’ll definitely be getting sone happy bags. Have always followed the bunnies thread. The warren is lovely. Good luck with them. You are doing well with the fundraising. I’ll be interested to see if the lunch/hotel venture works out xx

Ginger1. I really hope you get FECCED on Thursday. As muc h as none of us want our chemo I’m sure we all want to get it over and done with.

So what do we have next buddies? Who is changing chemo? I’m 6xFEC so I know what is coming. More if the same. I guess some if you will be changing to some sort of T.?

I hope those that are quiet are doing nice things. I’m off to Salisbury tomorrow after school for the Olympic torch thingamy. There’s a little festival on. Fingers crossed for dry weather xxx

Evening everyone. Glad your up and about again Rattles and got out for a walk. Have 2 dogs and like you Doggirl so glad I have them. They make me get out. Don’t do the long walks at mo, more of leisurely stroll round neiGbourhood but feel so much better when I get out with them. Think that’s why so miserable last week as didn’t have the energy.
I haven’t done anything as drastic as freak out cyclist but have caused a couple of delivery guys to wish they hadn’t knocked. At home I tend go au naturel! Trinny and Suzanne (my falsies) go their hammocks in the bedroom, and head only gets covered when I cold. Had a shoestring top on so no hiding the fact I had no breasts as well as having no hair - poor man didn’t know were to look.
Was a good girl today - finally went thru my clothes and got rid of the clothes I can no longer wear due to the shape. Wasn’t as bad as I thought only lost some and can easily adapt others.
Goodnight all

Evening all, Doggirl I’m feeling good so am busy making most of it by seeing friends and getting out and about this week. Had good news today that my critical life policy is paying out in full ( it was in doubt due to a claim of non disclosure about a previous investigation for a fibroademoma I had in 1996). Long story but they have now decided to pay up- hurray!!! Nice though the money is Id rather not have it and be healthy. Rattles your flashing the cyclists story made me laugh! Hope you are recovering from your op. Ginger you’re not behind at all, I’m only 3 down and waiting with wild anticipation for my first TAX next week. I am dreading it and have convinced myself I will get every SE going!! Good luck Alix with your Feccing tomorrow and to anyone else being done this week - Squeaky are you due one this week? Kittenmad- I too have a really sore chemo forearm. I’m hoping it will get better but I’ve had it since second FECing. Hope TAX is kinder on my veins! I do hope all our quiet buddies are ok and just busy enjoying SE free days. Night night all, Em Xx

Hi everyone,
Please can I be a late joiner to this group? I have been getting comfort and inspiration from you for a little while now, but what with my computer not wanting to play ball with the web-site, and my own nerves about posting, I have only just got it together having been encouraged by seeing Dorothy welcomed. I am going through a bit of a low having been quite positive at first.
I’m on FEC-T, but with Docetaxol first rather than the FEC, I started 31st May and my third Tax is due Thursday, then 3xFEC. Side effects form first one were not much fun, although I was never sick. I had a reduced dose for the second because of the numbness I was having in my fingers / feet. (My Onc said this was unusual for the first dose and, and it’s a possible permanent side effect - no thanks). As a result I have had a much better time on my second dose - no diarrhea, sickness or aching joints, mostly just tired after the steroids were finished.
I think I’m on the Docetaxol first because I have a triple negative Type III IDC, on which I think it works well.
Rx is not possible as I had a maximum dose 20+ years ago to cure Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Unfortunately the type of rx given then (mantle radiotherapy) put me at higher risk of bc, and I had a tiny DCIS removed six years ago. So this is my third time with the big C, but the first with Chemo… so yuk, although as I can’t have anything else (except probably a mx later in the year) you just have to grin and bear it - although I gather from recent posts that lots of you are grinning as you bare all!
My thoughts with everyone

Hi Jellipops, glad you felt able to post, i find it realily helps to share my feelings/fears/frustration and goog or funny moments with the lovely ladies on here who know exactly what I mean because they are going through similar experiences. Wow so you’ve done all your TAX - you’ll be our TAX guru!!! I hope you find the FEC ok - I think apart from initial sickness and nausea the SEs pass quite quickly for most of us. Will sign off now as bed is calling, Em X

Welcome Jellipops. Glad you felt we were welcoming. Sorry to hear you’re on your third go at cancer. I’m convince that this will not be my only visit. Not that I ever dwell on it, or have even verbalised it. I’m just being realistic. I’m triple negative too. Nice to have you on board.

Grwat news a out your critical illness policy Emylou. Made you sweat for it didn’t they! Mine paid out within a fortnight. I used to work in insurance and was convinced that’d find something to not pay out on so was gobsmacked when it came through. Wish we had over insured ourselves! Could have been a millionaire!! A particular friend of mine is always banging on about how lucky we are… Erm not really. Will have to ‘work’ for every penny of that money. I HAVE CANCER you stupid women!!!

Have to dash. Got school run to do and pack lunch not made yet. At least I don’t have to do my hair…

Morning all
Welcome Jellipops! Sorry to hear that this is third time around for you, that’s tough. Hope your last Tax goes ok.
Dorothy - your post made me laugh, I will now always think of you and your falsies when I see Trinny and Suzanna on the telly!
I think I am now officially bringing up the rear, as I rang the chemo unit this morning (Fec 3 due this morning) and my puny white blood cells are not recovered enough. Poo! So I’ve got to go back next week, and will be joining some of you ladies on the jabs. Am trying to think positively and see it as gaining a week of feeling good, but it’s not really working thus far.
Not sure what the nurse who took my blood yesterday did, but I got a big swelling on my arm when I left the surgery, and I’ve got the mother of all bruises developing! Moan moan moan…
Hope Jellipops and Ginger (and anyone else due this week) get juiced ok.
Love to everyone, especially the buddies who haven’t posted for a while. I’m hoping that this is because you’re too busy doing fab things and feeling great.
Alix xx

Hello to Jellipops and Dorothy, Jelli glad you decided to take the plunge!! As well as doggirl, I have a TNBC. Its strange to be pleased to ‘meet’ someone with TNBC as we are a rarer breed, and really you would not want anyone to have it. Have you both been to the TNBC thread? There is lots to be positive about. The medical team seem pretty clear my 2nd diagnosis was linked to having an inherited gene mutation. Id hate your heart to sink when you hear my progress. Like doggirl, feel really sorry that you are having to deal with this again.
Dorothy- I need to sort out my clothes now. Love the names btw. I have not worn my prothesis yet- told OH to hide it. But been going out without bra and feeling less self-conscious. That will be my next challenge.
I have been wondering how I feel- and I feel more ill, but stronger. I know that makes no sense. I mean the chemo has been harder and I am exhausted but before the surgery I really felt like I was sinking. Horrible. I am so, so hoping that the infection would have been dragging me down so much that I will have an easier time. Almost scared to write that in case it all goes wrong.
Em, you sound better. Hope you cram in as much fun as you can. Em, doggirl, great news about your critical illness policy. I have an income protector but think I have to stop working before I can cash it and doesnt have a ‘critical’ illness option (apparently I didnt tick the box!!)
I popped into the warren (felt a bit strange). It is encouraging that we are all delaing with the same stuff.
Off to get picc line serviced. Wow- such an exciting life!
Good luck to those having their magic today.
Rattles, xx

Sorry for not posting for a few days - but after struggling up to my Consultant’s appt on Monday - I had to retire to bed for a couple of days. Just surfaced now! In hindsight I wasn’t really well enough to go to the hospital appt but as it was the halfway consultation I thought I would make an effort. She said I had chest infection and prob shouldn’t have been given the 3rd FEC on Friday. Also my sore arm is Phlebitis (not sure about spelling) I have been taking Ibroprofen for it and rubbing it with Ibuleve Emylou - so worth a try - she also said I could have physio for it but there is a waiting list! I think the blood nurse took the samples at a funny angle last week and that started it off. Nice to have some new people on here, and sorry you have to be with us, but it definitely helps, I am really glad I joined in. I am really not looking forward to this Docetaxol now with feeling so bad this time. Rattles your story about the balcony made me laugh. I live in a quite isolated place and dread people popping in unexpectedly. At the moment I am so not interested in having any visitors at all. Likewise I wear nothing on my head in the house, except if it is a bit chilly, besides I don’t always hear the phone if I have a scarf or hat on!
Only 2 kittens left to get picked up soon - quite sad to lose them but I simply don’t have the energy for them at the moment. Hope everyone is feeling fitter than me and good luck to anyone having any sort of treatment this week

Afternoon darlings, quick question for anyone who has any idea, I’m halfway through my FEC and I’ve been reading some posts that are also halfway through, but they’ve got appointments to see onc, I’ve not had any appointments come through, not been told that I will have to see onc either, so I’m a bit confused, do I wait until next week, (number 4 ),and ask about it, or do I just leave it ??? Hope everyone is ok, love Toni xx

Hi everyone

Jellipops - welcome to out thread and sorry you are having to join us and that this is your third time with the Big C. I think Harryduck who posted a few days ago had Tax first then FEC like you.

Em - brilliant news with your insurance payout, you were overdue some good news!

Kittenmad (and anyone else feeling poorly particularly anyone too poorly to post) - hope you feel better soon, sending hugs.

Bikerchic - I have had onc follow up appointments before all of my chemo’s except the first one so am surprised you haven’t - suggest you call your hospital to follow this up. Even if they don’t think you need to see onc I would have thought you should at least have a blood test before your next chemo either at the hospital or your GP surgery.

Well that was an interesting experience today. A full day’s work on the 16 mg of steroids I have to take before Tax 1 and Herceptin 1 tomorrow (bloods and hospital beds permitting) . I nearly had to dial out of a meeting because I was having what felt like the start of a panic attack but just about managed to keep my composure - hope no-one reports me to HR for strange or inappropriate behaviour in a meeting! Looking forward to no sleep tonight so I will try not to write any weird posts on here in the small hours, perhaps I ought to ask to be put under moderation like a naughty troll.

Squeakymouse xx

Me again.
Take care kitten-mad. You poor thing. Hope you feel better soon.
Good luck for tomorrow squeaky-mouse. Those steriods are really something arent they? I hate them. I was like one of those big tea urns you get in offices on them - you know the ones that heat up hot water fro tea. Hot…steam…then cold. Hot…BOILING…steam. Awful. Hope you manage to get some rest tonight.
Toni- I agree, you should make an appointment to see onc. I too see mine every cycle.
Rattles, xx

Thanks Sqeakymouse, Ive been having blood test the day before each of my treatments, so far they’ve been ok, but Neuts were 1.7 Last time, which was 27th June, next bloods will be next Tuesday, 17th July, maybe dif hospitals do things dif, but I think I will ask about it next week, I can just about remember being told that the oncs are not even at the hospital unless something is wrong, they’re not based at the hospital where I have chemo, love to all Toni xx :slight_smile:

Hi Everyone, welcome to our new friends and its so supportive on here. The thread has now gone back to the beginning so I will have to try and remember what i have just read without referring to the posts. I too have a very sore chemo arm this time and can feel a huge ropey vein which goes all the way up. Does this mean i will need to have a PICC line or do they just put it in another hand vein and hope for the best? They did tell me on the unit that this would happen to my veins but I thought Oh not me I’m invincible etc etc and now reality has bitten. I am just coming out of week 1 fog/energy lack etc. This one after FEC 4 has been by far the worst. My indigestion got so bad that I had terrible acute pain every time I swallowed anything and it got down my oesophagus to enter my stomach. I figured it was a hyper- irritated sphincter due to all the stomach acid and went off to Doc yesterday to beg for some Omeprazole which seems to be doing the trick thank goodness. My Gp is lovely but I do get the feeling I am more expert than him but if we can work together I don’t mind!!. I did ask him to sign my claim form to get my holiday flight refunded and he said that the practice manager usually charges (which I know- its a business is healthcare!!) Anyway I said if there was going to be a charge I would take it to the hospital and get them to do it for free. I had filled in all the bits-the practice only have to sign and date it so i am not paying £30+ for that. I am waiting to hear what happens with that.
I still do not sleep past 3 am so perhaps we could have conference call emails to pass the long hours of the early dawn. I spent last night thinking my stomach pain was cancer of the oesophagus and that i really was not going to make old bones and that perhaps I should start putting things in order etc etc- awful where your mind takes you in the wee small hours.
Much better today though so love to all

Bikerchic - I think you definitely need to chase up an appt with your consultant. Although maybe if you are not changing drugs that could be the reason. But if you are having 3 and 3 then yes. This appt was sent ages ago - more or less at the same time as all the chemo appts were made, and it was just bad luck that it was too close to my last lot of chemo.
Feeling a lot better today - even did some ironing but not much else - oh made some soup too!
Sad news - I now hate coffee and am not interested in chocolate any more - never thought the day would come and I was (and still hope to be in the future) a chocoholic. Still craving all things savoury though. Rattles the steroids before treatment sound quite horrible - oh and it would be a workday for me as well - I have to take FOUR - is that the same for you?
Hope everyone gets some sleep tonight and doesn’t suffer the hot/cold variations too much!
KM xx

Hello Ladies
An update due from me I think, went to hospital to have FEC3 on Monday. Had an ultrasound first to check it was working, during which they sprung putting a marker in the lump, wasn’t expecting that.
After that I saw Onc who told me the FEC hadn’t worked as much as he had hoped so I am tome moved onto the infamous Docetaxol accompanied by Herceptin next Monday. One on mon and the other dose on Tuesday to check I don’t react to them. Plus side is I get a week off chemo which has been nice and I am starting the Herceptin sooner as I was originally due to have 4 x FEC. Now I have to have 6 x Docetaxol instead so not looking forward to SE of that.
Have to have a heart scan tomorrow to check all ok for Herceptin.
Squeaky hope yours goes ok and thinking of you all.
Rattles hope you haven’t scared any more cyclists. I normally go head covering free at home but the other day my 5 year old handed me my scarf and asked me to put it on so it can’t be a good look!!
Good luck to all and minimal side effects I hope

Hello all and thank you for the welcoming words.
Not much sleep tonight. It’s the pre-Tax steroids that do it - eight tablets yesterday. Then the dose gradually decreases - 4 today, 2 tomorrow, then one and one. Seems to help get you though the first days. Taking Omeprazole on an empty tummy at the start of each day seems to have kept away any tummy upset.
Squeakymouse - the steroids do get you going, though I think your body gets used to it, I was seriously hyper-active the first time, but am not climbing the walls so much this time. My GP has signed my off work throughout my treatment, I just go into work when I feel up to it. I am so lucky to have such an understanding employer - my HR manager’s wife has bc and is a September 2011 lady - so plenty of empathy, and so far they are still paying me.
Harry-duck - as a fellow Tax first person with young Elizabeth you are very much in my thoughts. You have the finger and foot soreness - it’s yukky and mine are peeling like mad. Just when I thought I had done with shedding. Did they discuss reducing your dose?

I’ve seen the dawn (lovely and clear down here on the South Coast) and finished my book. It’s my last Tax today, so half way through is something to celebrate.

Good morning everyone , bright morning here just now but clouds lingering in the distance , last FEC today woohoo, will also be half way thru , seems like this has been going on forever , really its just been since my diagnosis in March , think not being allowed to work has something to do with it :frowning: , hope you are all doing ok Jellipops we seem to be the opposite way round, my last FEC and your last Tax , hope all who are suffering with SE’s recover soon ,
love and hugs to everyone xxx

Lovely to read all your posts. Its amazing how we all keep being faced with challenges and coping so well.
I very p…d off about the steriods. Feel like my daughter ‘ITS NOT FAIR’ I take 8 a day for 3 days. I have asked about a reducing dose and they say no. I saw someone else takes 8 (but cant find who) but it seems strange that the dose is so different doesnt it? I only have to pick up the packet and I feel funny and I think taking them for 14 days may have caused me severe psychological damage (may go starkers on the blacony- a one boobed, bald woman!)
Ambarose- get you? ‘Hyper-irritated sphincter’ Get doggirl on the case! Can those with tummy problems or the resident medical experts give me advice? I dont know what my symptoms are. I have ORANZPOLE but very worried about taking it incase it causes constiptation- does it? After sickness passes - and constipation- so day 5ish, I get grippy tummy ache, feel very bloated and full and kind of burpy and if I dont keep eating I feel really sick. It conicides with really bad ulcers in tongue. Is this stomach acid? My sister suggested milky drinks as it would coat the stomach- anyone any tips?
Polarbear- am sorry about your news. Dont know if you saw Em’s post. Will you have hormone therapy after chemo?
I am on doctetaxol, think kitten-mad is about to? Jellipops? I too have burning feet and hands. My skin peeled after 2, but then I had a delay so now just burning and swollen.
Good luck to ginger and jellipops for today.
Rattles x