Starting chemo in September???

Hi All thanks for the tips no haven’t got a wig yet have ordered wig stand and have tried scarves on but like you Barbs i feel like an egg head and my little girl keeps trying to yank them off my head lol! Will check out annabandana. Was thinking of getting eyebrow tattoos myself-this may be a dumb question but are they permanent or do you have to have them redone?? Leaking boob eh Sam dare I ask why?, you’re wig does look great I’d also be interested to know where from?? Sorry to hear neutropenia has delayed your chemo Penny hope the rest if your cycles are smoother. Tracey will definitely be looking to you to tell us how you find the first chemo visit :-/ hope things go as well as can be…for all of us xxx

The website for wig is they are in China but it didn’t take too long to come. They don’t have loads but there are plenty of others on there at about the same price.If you go on their shop on ebay its a bit strange as they sell pictures and furniture too!!! All very random!
Legendary boob is still being a pain. Still leaking. But worse is the fact that when I changed my dressing today I took the dressing off and it took a load of my skin with it. So now it is so so sore. I have had to take my bra off for the afternoon and have germoline on it, so I smell wonderful too now!


Hi there. I should be starting chemo in Sept. Had mx and reconstruction 11 days ago and have appt on tues to get results and hoping they will tell me then when I will start. They said it would be 4-6 weeks post surgery. so looks like I will be a sept star. Will jump on again once I have dates. Getting nervous now. Had surgery to distract me until now, but chemo is looming :confused:

Oooo I didn’t realise that was the wig in your picture Sam :smiley: wow. I actually ordered one from the site after I read about it o the August posts (good grief I sound like a stalker - i’m not honest), it hasn’t arrived yet - lol like my appointment with the oncologist, perhaps they’re lost together in the Royal Mail. You have my sympathy over ther germolene thing - still it could be worse it could be TCP, every cloud…

Welcome to the new stars - we’ll all be twinkling in no time :smiley:

Evening all, July Junkie popping in to try and give a bit of reassurance to those who will be on FEC-T. I’m on Day 3 cycle 2 of the FEC bit. So far, and not wanting to tempt fate, I have hardly had any SEs at all. I have been given Emend, which is the gold standard anti-nause drug, as a matter of course plus 3 others, and I’ve not felt sick at all. I also give myself 5 daily injections of something from Day 5 that boosts stem cell production and thus reduces risk of infection. (Not every hosp gives either as a matter of course, but I’d recommend you ask for Emend if it is offered.) The jabs made me feel like I had flu for 24 hours as well as the squits which immodium sorted out. The reality is that it is scary, I cried as they put the first lot of chemicals in, but I’ve certainly found the FEC bit is very doable. Oh, and I had a PICC line fitted which means I don’t have to be jabbed every time. I’d recommend that if it is offered. And if you’ve got shy veins like me, ask if it’s possible.
It’s so much information to take in but your Oncologist and chemo nurses will tell you all you need to know. And the ladies on this site are tremendous sources of information once you know the questions you want to ask.
The hair loss is the biggie and we all deal with it the best we can. But there’s no getting away from it, it is horrible. However, it’s not forever. And that’s the thing to hang to.
Good luck, may all your SEs be little ones. x

Hi austigirl welcome

Hello ladies, another ‘star’ in waiting here. Have my Onc appt on Wednesday and hopefully will be able to join you all on this (fingers crossed not too…) bumpy ride. Don’t know which SE I’m dreading the most but from the sound of it could be a good selection to choose from. Here’s hoping none of us get too many or too severely. One thing I’ve found so reassuring on here is the wealth of experience that everyone is able to share. I know,for me, it helps to know that everyone is looking out for each other. Some great ideas I hadn’t even thought about yet, tattooing eyebrows (not sure how that works!? but will deffo look into), annabandana (seen this mentioned by a few ladies) and the PICC line I’m thinking is the way to go (been like a pin cushion so far with pretty much non-existent veins and was terrified about going through the same every time). Not sure if its the right thing to say but can’t wait to get started so can kick the behind of this nasty b***er.
Sending positive vibes and best wishes to everyone going through this and about to start

Morning Stars,
Welcome new ladies. Cinderssarah, yes the wig is amazing.
I have a friend who like you Penny added two weeks on to her treatment.
Frenchfancy I know what you mean about wanting to get it started. I feel like I have been waiting for ever. Hoping my call will come this week. If I haven’t heard by Wednesday I am ringing them. x

Hiya i start chemo on 3rd September, 3 of FEC followed by 3 of Tax. I have opted to try the cold cap method…not sure if that is a good idea or not ? I am also in the process of sorting a wig out but having a bit of trouble finding blonde ones :( 

Hi Barbs, I too will be joining the September Stars (great name by the way).

My story so far - i’m a single parent of 2 daughters one aged 25, the other aged 16, I was diagnosed 17/7/13 invasive dc, grade 3, 2.8 cm plus a grade 1, 10.5 cm (yes that is cm!) dcis. Right MX & sentinel node removal on 7th Aug, ANC on 13th Aug as cancer found in sentinel node. Yesterday (21st Aug) received the fantastic news that all 11 nodes removed last week are clear :). I’d convinced myself that I would be hearing the worst news possible so on hearing this I almost collapsed & was a blubbering mess for the rest of my appointment. If you knew me you’d know that I rarely cry.

Next Tuesday I’m off for a CT scan (just to sure I’m told). I’m currently awaiting an appointment with onc, I’ve been told by my consultant that chemo will start in 3 weeks time, I will receive a dose every 3 weeks receiving 6 doses in total.

I think it’s so important to be able to chat to someone actually going through this awful situation we’ve all found ourselves in, at the same time. Best of luck everyone Nikki xxx

Hello Ladies, can I join the September Stars? I’m actually due to start chemo on 29th August but that’s practically September! I was dx with a grade 3, 12mm, triple negative lump which was removed on 25 July (no nodes involved). I have been waiting for an annoying seroma to reduce before chemo can start but it does look like it is finally on the wane. I am due to have 4 x FEC and 4 x T, followed by rads. So far the worst bit has been waiting; waiting for results, for the seroma to reduce, waiting for a start date for chemo. It sounds really odd but in a way I’m looking forward to chemo just to have something definite being done  - I don’t like sitting around feeling that precious time is being wasted. I’m in Reading - not sure if any other ladies are being treated here?


Hi there Barbs and all the rest of the September Stars. After oncology visit yesterday I now have my start date . First session of six begins on the 3rd so I’m officially a “Star”. I have grade 3 interductal agressive type tumour which is being treated before surgery. Feel so much more settled now I have my treatment plan. It’s three cycles of F.E.C. followed by three of Taxotere, and until I read and digest all the literature given to me yesterday I have very little to say on the subject. The only thing I really know for certain is my hair will definitely fall out once they start the Taxotere so there seems little point in trying to save it with the cold cap. So looking forward to a change of hairstyle. Might as well do something outrageous to kick this event off. Having it cut on Saturday into a style to base a wig on and we’ll go from there. Find out more about NHS wigs at my first session. Only just over a week to go so I have been busy booking, dental, optician and GP appointments to get them all out of the way before I get started. The way things are going I’ll be exhausted been before I even start the chemo! Have been storing up info from The Maisies which hopefully will help me get through the next few months and I will certainly be dropping back in on their postings from time to time to see how they are all doing. But it looks like it could be quite busy for the Stars too. There seems to be quite a few already. Looking forward to sharing , caring and having a giggle with you all. Love to hear from anyone going through this unfortunate blip in our lives. Hopefully together we can make it through the worst and the best of times. Try and keep smiling everyone even on those days when you don’t even feel like emerging from under the duvet. Gosh listen to me rabbiting on, bet I’m the first to give in to tears!! Love and hugs to all. pas_the_boss

How the heck do you get your photo on here! And what’s with the man van picture…not very girlie!!

Our little band is really growing! We may have to copy the Maisie’s and make a chemo list so we know where everyone is!

hiya stars

you are growing real quick

good luck to those of you starting soon

Pip just to let you know Im at Chrisities too if you ever wanna meet up etc pm me.  Ive just had my second cycle.

catch you later stars xx

Start with help, then my settings and follow the instructions from there. Haven’t changed mine yet but that van will definitely have to go. pas_the_boss

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Evening Stars, has anyone else here had ANC? My armpit is still quite painful, I had 150mls fluid taken out yesterday at check up appointment after I complained it felt like I had a house brick in there, which did give some relief but now it’s just as bad. Op was only 9 days ago, so am I expecting too much?

Haha Chezza loving your maracas

Test test 123
I must be doing something wrong I’ve tried to post 4 times now and nothing is showing - bet this will though Sod’s law and all that :slight_smile: