I am starting Chemo on the 16th September, with herceptin the day before. If anyone else is starting this at this time too, feel free to come and say hi and we can all moan together!
SGL xx
I am starting Chemo on the 16th September, with herceptin the day before. If anyone else is starting this at this time too, feel free to come and say hi and we can all moan together!
SGL xx
Hi SGL, just to say that that was me the same week of last year (though not the herceptin). Hope you find some good pals to travel with you along your journey, and remember those of us who’ve already walked it are cheering you on and wishing you well.
Thank you so much for that Revcat, hope you are doing ok.
Can I make a little mention of a charity I came across just before I started chemo. It’s called Little Princesses, and it makes wigs from human hair for UK children. You can donate your hair if it’s 10 inches or longer, it then gets sent to China where it’s made into wigs for UK kids. I found it useful to make something positive from something negative, my way to stick up a middle finger to cancer. The web address is littleprincesses.org.uk.
Best of luck to everyone who’s starting in September. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s necessary, and you will get tons of support on here from others going through it.
Hi Stargazerlily
Just wanted to wish you and anyone else starting chemo in September lots and lots of luck. I’m just about to have my last dose next week having started in May. I have found the support on this site so valuable and I know you will soon be joined by lots of people going through the same as you. It feels like a long haul, especially at the beginning, but you will get there.
Love Rachel x
Hi I am starting on 6th Sept. Having chemo every other week 4 x AC and then 4 x PAX what ever all tha means!! I going to give the oold cap a go but to be honest I hate the cold and don’t know if I can be bothered with the extra time involved. I had a lovely facial today and off on hols before the chemo starts. At least something to look forward to. Chin up and best foot forward as they say. Love to all Angela xx
I am due to start chemo in September, not good for someone who has a needle phobia!! Can I ask are you having a picc line put in SGL?..
I will find out what date I start early next week, I am really scared…
Thank you for your encouraging post Rachel…
Jay X
Hi Jay
I also hate needles so know exactly what your going through. I had my back drained on Friday and she had to it twice as she couldn’t get the fluid out!!! I am having a line put in but not until after my 1st chemo as no time before my hols. Don’t know about you but I’m sick of it all already and only just started on our very long journey. I’m also having a bone density test on wed and seeing the WIG lady!! such joy!! My Chemo starts on 6th Sept. keep in touch x
Hi Ginge…
I know what you mean about being sick of it all already, its like being on a rollercoaster that you cant get off of, nothing is in your control, I just feel like running away from the whole thing to be honest! I have an appointment with the oncologist on tuesday, so I guess I will find out more then, I honestly dont think I will be able to sit there while they insert a picc line, I’ll be out the door before they get near, thats what happened when I had the needle biopsy!
Where are you going for your holiday?..
Hope to hear from you soon…
Jay X
I’m another starting chemo on 16th September. Have managed to have both haematoma from original surgery and now seroma from axillary clearance so more needles than I bargained for. Not at all keen and dreading venflons for the chemo. Mostly stressing on the hair issue, it all sounds such a faff to use the cold caps but I really like my hair, think I may decide when I see what the wigs are like. For my bone scan it was only a little needle so hopefully the same for you Angela and I agree that I am sick of it all so far and there is still such a long way to go. Looking forward to getting to know you all. Julia x
Hi Jay and Julia
I’m off to Crete with the family. Its my Dad’s 80th god bless him and we had to delay the holiday due to op. Hopefully my back will be OK and not fill up to much excess fluid as it’s not a nice sight with a big lump of wobbly skin poking out my T shirt!! I know what you mean about the cold cap I don’t know whether I can be bothered as it puts so much time on the whole chemo exercise an I just want to get in there and out again but worth a try. I think my hubby is looking forward to me getting some wigs he says get 3, a blonde, brunette and redhead and then he’ll get a different woman everytime he comes home. Dream on I say!!! By the way where does everyone live and how old. I live in Old Coulsdon in Surrey not sure if I mentioned this before so apologies for boring you if I have. Married with twin girls aged 14 and I am 44. Keep in touch. I’ll let yo know how the WIG experience goes. xx
Hello September ladies. A July girl here!
Just wanted to say to Ginge, I’m doing 4 x AC and 4 x Paclitaxel (Taxol) too. Are you on the fortnightly regime? It is very doable and so far I’ve had very few side effects.
PM me if you have any questions at all. I’ve also used the cold cap.
Hi All…
I too have a seroma Julia, not very pleasant, I didnt have it drained,I think it is slowly going down…
I am not sure whether to go for the cold cap either, to be honest I cant see past the picc line right now!!..
I am 45. divorced from Brighton, I have four kids, 27, twins of 24 and a lad of 12, I also have 6 grandkids! I live in Brighton…
How are your 14 year olds coping with all this Ginge?..
Look forward to hearing from you soon…
Jay X
Hi ladies can I join in recognise a few name on here SGL and Revcat (from duston)…
I’m due to start chemo sept but don’t know what i’m having or start date yet! I am HER2+ and was told I would have it after chemo not alongside it but maybe I misheard! My mx almost 4 weeks ago now and have seroma drained once 750mls and it’s filling again but more slowly. Planning risk reducing mx for healthy breast then bilat recon with free TRAM flap when this is all over in Leics, my hospital is Northampton.
I’m 35 and have 2 children jessica 7 and Sam 4 they are coping so well but I worry the worst is to come and will really test them esp with my son starting school and he has some special ways to make transition harder for him x
Not planning on trying cold cap but been experimenting via you tube with scarves in preperation.
I am prob having a porta cath so it’s a line under my skin, minor op prior to treatment but then no more needles in arm and safer than a picc line for my little boy who can have aggressive tendancies with me being his biggest target.
I feel a bit in no mans land at the mo as doing waiting game again but SGL we will have similar treatment around the same time so do keep me posted and best wishes to everyone on here.
Choc muffin my hair is very fine and needs a good condition, but love the idea of littleprincess will investigate this
Big Hugs all round xxx
Port is the best way to go in my opinion … my veins packed in after chemo 3 and since have a port and its brilliant… can’t even see it under the skin and no more stsbbing looking for a vein… good luck with your treatment … its not as bad as you imagine but it does get harder towards the end… x
For those of you with needle phobias, a central line does seem the way to go. I had a portacath inserted, and that still involves a needle (they have to get access to it somehow) so perhaps a PICC or Hickman or Groeschong (sp?) which have external bits and pieces that you either tuck into your bra or strap to your arm with a bit of tubigrip. A bit of a nuisance but NO NEEDLES, as they even take blood from your line, and it also saves your poor veins from the trauma of chemo. I have a friend who finished chemo months ago and she’s still got junkie arms, poor thing, so I’m a great advocate of central lines.
Best of luck to you all, and I hope those of you going on holiday first have a lovely time.
Thank you for your replys, they all sound horrific to be honest…
I am seeing an oncologist for the first time tomorrow so I guess I will find out more then, a picc line was mentioned but I cant imagine sitting there while they thread it up my arm!!..
Not much of a choice eh!..
Jay X
Hi guy
I think I’m having a Portacath fitted - you might think I’m a bit vague but haven’t had the guts to get all my notes out!! Girls are copng fine sometimes I feel like just sitting down and weeping actually howling would be good but might frighten the neighbours!! Its all s**t isn’t it shame we can’t all have the chemo together in the same place. Can’t believe the time all finished will be nearly Xmas how scary is that!! And then the Radiotheraphy starts.!! anyhow one day at a time eh. Love to all and everyone XX
Hi Friends…
Xmas seems so far away right now!..
I just feel like running away to be honest, its all happening so fast, I cant get my head around it all! I know everyone says be positive but its not always that easy, at least not for me…
But as you say Ginge one day at a time…
Take care All…
Jay X
Hello Ladies. I didnt realise there had been so many replies as not been on much over the last few days.
I have not been offered a picc line. I am wondering whether I should ask, as I will also be having herceptin for a year and I really dont want my veins to collapse.
It will be nice if we can all support each other.
And Sandipantshell, that sounds like a good idea to me.