Starting chemo in September

Hi everyone.

Not even thought about Portacath, I’m a bit like you Ginge not really looking at the notes and info, if I don’t look it may go away. I live in the Pennines, Yorkshire and have three girls 19, 22 and 24, two oldest living away and the youngest travelling. They seem to be coping well although I have always kept a positive spin on it with them whilst at time wanting to howl how bloody scared I am and could they please pay me more attention. In fact that is how it is generally am fine fine fine and then come home and weep and rant to the dog.

I guess we just have to try and enjoy the lull before chemo. I have my first appointment with the oncologist on Thursday so will know more what is happening then. 750mls from a seroma makes me feel pathetic for whinging about mine Sandipantshell, glad that it is filling more slowly now, mine too and Ginge for taking yours off on holiday with you. Hoping you have a lovely time.

It will be nice to support each other, shame that we all live so far apart.

Let’s go forth and have a good day xxxx

Hi all…
I am the same as you Lucy, keeping a positive outlook on it all infront of family and friends, and falling apart when i’m alone!..

I have my first appointment with the oncologist today, so nervous, dont even want to go, just dont want to hear what they have to say…
But once again I have no choice, as it isnt go to go away…

Have a good Tuesday everyone…

Jay X

My best wishes to you all as you start in the foothills of what I called Mount Chemo. It is daunting but you will get there, one step at a time.

I had my last dose on 31 December 2010 which was great as I reached the ‘summit’ of my mountain last year. Hoping that you all stay well as you climb, and that you find lovely travelling companions, as I did.

Sandipantsshell, give my love to Duston… I’m 13 years older than you and left in 1981, so I guess we never met back then.

Hugs and prayers for each and every one of you. Go girls!

Hi Jay
How did you get on today - did you find out when you are starting and what type of chemo you are having? My friend Bridget who is goin to join the thread saw her’s yesterday and is starting Monday… Saw my consultant today and he took some lovely pics of my breasts - I’m sure they will turn up on facebook at some stage!!! LOL -Let me know how you got on love Ginge xx

Hi Ginge…
Hope you’re ok, I have no date as yet, I have to decide whether to go ahead with the chemo or not (I wasnt expecting to get a choice!), I fall into a catergorie where they recommend you have it but they dont say you must have it, she said I am probably clear but they cant be 100% sure, I will definitely have the radiotherpy, and the Tamoxifen for 5 years, the chemo is to give it everything we can throw at it, if I go ahead it will be 6 X FEC every 3 weeks, I need to ring on Monday to let them know what I decide, of course my family and friends say its a no brainer, my friend said if I dont go ahead I will think every ache and pain is the cancer returning! My head is even more mixed up now than before I went!! I cant even see past the picc line which she recommends for people like me.

When are you off to Crete, What part are you going to?..

Have a nice Wednesday everyone…

Jay X

Hi Jay
I think it is a no brainer as they say - You will kick yourself if you didn’t have Chemo and it came back - you’ll always be thinking what if??? To be honest they shouldn’t have given you a choice just said this is what’s happening. I was going to delay my op to go on holiday as it’s such a big hol my Dad’s 80th and 10 of us going) but all my family said why wait what makes it spread from one day to the next “GET IT OUT” so I did. The weeks fly past so I’d ay go for it hun. Whats he worst that can happen LOL!! hasn’t it already!! We are off to Hersonississ - all inclusive resort - haven’t started packing yet and at hospital most of the day today - Girls are off to Thorpe Park but hey I’ll be on that plane suitcase or not. Deep breath another day ahead. Nothing a glass of vino doesn’t dull at the end of the day!!! Have a good one and make that phone call then its not hanging over your head over the weekend. Ginge xx

Hi Jay,

Think I’m in a similar position as you! I had a WLE and SNB, 3 weeks ago and a 2nd WLE a week ago (not enough clearance). At my first post op appointment, my surgeon threw in the chemo curved-ball by saying you will talk to your onc about the pro’s & cons (I’ve got grade 3 but no lymph nodes involved) so like you I’ve been mulling it over.

As Ginge has said, there should be no choice they should just say “you need” and I think you cope with it better! I’ve decided I will have it but want it before radio (if there’s an option that is!). The thought of it fills me with dread but I want feel I have done as much as possible! I have suffered with cold sores since I was a child (although they have improved as I get older) - I hate to think what I’ll be like on chemo!!

As for timings, I will know more on Thursday when I meet the Onc for the first time! I’m hoping they’ll let me go to Spain for a week towards the end of September!

Let me know how you get on!


Hi Ginge and Annie…
Thank you for your supportive replies, I know it sounds crazy that I am even thinking about not having chemo, but like you said Ginge it would almost be easier if I didnt have the choice, the way my luck goes I would probably be one of the unlucky ones if I dont go ahead!!
I had the lump and 5 lymph nodes removed on the 29th of July, only one lymph node was involved, and the lump was grade 2.

Hope you get on ok at the hospital today Ginge…

Annie let us know how it goes tomorrow…

Take care Jay X

Will do …I need to get to the bottom of what type of cancer it actually is this time! Was a bit thrown off guard last time with the 2nd WLE and chemo talk!!!

Isn’t hindsight a wonderful thing hey?!!


Hi Annie

Mine was grade 3 and 1 out of 18 lymp nodes affected. They did the test on the lymps to see if they were affected and took 3 out 2 days before surgery. One of the 3 was cancerous so they took the rest out but I keep thinking what if they took 3 others out that wasn’t and decided I didn’t need to have the rest and left the one affected one!! Its all a gamble but I think you have to take the best hand offered to you. Well I’m off now to drop the dog off and on my way to hospital finishing off my day with Tesco - Great!!! Catch up soon girls xx

Hi Ginge,

A very sensible argument indeed - I’m going to go ahead with it!! OH will be in for a shock when I start but I’m trying to prepare him (as best I can!!)

Have a great holiday!


Hi girls…
Hope your day is going ok, and you got on aright at the hospital Ginge, when do you fly by the way?..
I have just got in from school shoe shopping with 12 year old son! god how stressful!! still have trousers etc to get…

I wonder why they didnt take the rest of my lymph nodes when one was found to be affected!!..

Enjoy the rest of your day…

Jay X

Hi Girls

Just got back. Hospital was fine and I got a Wig. However I’m having 2nd thoughts and luckily haven’t paid for it yet. Not that it doesn’t look OK it is going to cost £260 which I think is a bit steep. I am going to hopefully see someone else before Chemo starts so see what they come up with. She said if I change my mind I can send it back. School shopping - hmm not good. At least you’ve got a bit of time left. We fly out 1st thing Friday morning so busy day tomorrow getting nails and waxing done then drop the dog off. I hate packing so delaying the task. I don’t know why I had all my lymp nodes taken - prob because it was private and AXA were paying. They will prob blast all with Chemo anyway Jay. Maybe ask your consultant next time. Hope I’ve not worried you its the last thing I would want to do. I am sure if they thought it was necessary they would have done the rest. Take care and have a big glass of wine - prob need it after all that shopping Catch up soon Ginge xx

Hi All, may I join you? I’m due to start chemo on 6th Sept,6 x TAC. Currently had bilaterial mx and then auxillary node clearance following positive SNB. I am married with two children aged 10 and 6 one blue and one pink. Re chemo only one word for it - terrified!

Hello All…
Welcome eozer, the more the merrier (not sure about the merry bit!) I too am terrified, and I havent even said yes to having it yet! although saying that I think deep down I know I havent got much choice.

Glad you got on ok at the hospital Ginge, the wig is alot of money, but if it helps make things even just a bit easier for you then maybe it would be worth it, at least you have a bit of time to think about it.
You havent worried me, so please dont worry on that score…
I’m not a wine person but a vodka and tonic wouldnt go amiss!!

Have a nice evening everyone…

Jay X

Hi Eozer
Welcome to our daily chat. I m also starting on the 6th so we can compare notes.
I was looking on the pink ribbon walk yesterday and wondered if anyone is interested in doing to 10 mile walk next year to raise money. I have noted my interest and they will email me details when available so I’ll let you all know. Yes it is a bit hair raising and not a club any of us want to be a part of but its great to know that you have support from girls alike. We can all rant and rave together and I am sure there will be a lot of that in the coming months. I don’t think I am going to keep the wig it is a lot of money for something that might not happen (dream on)!! But Ithink I could get cheaper. What is everyone else doing - my consultant said to be ready but hey whose ready for anything!! Well back to packing love to all ginge xx

Hi Ginge,
To be honest I cant think about the hair thing right now, but someone I know couldnt get on with a wig, and just wears scarfs, how do you feel about them?
It is good to have the support of people going through the same thing, I honestly cant remember being more terified about anything else in my whole life!..
How are you all sleeping?

Look forward to hearing from you soon

Jay X

Hi Eozer and everyone else.

I am starting herceptin on the 15th of September, and then chemo the next day! Really am worried about all infusions, especially when not offered any kind of line! Should I wait until the day to mention it, or should I call my BCN now.

Hi SGL - I’m not having my port fitted until 16th Sept so after my 1st lot of Chemo. Won’t hurt to ask before what they think. I don’t have good veins so they will prob need another entry for the chemo. Sorry to sound ignorant but what is herceptin? I’m having chemo and then an injection the next day for something or other.
Jay - I couldn’ sleep when I came back from hospital so asked my consultant and he recommended seeing my GP to get soenthing to help. I was waking up with anxiety attacks couldn’t breath lying down and couldn’t lie still. She gave me Temazepan which is more for anxiety rather than a sleeping tab and it really helped. I still woke up but then managed to get back to sleep - its more of a relaxant i think - got 5 left so keeping them for the Chemo session!! Ginge xx

Hi All…
SGL, I would call your BCN, you havent got anything to lose, the oncologist thought it might help me because of needle phobia, let us know how you get on if you decide to ring…

Ginge, I suffer with anxiety and had just come off tablets before I was diagnoised, I am reluctant to go back on them as I think if I have the chemo there will be enough drugs going in my body as it is…
saying that Idont know if i will be able to get through it without!..
Dare I ask if you are packed yet??

Sleep well…
Jay X