My doctor did say that I may not loose much hair using the cap as I have thick hair, but grey roots, not sure I’d like them!!
My hair has taken the news surprisingly well as has my son Joel who is 7.Kids are great at that age , so accepting.
Daddy did say why don’t him and Joel cut off their hair to make me feel better but Joel said that Daddy wouldn’t be giving up much as he is quite bald anyway!
Why is it that men can walk around bald but woman just get looked at like victims?!!
I’m so glad that I joined this forum, must say however that reading some of the other ones can make me feel worse as some poor ladies have far worse stories.
I’m glad that we can go through this together .
I have wonderful friends but they cannot completly understand.
One of them , bless her is going to buy me a wig.
Yes my doc is lovely, made me feel that of course I have a long future.
Can anyone tell me what I should be buying in preparation for chemo?
Ta Lovely ladies.
Hi girls
Hope your all Ok today.
Went for check up and blood test today. White cells are really low so that means treking to Wimbledon every day for 5 days for an injection and blood test - If still low Friday can’t have portcath fitted so that’s not good as bruised from the 1st Chemo and veins not good. Still suppose could be worse!!
On a good note - went for a free makeup and beauty session and gots loads of clarins stuff and perfume.(Free)!! Also met some lovely girls - was great to meet girls face to face and have a chat - don’t get me wrong you are all lovely just shame everyone lives so far apart.
Actually anyone live near Coulsdon in Surrey?
Jay - i hopefully have my 2nd dose on Tuesday 20th so I’ll be thinking of you.
Nicola - def ask about Portcath -
Sozza - as Jay said get a thermometor, mouthwash, bonjella, soft toothbrush, nurofen (I did get a few headaches) and lots of lovely food to eat as you really get the nibbles!!!
Well I’m off to bed - Got the whole bed to myself as OH away tonight!!
Love to all
Ginge xx
Hi Sozza,
I want a doctor like yours.
You could also think about buying, sparkling water, tonic water, ginger biccies and some sweets to suck whilst having chemo.
I had my first dose on 1st sept and have not been too bad.
Drink lots of fluids the first few days this seems to help.
Well done Jay.
Re hair loss I have not gone for the cold cap and 12 days in have not lost any hair but my scalp is tender so I would add a soft brush to your list.
Going for the hair cut tomorrow and to learn how to tie scarfs.
Night girls
Morning ladies, hope ur all feeling ok today.
Welcome Sozza Your onc sounds fab.
Welcome back SGL, good luck with the Herceptin, im starting my chemo on friday as well.
I’ve been buying loads of little bits for chemo, im not worried about needles but i am about the side effects especially sickness so i’ve bought loads of ginger stuff, ginger biscuits, ginger ale & ginger tea. I don’t even like ginger that much,lol. I’ll probably hate it after this is over,lol.
I’m going to try the cold cap, i’d presume that your hair wouldn’t really grow, can u dye it before u start maybe.
Glad those who have started chemo are doing ok, it’s good to hear that it’s not bad all the time, makes me feel less nervous.
Those free makeup sessions sound really good, think i might have to book myself on one.
Good luck to everyone xxx
Just popping in to check on you lovely ladies who are a year behind me! Today is the anniversary of the onc appointment before my first chemo (well to the day, the date is tomorrow) and it feels weird-but-good. Friday is the day-anniversary (Saturday the date) of my first dose.
Sounds like you all have good plans in place to care for yourselves and nothing really to add, except to say that you will get through this and soon enough you’ll be a year down the line too.
Feeling a teeny conection with those of you starting Friday, and recalling how it was for me. The first and last times I was at the cancer hosp for chemo related appointments I saw a gorgeous urban fox basking in the sun, who seemed very tame and somehow to be a sign that all would be well (not very Christian observation but tyg). Most hopsitals won’t have urban foxes in the grounds, but I hope you find your own signs of hope and a future.
Take the meds they give you, be kind to yourselves, treats in week 3, and go at your own pace - this is not a race or a competetion!!
Hi Girls
I must admit that I felt very tearful today.
I know that I am going to be ok but the thought of chemo scares me.
I heard today that you can buy wigs that are actually glued to your head, so you have them on all the time. Has anyone ever heard of these?
I know that I am very lucky as it has been caught so early but still can’t believe that THAT word has come into my life!
Where do you hear about the make up sessions?
Does chemo make you look ill or is it just the fact that you may loose eyebrows and eyelashes?
Sorry if I sound a bit sorry for myself today , unfortunately there are a lot of medical ailements in my family and this is like 1 thing too much.
I just want the chemo over and done with so I can get my life back but also feel sad that life will never quite be the same again.
Anyway rant over, best do some housework! lol
Hi Girls
Sozza - I know exactly what you mean and how you feel as do probably everyone in our little gang. I was driving to pick the girls up on Monday and just burst out crying in the car. Thought about going to the Docs o get anti depressants but keep saying to myself your not depressed your just having a crap time at the mo.
Maybe when we’ve been through the Chemo and Rads we get a little of our old selves back.
I think I’m also bored. I need something to do and not just the washing ironing and housework.
Well off for my daily injection - see you all soon
Ginge xx
Sozza - the make up sessions are fun by Look Good Feel Better - someone will be along and post a link to the hospitals that run them. I went last month and came away with a load of freebies and learnt some good make up tips.
Chemo hasn’t made me look ill - in fact everyone comments on how well I look. I have a few eyelashes left and a most of my eyebrows. My wig isn’t glued on but once it is on it doesn’t move. I went out in the strong winds this week with total confidence - nothing shifts it until I want to take it off.
Sorry you are having a bit of a down day - this happens to all of us. Your life has just been turned upside down and although you feel it will never be quite the same - you will settle into a different sort of normality.
Good luck with it all - and let us know how you get on.
It’s bloody awful Ginge23.
I don’t actually need radiotherepy, maybe cos lump was really small or cos I had mastectomy.
It’s worse being on your own.
Luckily one of my friends took me round hers this morning for a chat and cry.
I don’t think anyone really understands the emotional impact this had.Suddenly you are being told what your chances of survival are.
My oncologist has said that I am going to be fine but its all the treatment we have to go to to get there.
I may get anti depressants, they do help you cope and less teary.
Big hugs to you Petal.
Thanks for that SuperTrouper.
I’m glad that I won’t look ill.
Have you put on any weight?
How many sessions have you had?
Where do all you girls live?
I live near Bexleyheath in Kent.
do not stick anything to your head because it will damage your hair follicles. I have bought a wig and asked a lot of questions, well that’s me!! I have had one session of chemo and had the colp cap which was ok and did not cause any distress. Just had a bit of gauze on my forehead for protection and all was fine.
I live in Redhill, Surrey (about 15 minutes down the road from you Ginge, maybe we could meet up?)
Sozza, I would not want to stick anything to my head and agree that once my wig is on it isn’t going anywhere. Mine was not an NHS one and was quite expensive but well worth the money(my mum treated me to it!!) It was from Julia Lampard in Guildford, this might be a bit far for you to go from Kent. I am on day 14 after chemo (I did use the cold cap) and still no hair loss.
My weight has stayed the same so far but I think I might put on weight if I am not careful as i am craving fatty and sugary foods which I never normally eat. I need to find a health alternative to crisps and cake!!
I don’t look ill yet so am hoping this continues! My skin has been a bit dry but nothing a good moisturiser won’t fix. I am booked to go to Look good feel better next Tuesday, a bit of a treat before my 2nd chemo on Wednesday.
Right I’m not getting a stick on!
Ooooh I really don’t know what to do about the cold cap. It doesn’t seem to be so bad after all.
Maybe I should give it a go, I always thought that it was unbearable tho!
What are the first 10 mins like Kate? This is when I heard it’s at it’s worse.
I don’t think that your hair usually falls out until a couple of weeks after your first chemo anyway.
I may give it a go as my hair is thick. Think you can use vegetable dyes on the greys!
I’m off to hosp to have skin graft on reconstructed boob tomorrow (and so it goes on!)
Oncology appointment again on Mon to discuss treatment then I think that it will start the following week.
Had a really bad day today and feel so guilty cos mum phoned in the middle of it and must have made her so sad. Now both my brothers and me have health issues.
Oh well must try to be more upbeat tomorrow and remember that there are people worse off on this horrible journey.
xxxxxxxxxxx Sarah
I hate being cold but was really surprised at how comfortable the cold cap was. I would say the first 2 minutes feel cold on your forehead (just ask for extra gauze to put here as padding to avoid this) after the first couple of minutes it is fine. I have got think hair too and could hardly feel it on the rest of my head. I felt cold all over about half way through but after adding an extra blanket I was fine again.
You can try it and just take it off it you find it too cold. You won’t know unless you try it, that was my thinking anyway.
Thanks Kate.
I want to try it , the main thing putting me off is my regrowth of grey hair.
Am I better being like Kojack and have a nice wig or being like a badger and having to wear accessories on my hair to cover the greys anyway?
I guess it lessons the trauma more having some hair tho.
I will speak to the oncologist again on Monday.
Do you think we have a better chance what with having thick hair to start with?
Did you cut yours first anyway?
Hi there,
I have my first chemo tomorrow and feel surprisingly calm, i guess i just want to get on with it now, done enough waiting. I am almost certain i wont bother with the cold cap, i just want to get out of there as quick as possible and be back with my girls, over the whole course i would gain an extra days worth of time with them which is worth more to me than hair. Thanks to everyone who has posted about it as it does help to know what it would be like.
Hope your blood picks up Ginge, it must be a pain having to keep going for injections.
I too havent had the best day today, very emotional, went for my smear this morning, the nurse couldnt do my blood pressure, as i’d had the surgery in one arm and got the picc in the other, she asked why and that was it, I was in tears!! so embarrassing! It really dosnt take much to start me off at the moment, I know its probably normal and believe me I am trying to be positive its just hard sometimes…
Jay - don’t be hard on yourself - I burst in to tears whilst talking to the wedding photographer today (that first time telling people thing!). Just remember, they threw the rule book away for us lot You know that we are all here for you … good times & bad x
I’m off for my pre-chemo session tomorrow … I must be nervous, I’m getting ratty (again!)
I feel better now reading some of your posts. I start chemo on friday & getting a bit wobbly about it all now but im feeling a bit better about it after reading that your not all having bad side effects.
I presume u have to take a hat or something to put on after the cold cap, do they cover all your hair with conditioner or just under the cap? Can you wash it off when u get home, i have no idea,lol.
Good luck tomorrow Jo, hope it all goes well.
Jay, i think at the moment it wouldn’t take much to set any of us off, as Annie says don’t be too hard on yourself. Good luck tomorrow.
Annie, i can relate to that, i get ratty & really intolerant when im nervous,lol . Everyone gives me a wide berth. Hope your appt goes well.