Starting chemo in September

Hi Jay
re drinks the only thing that I find tastes not to bad is flat lemonade straight after the chemo and then as the week goes on I can add orange juice. My children are a 7 year old girl and a 10 year old boy they amaze me at how well they are coping although my son is having a wobble about my hair loss bless him.
Hope everyone is okay good luck to those having treatment today sorry finding it hard to keep up with everyone but I’ve heard of chemobrain so I’ll blame that lol but seriously thinking of you all xxxxxxx

Hi lovely september ladies
I fel yuk!! Dog kept us awake barkingng at foxes took tamazipan at 4,00am thinking girls getting a lift to school tomorrow - all overslept and ended up throwing some clothes on and taking myself. Now back in bed. How they all rely on me. aghhhhhhhh
anyway moan over -
Lily - You can’t buy a cold cap it is a machine that is plugged in and the temp goes to -5. I’ve had enough of it. I feel sick just thinking about it at the moment - might change my mind next session Kate I also hope hairfalls out so will take decision away from me. Clumps are coming out anyway but no bald patches yet.
Off to Headstrong Friday to find out about scarves etc and how to tie them.
Hope everyone gets their feel good look good package = worth it for the makeup and clarins products.
well that’s me done = off for a snooze
love to all
ginge xx

Thank you Supertrouper and Eozev, My son is 12, and i think the hair will impact on him too, saying that my 24 year old son cried when I told him it will probably happen, I was worried as my son seems so fine, but I think because I am keeping him imformed and he can see i’m ok, he is coping ok too…

Kate, so glad to hear it went so much better for you yesterday, that horribl taste is the pits isnt it!!..

Lil, I dont know if you can buy the cold cap, as they hook it up to a machine at the hospital to keep it at the same temperature…
Our hair is a big part of our identity, so no you are not being pathetic,at the moment we might feel not great but we look 'normal, when/if our hair goes we then have to cope with looking different too, its alot to deal with…
Dont be hard on yourself…

Take care All…

Jay X

Sorry you’re not feeling great Ginge…

I’ve not heard of headstrong, will have to see if there is one round here, as I havent got a clue!!..

Enjoy your snooze, and hope you feel better when you wake up…

Love Jay X

Morning ladies - hope everyone’s hanging on in there.

Eozev, what a shocking start you’ve had. Really, all the best for second hit. My son is 8 and was in pieces last night about impending hair loss. Bless him, he asked when I’d get my ponytail back (I went from long hair to crop last week) and I had to gently point out that it would get shorter still before it grew longer. I think boys need their mums to stay the same, creatures of comfort as always. My daughter (6) is also upset, but I can tell she has her eye on the bigger chance…the scarves, hats and wigs for her dressing up box. Ha, ha.

1st FEC was on Monday. Still in dressing gown this morning - feeling pretty bright, just lazy. Portacath is less sore, but does feel rather weirdly alien.

Keep going, girls. Wishing you all no side effects at all. xxx

Hello everyone,
It’s really great having you all to compare notes with and share our experiences although I can’t keep up with all the names, sorry.

Southernhay- you are a bit further on than me (I had first FEC on Tuesday) and it’s good to hear how things are going for.

Fi - good luck with your 2nd dose.

Jay- the nurse told me not to touch alcohol for the first 2 days after chemotherapy and then the odd tipple wont harm. You mentioned a perscription card - what’s that? I suppose there is so much information for them to give us that sometimes we don’t hear it all.

Kate - I’m right with you on the hot flushes! My face is bright red most of the time and feels very warm. I keep taking my temperature but it’s fine so I’ve just checked the boxes for SE’s of anti-sickness (or steroid) pills and the hot face is mentioned as quite common so that’s ok. Maybe it’ll save on the heating bills a bit later on!

I was up again last night watching trashy telly - psychics no less! Give me strenghth!!!

Anyway while I’m still feeling ok, I’m going out for a stroll to the seafront - nice and sunny here again today. I’m thinking I should make the most of feeling ok because I just know it’s going to change soon, particularly when the hair starts to go.

Have a good day girls and keep taking the tablets!
Curly x

morning ladies, after feeling yucky yesterday (day 6) i feel pretty ok again today, good luck everyone else with your SE’s. Just watch for the constipation, was horrible yesterday, i probably should have taken some laxatives before i stopped taking the pills.

Curly, u need to fill in a prescription exemption form which u can get from your Gp, they will sign it & you’ll receive a prescription exemption card which will give u free prescriptions for the next 5 years, thats all meds not just cancer related ones.x

Morning ladies,
Just dropping by to see how you are and send you all a cyber hug!
Its great how you are supporting and encouraging one another in all the reality that is chemo of various sorts.

Fitzimum, the words of your little boy are so beautiful, though I am sure hard for you to bear; well done on explaining to him though. I don’t have any children, but in my work have contact with quite a lot of small ones (zero to eight years old) and we had to explain to them at the start of my treatment about the ‘special medicine’ that would make me ‘lose my long hair’. The first time I went to church (work) in a headscarf was the Sunday that most of my hair fell out in oner, and one of the little girls (aged 6) said, unprompted, “you look really nice” which brought tears to my eyes but also reassured me that chidlren are pretty resilient. The other magic moment was the first Sunday I was back at church after my surgery (I had chemo first) and a little boy of five who was chasing his friend around the hall saw me, stopped, smiled, said “oh good, you’re back” than ran off again. I am sure your children will bring you special moments along this journey, because you are (all) wonderful mums who model them love and accpetance.

Take care.

Well a big Hi to my 'new family…I got ‘the call’ today to say come for the pre chemo talk Monday and then Weds its all - Go - Picc line will be put in and then start chemo 3 FEC and 3 TAX …I am sooo nervous and dread the thought of SE’s…have been reading your comments and didn’t want to come in on this thread until I knew if I was starting in Sept!!! I have ‘just’ made it into the September starters!!
I will find your support invaluable so this is my early ‘Thanks’ for being there!! X

Hi all,

I just wanted to say that I am feeling very proud of myself today. 1 - I gave myself an injection to boost my white blood cells and did not cry, wobble or back out! 2 - I have arranged for my OHs mum to come over tomorrow to shave my head. I feel like I am in control of my hair loss and it actually feels good. I think I deserve a sticker like children get after going to the dentist :slight_smile:

Can anyone help with a nail question. I have heard you can get gel nail varnish that you can do yourself at home, has anyone tried or know where I can get this in preparation for my tax starting after my next FEC?

I hope everyone else feels ok today.

Kate xx

Well done Kate you are really taking charge of your situation, I think if you can do that it gives your confidence a boost. We get so many medical team telling us what to do its nice to take charge for once.

Again well done (Hugs to you)


To all the ladies with little ones, my heart goes out to you, it was hard enough having to tell my 24 year old son but to try to explain that to somebody a lot more wee, I just can’t imagine! xxx

Wow, hats off to you Kate doing your own injection, well impressed! I start my chemo on 29th and thought I’ll give the cold cap a try but if it gets unbearable I’ll be going for the same option and taking hair destiny into my own hands! you can buy gel nail varnish on amazon, I’ve never tried it though!

Hugs to all, Simone xxx

Hi Treen, welcome :slight_smile: I just wanted to say that i was absolutely dreading the SE’s but have only had one yucky day so far (touch wood) & im on day 7, it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as i had expected. Good luck on weds.

Kate, well done u, taking control will probably make u feel a lot better about things, i’ll send u a virtual ‘good girl’ sticker,lol.

I can’t imagine what it’s like with little ones either, i really admire u ladies, mine are grown up but that was hard enough, sending ((hugs)) to all. x

OMG, how on earth do we manage to keep up with everyones name and there postings! I am totally confused (it doesnt take much)lol

HJV, I am so glad you side effects seem to be minimal, fingers crossed this stays that way.

Kate, well done you, I dont think I could do that, so a pat on the back for you :slight_smile:

Fitzimum, I am so sorry that your little lad was upset, its so difficult for children to see there parents go through this. When my mum was diagnosed three years ago, I fell to pieces, so it must be horrendous for a little one.

Revcat, thank you for all your words of encouragement. What a sweetie you are.

Lily, thank you so much for your lovely message, that really meant alot to me. I am sorry that your hospital are not supplying the cold cap, seems pretty unfair if you ask me.

I will try and keep up with all the posts, but there are soooo many of us at the moment.

I am having chemo number two tomorrow, and am full of a cold :frowning: not sure if this will stop me having it or not. It has all got a bit much over the last few days. Having chemo two weeks in a row and herceptin as well feels like its suffocating and the thought of having another day there tomorrow fills me with dread. I was out shopping today, and actually burst into tears in a shop, flippin hec, how embarassing is that eh!! lol

Good luck to everyone, and sorry that I am struggling to keep up with you all, there are so many lol


Hi all,
I haven’t posted for a while as I’ve been away for a few days for my son’s graduation. It was nice to have something to celebrate in the midst of this nightmare.
I had a phone call today to confirm that my first chemo starts next week on the 29th with blood test the previous day. Despite following all the threads I don’t feel very prepared for this, so busy weekend ahead. Very nervous and apprehensive now as it all becomes a reality. Glad u are all a great bunch to undertake this journey with.

i have been reading all of your comments and found them very reassurring starting 1 fec tomorrow .i have short thin hair so i am not doing cold cap.

Good evening September Ladies…

Welcome Gilesy, I wish you lots of luck for tomorrow…

Welcome Treen, a big hi back to you, you will get plenty og support on here, we were all dreading the side effects, but I had my first one on Tuesday, and although I havent felt great, so far its nowhere near as bad as I was imagining, hope i’m not speaking too soon!! you will find out more on Monday, good luck…

Rev cat, thanks again for your input…

SGL, dont worry I think we are all struggling to keep up with everyone! sorry to hear you are feeling down, your regime sounds hard, why do you have it 2 weeks running if you dont mind me asking?..
Good luck for tomorrow…

Bless you Kate, you indeed should feel proud of yourself, I guess its good to take control…

Ali, how proud you must be of your son…
I wasnt prepared either, just got a few things in that people on here advised, with a themometer being the most important thing…
Keep posting on here it really helps…
Read the previous months, thats what I did, loads of tips…

Ginge, I really hope you are feeling better this evening…

I have had quite a good day but am now starting to feel a bit rubbish…
Time to lay on the sofa…

Have a good night All…

Love Jay X

Hey Treen, great big welcome hugs to you, I start my chemo day after you, we really have joined September by the skin of our teeth haven’t we!!

SGL, hope you get rid of your cold and good luck with your 2nd session tomorrow. Surely it’s time you caught a break!!

big hugs to all, Simone xxx

thank you Jay for your kind words.

The chemo I am havings regime is that way I am afraid, but I am lucky in that because its given over two weeks its not as strong as one dose. I was originally having tax, but after the Professor saw how distraught I got being told that, he said I could have a gentler one called vinorlebine. The main reason I am having chemo is so that I can have herceptin, which I need to have because of my her2pos status :frowning: unfortunately herceptin is licensed to be given only with a chemo and not alone. I was not told I was her2pos for four months, not sure why the hospital forgot to tell me this important information,because up until that time I had been told rads only and tamoxifen, no chemo time and time again, this was why I got so distraught when I was told this and he gave me the kinder option.

Simonwithane, good luck with your chemo, I do hope my cold goes tomorrow too, it seems to be one thing after another at the moment lol.

And welcome Treen.


Didn’t know you could buy Gel nail varnish on amazon. What about the IV lamp and stuff to get it off. If you peel it off it takes a layer of your nail off.
Hope everyone coping and not feeling too bad today. I have these few days after chemo - feeling crap, sick can’t sleep and emotional. Up at 4.15 ever after taking tamazipan. Might try a wee nap in a moment but dog not well either aghhhhhhhhhhh.
Probably coming out in sympathy or just those spicey crips I gave him yesterday!!!
Take care everyone - I know there is light at the end of the tunnel for all of us it’s just a bloody long tunnel at the moment.
Ginge xx