Starting chemo in September

Hi All
No I haven’t packed yet!! I hate it. Girls haven’t packed either so it will be a busy busy day today. Really suffering from back ache and hate not being able to roll onto my right side at night. Jay - I know what you mean by the sleeping tabs - what did they give you? I rang and asked for some more yesterday but had to go and see the GP as wouldn’t just give me a repeat prescription but I don’t have time today so I’ll just have to drink lots of greek vino to get me through the holiday. I think it will be the last few days as the Chemo fast approaches and the holiday comes to an end. I think it is the anticipation of not knowing that is the problem girls rather than the act itself. (or who am I trying to Kid)!! Did I say I’m giving the wig back - too expensive - spoke to one of my old work colleagues wives yesterday and she is in beauty and helps girls with cancer and wigs. She said she will charge me trade £100 so I going to see her when I get back. If anyone else lives near Godstone area and wants to meet her let me know. Ginge xx

Hi girls…
Thats really good news about the wig Ginge, a much more reasonable price…
I was on a tablet called Citalopram, I wasnt a miracle cure, but it did help…
I hope when we hear from you later you are all packed! I dont envy you with two 14 year olds packing, I bet they want to take their whole wardrobes!! Are your girls identical?..

Have a good day everyone…

Jay X

Hi Girls
All packed and alarm set for 4.45am aghhhh! Thinking of you all over the next couple of weeks - when I get back Chemo will be starting
Jay - no girls are totally opposite you wouldn’t even think they were twins but luckily get on really well. One blonde and brown eyes one brunette and blue eyes should really be the other way round
Love to you all Ginge xx

Hi Girls,

Just to let you know I’ll be an October Chemo Girl by the look of things!

Apparently, there’s about 6 weeks waiting which means we get to have a week in Spain afterall!! Just got to sort the insurance out …we need to declare the BC!

I’ll be still watching the thread though to see how everyone is getting on (and to prepare myself too!)

Good luck to you all


Hello girls…
I’m sure you’re well on you way by now Ginge, have a great time…

Annie- So glad you still get to go to Spain, but 6 weeks is along time, I’m the opposite things are going too fast for me!!..
Did you find out what type of cancer it is?..
Just because you might not be starting until October you can still post on here (if you want to of course!) its hard waiting, wondering and thinking especially for 6 weeks! it would be good to keep intouch, as you know I havent even said yes or no yet! I am doing my own head in as you can imagine!..

Weather looks better here today…
Have a nice day…

Jay X

I am also starting my chemo in September no date as yet, so can I join your gang?

Hi Jay,

When it came down to it …I didn’t get a choice! The consultant said because I was young (43 but I’ll take all the compliments I can get at the mo!), I needed to have it!!

I found out I have IDC grade 3, Her2 -'ve, ER +'ve - came out of my appointment quite positive but meeting the Onc on Monday.

I’ve managed to drive, which has done wonders for me (didn’t go far but independent for the first time in about a month). Isn’t it surprising how your goals change with BC?

Let me know how you get on!


Hi All…
Welcome Fin, of course you can join, how are you feeling about all of this?..

Annie, you are so right everything changes with this illness, you will find out alot more on Monday, when I met with the oncologist she was lovely and recorded the whole meeting…

I am still confused as to what to do, deep down I do want the chemo but just cant see past the needles/picc line at the moment, I know that sounds crazy but that is how I feel…

Have a nice day and keep intouch…

Jay X

I am still feeling that it is happening to someone else. I went back to work yesterday as I am better being busy.Luckily I have a good manager who is very supportive. I have to have six sessions then Herceptin and radiotherapy. How about you? I came away from the oncologist on Thursday feeling that I should have asked more questions but I don,t know what. This website is great. I did go to a local support group this week which was really funny. Lovely ladies who were having a happy social group, they had a speaker on recycling very interesting but not much support. One of the ladies told me that they don’t talk about cancer!! I was having a rough day but this really amused me and I came away unsupported but laughing. Look forward to comparing notes…
F xx

Hi Fin…
I too feel like all this is just a bad dream and I am going to wake up, its like you go around in a little world of your own most of the time!!..
I had a lump and 5 lymph nodes removed, one was affected, so am having to decide whether to have the chemo or not, if i do it will be 6 x fec followed by 3 weeks radiotherpy and Tamoxifen for 5 years.

I have a severe needle phobia so right now I cant think past that stuff, I have been offered a picc line which sounds good once its in, but dont think I can go through having it put in…
I just dont know what to do…

Enjoy your day…

Jay X

Jay … we’ve all been there and no words can make it any better or any easier. Go for the PICC line … I have ended up having a portacath implanted after my veins packed in after chemo 3. (I was just having a cannula each time). It’s so much better and still the vein in my arm looks awful and hurts when I stretch my arm … they failed to tell me how damaging the chemo is to your veins.
You’ll find this forum so helpful. Good luck from a May girl xxx

Thank you Angie…
This forum is amazing, I am so glad I have found it…
Were you awake when you had the portacath fitted and if so what was it like? sorry about the questions but its hard to find the answers sometimes, I am ringing on monday to see if I can be put to sleep to have it done…
Thank you for relying…

Jay X

Hi just wanted to say im not sure but don’t think they put u to sleep maybe in spec cir as from wat I’m told the picc line goes to the heart so they need u awake but I cld be wrong I know loads in my chemo ward have them hopefully someone who as them be along sn

Can I just say good luck to all of you about to start chemo, I finished mine September 2010 followed by radiotherapy, Herceptin and am now taking Tamoxifen. I remember so well dreading the whole thing but I found treatment doable, and I was surprised at how quickly it all becomes routine. You will feel rough at times but you do have good days, and I kept reminding myself that it’s the drugs making me feel crap but also making me better.

Jay, you asked about the portacath, I had one fitted because I was having Herceptin which takes over a year, and as one of my arms couldn’t be used due to node clearance, the Onc recommended portacath. They give me a sedative then local anasthetic, it’s not painful and you’re feeling spaced out so you don’t worry too much about what they’re doing. It was brilliant I have to say, my chemo and herceptin was all given via the port and you only feel a tiny pinprick when they attach the line each time. HTH.


Jay I was awake when they implanted it but didn’t feel a thing and I am the most pathetic squeamish person imaginable. They sedate you and give you a local … honestly … I was terrified and asked to be knocked out … but its better if you’re awake… I don’t remember a thing about it and they even stitched it! Its well worth it if it saves your veins for later life!

Also, I should add, the thing about a port is its not visible to anyone else … mine is in my chest under the skin and you cant see it… think a PICC line is visible and has to be flushed once a week. The port is flushed before my chemo every three weeks … again another positive… less maintenance!

I had a picc line fitted before my third chemo. It has to be flushed and changed every week. I am hardly aware of it now.

Thank you all so much for your replies…
I will ring on Monday to speak to someone, as at the moment I am just going round and round in circles!!..
Hopefully after that i can then decide…

sleep well…

Jay X

Well now seen the oncologist and starting on 16th 3 x EC then 3 x Tax on 3 week cycles. Will be thinking of you SGL starting on the same day. Having a portacath fitted first (Jay, everyone I have spoken to says they are brilliant) due to pathetic veins, not to mention aversion to needles.

Does the feeling of being in a bad dream ever go away? Planning for a week away before chemo, thought I could do with something I am even more scared of. Husband suggested parachute jump (seriously) but I thought that might be a bit extreme. Maybe keep it to sailing or horseriding.

May everyone here have a good day xxxx

Hi All…
See I havent been offered portacath, just a picc line, I presume they both do the same job, and are similar to have fitted…

I still feel like i am in a bad dream Southernlucy maybe that changes when treatment starts…
Glad you are managing to get away for a week before you start…

Have a nice day…

Jay X