Hi all
I had my first fec yesterday so far so good just slight nausea and a headache last night but that is gone now. I hope there is not worse to come.
Hope you are all having a good day and good luck to you all.
Hi all
I had my first fec yesterday so far so good just slight nausea and a headache last night but that is gone now. I hope there is not worse to come.
Hope you are all having a good day and good luck to you all.
Sorry Sue, I forgot you were starting yesterday too, there are so many of us on here now, I struggle to keep up!!..
So glad you are feeling not too bad, lets hope it continues…
Have you been sent home with loads of tablets too?..
Take care…
Jay X
Hi Jay
Yes I’ve got steriods for three days and sickness ones for three days. so far they have seemed to work and I’ve wanted my meals, but I am drinking loads of water and ginger beer, I just hope it all continues good. How have you been feeling.Jay
Loads of hugs to all
Hi Sue…
I feel nauseous, and this horrible taste is putting me off eating anything! all I have managed is a pot of jelly today!..
Apart from that and feeling tired i’m ok…
Did you try the cold cap?..
Jay X
Well done Jay and Sue…one down and the ses sound fairly manageable. Hope the nausea passes soon.
I’ve just got back from the hospital, having more blood tests. What a drama, they couldn’t find any veins and I haven’t even started the chemo yet! I’ve got an arm full of needle holes now. I’ve been given surgical scrub for showering and nasal ointment that I have to use until I have the Groshong Line fitted.
My new start date is 28th.
Nicola X
Hi Jay
I’m not having the cold cap they dont offer it at the hospital I attend but I’m not sure I would give it a go even if they did, but I hope it works for those that are trying it.
Nichola so sorry your having trouble with getting a line set up I just managed with a canula on the day of my chemo but up to now I’ve always had pretty good veins and I dont mind needles,
Hope you all have a good nights sleep.
Good luck with few SE’s for all the new starters this week. Im on day 6 of FEC & have felt a bit rough today but nothing too bad. I thought i’d got away with it,lol as i’ve felt quite well so far. I still look like nothing on earth though, my hair just looks rank! x
Hi All…
Does anyone else have this horrible taste in their mouth or is it just me??!!
Thank you Nicola, What a nightmare for you today, no wonder you need to have a line fitted, I remember using that stuff before my op! are you having a general then?..
So glad you now have a starting date…
Sue, I didnt do the cold cap, I did think about it and got measured but changed my mind…
Hjv, They do say its good days and bad, hope tomorrow is a better one for you…
Have a nice evening…
Jay X
First day after 1st FEC and I’ve had a good day although I didn’t overdo things, and only went for a shortish walk. Just a bit of a headache. No Jay, no funny taste in mouth at the moment and my appetite is better than it has been for 7 weeks! I’m hoping the steroids and appetite will help me put on all the weight I’ve lost. Like everyone else, I’m hoping there aren’t worse SE’s lurking round the corner later on.
My hospital doesn’t offer the cold cap so that wasn’t an option for me.
I’ve been given pills to take until Thursday and I’m hoping the steroids don’t keep me awake tonight but as they told me to have the last one at 2pm this afto I should be alright.
Have a good night’s rest everyone.
Curly x
I’m on day 6 following EC as well and feeling a bit rough having felt pretty ok up to now. Possibly that the steriods and anti emetics have stopped. Mouth feeling a bit rough and tea/coffee tastes odd as though the milk has turned to oil. Bleugh Perhaps just expecting too much for first week, thought at one point my temperature was up and then realised I had put on central heating. Silly Mare
Good luck to everyone starting and keeping going this week.
Can someone just tell me what the steroids are for? Does everyone have them?
Hope everyone is doing ok, I have a stinky cold so hope it goes before I start my FEC on 30th
My steroids are the sickness tablets they give you after Chemo. You take 2 for 3 days after your chemo with other anti sickness drugs. Make sure you take them and don’t wait until you start to feel sick. Might want to check out your cold - my onc gave me some amoxicillin as I had a sore throat.
Good luck with your 1st session
Ginge xx
Thanks Ginge xx
Hi Girls…
Curly, it just goes to show how different it is for everyone, I have no appetite at all today, but headache has now gone…
I have pills to take until Friday, but I have to take them all at breakfast time, 4 anti sickness, a indigestion one, and 2 laxative if I think I need them!!!..
Southern Lucy, I have so far resisted putting my heating on, but have been very tempted at times this last week or so!..
Try Lemon or Lime squash, its all I can drink at the moment!..
Hi Jules, I see Ginge has already answered your question, I hope your cold gets better soon, wouldnt hurt to get it checked though, we have to be so careful…
Ginge, hope you are feeling ok after yesterday…
Sleep well tonight everyone…
Jay X
Hi everyone, I went in to work today just to update them on my action plan and let them know I am probably going to be off a little bit longer than I first thought! I’m not usually emotional but burst into tears followed by hysterical laughter, felt such a numpty but thankfully my manager is a really nice lady and she just let me ride the wave as it were, bizarre moment and it was over in a matter of minutes!!!
Reading all of your comments with avid interest and feel I am learning lots and start to feel sane again when I come here and I have made a list of stuff I need to get like ginger ale, hot water bottle, soft toothbrush and wide tooth comb etc.
Good luck to all, Simone xxx
Hi everyone,
Jay I had the awful taste it did get better towards the end of week 2 or I got used to it. I found cold drinks were better than hot, coffee tasted awful!! Tonic water helped me and took away the mild nausea as well. Drink as much as you can as this seems to help.
MY GP prescribed Difflam mouthwash which is mildly antiseptic this helped when it was really bad. Make sure yoy have your prescription indemnity so you don’t have to pay for it.
Hair now coming out, had to find a cap during the night as I woke up with a lump of hair stuck to my chin Yuk!!
No bald patches yet.
Have lost a few eyelashes and hair from my arms.
Off for chemo 2 tomorrow, not quite as apprehensive this time.
Look after yourself everyone and good luck to anyone else starting this week. I am sorry I keep losing track of where everyone is .
Love Fi XX
Hi Fi…
Thank you for that, Tonic water is on the list, that will be minus the Vodka i would usually have with it I presume!! seriously thought can we drink at all while we are having the treatment do you know??..
Not that I drink loads you understand! I just wondered as I’ve not been told and didnt think to ask!..
I am waiting for my prescription card to come through, I didnt know anything about it until I read it on here, this forum is so helpful, i’m so glad I stumbled on it…
And dont worry you’re not the only one losing track, I am struggling to keep up with everyone!!..
Lots of luck for today…
Love Jay X
Hiya Jay
With regards to drinking whilst having chemotherapy, I asked about this and was told that if I felt like having one then to go ahead. However, my favourite tipple doesn’t taste the same and I now find drawn to drinks like Guiness instead of cider. I was the same when I was pregnant, all my tastes have changed.
Hi all,
Good luck for your 2nd chemo today and anyone else having treatment (sorry I have lost track!)
I had my 2nd FEC yesterday. It went much better than the first time as they used the port. They also gave me different steroids this time as I reacted to one of the drugs last time and felt rough instantly. This time I managed to get home and eat before any SEs kicked in.
I didn’t sleep too well, got a nasty taste in my mouth again, very thirsty and keep getting hot flushes but other than that I feel ok but I am not counting my chickens! I wore the cold cap again but it hurt this time, I almost hope my hair falls out so I don’t have to wear it again!
Right, off to take my millions of tablets, hope everyone has a good day.
Kate xx
Hi Gorgeous Ladies
Hope you all having a good day, and not feeling too bad.
I have been reading about the Cold Cap, and wonder if its too late for me?? I have already had 1 x chemo 2 weeks ago…no hair loss yet. My next chemo is due in a week. The hospital I go to doesnt offer the cold cap, I dont even think they know what it is…, but maybe I can try to buy one, or just sit there with great big blocks of ice on my head Hehehe.
Is it worth it, or does your hair fall out anyway?
I really dont know whay I am attaching such importance to my hair… its not even good hair. Maybe some sort of denial thing going on… Hehehe. Is this only me being pathetic???
Anyway…wishing you all well