Well I went into hospital on Thursday night after having a high temp and low white blood cells. A&E was experience that’s for sure, good job I like people watching?, I’m happy I’m out but on antibiotics.
I’m having my 2nd chemo on Friday, I just hope it’s not bad although I was very lucky with my first one.
Has anyone had any problems with constipation? Even in hospital I couldn’t shift it, driving me mad!
Other that I feel good part from my hair falling. Looks like a visit to hair dresser tomz to see how short I can go without shaving it off…
Well it looks like a busy day at the bar tomorrow. Good luck to Elma55, Susieg, Ally51 and Tracey46 and Ally51 hope everything goes ok for you all xxx
For everyone else, enjoy your day. Try and do at least one thing, however small that makes you smile.?.
Hello Icle V,
Sorry to hear you’ve had a bad time of it lately and hope you’re feeling a little brighter. A few of us have had a less than perfect experience with A&E as well. Not good!! It sounds as though you’re ready for your next round on Friday, here’s hoping it goes as smoothly as the last for you. Regarding your constipation, I would get in touch with your GP as they should be able to give you something to ease that. It’s a common problem for a lot of us, mainly due to the meds we’re having to take for everything else.
Also, not sure if its me that’s missed you, but may be this is your first time posting on here and if so welcome xx it’s a great source of support and knowledge from a varied. And very funny groups of gals.
We do also have a FB group that nearly all of us are part of and if you would like to have a slightly more personal experience, feel free to join us there. If you PM Barbarella63, with your real name, she will see about getting you in.
Nice to see you, as I said, but sorry you too find yourself amongst us xx stay strong, keep smiling and shine brightly new Star!!
Welcome to the stars icle v :-). You couldn’t wish for a lovelier bunch of ladies to help you through. The super secret fb page is very active where not only will you find good advice but loads of laughs… very therapeutic :-). If you fancy it just pm barbarella63 and she’ll get you joined
Hi Icle_V, finally you have found your way to the Stars. Sorry to hear you have been a bit poorly, hope everything is sorting out now. Good luck at the hairdressers, lots of us are going through this dilemma now and wigs, scarves and hats are beginning to emerge. There’s always plenty of great support, help and advice on here from all the other Stars but don’t forget there’s Facebook too where many of us gather daily for a more personal approach to things. Take care xx
Sorry you find yourself here but it’s a great support network. We have a facebook page that is eaiser to navigate around if you send one of use a private message by clicking on our pictures with your facebook name one of us can add you.
You are not alone with the A& E experience unfortunately, you nee dto stamp your feet lots to avoid being in there too long.
Good luck to all today and welcome icle v. Had first dose yesterday and feeling fine today. That bacon sarnie sounds yum !!
Barbs - next cocktail date 15 October FEC #2. My sons 22nd birthday but I’m sure he can party without me this once !!
Hi Stars,
Good to hear you are feeling ok Lisabeth. Take it easy and keep drinking the water. You can make up for that party next year when all of this is behind you. Then you really will have something to celebrate!
Bacon sarnies Cindersarah, good for you!!
Well I’m in the dunking pool tomorrow along with Maseo, KatePB and Hawkie, so good luck girls. Let’s hope for no SE’s.
Good luck to everyone on the appointment trail tomorrow and love and hugs to all the Shining Stars. xx
Wowsa! Thank you ladies for all your posts x. This squatter has lots to answer to!
Well haircut was v upsetting but had to be done, gone extremely short and spiky although next cut will be “the shave”. Like my hairdresser says…I could get mistaken for a lesbian lmao.
2nd chemo on Friday I so hope it’s not worse than my 1st cus I’m looking forwrd to my Mac Ds chicken sandwich…hmmm yummy.
I’m in Leicestershire and probably be the youngest too. I’ll get myself on fb group soon.
Would like to wish the very best of luck for a smooth dunking to our ladies kraftireader & Julo for tomorrow. Hope everything goes ok and your back safe & sound without any delays.
To any recent ‘dunkies’, also hoping any se’s disappear speedily or even better, don’t arrive at all!!
Good morning Stars,
Just to let you know everything is ok here. Had a very long, fairly good nights’s sleep. Taking anti sickness meds and drinking lots of water. Another rest day for me today, sofa surfing and trashy TV. Hope everyone is doing ok.
Good luck to Hawkie and Julo today. Hope everything goes well and good luck to anyone with appointments too. Love and hugs to all. xx
It’s a damp, dreary looking day on the south coast this morning. I woke up with a banging headache and feeling very angry, I’m just angry that my life at the moment revolves around hospital appointments, good weeks & bad weeks etc
Seroma was drained for 5th time yesterday, hopefully that was the last time.
I also had physio and was given a gold star & told the improvement since last time was fantastic - didn’t have the heart to tell her it was more luck than following her exercise regime.
I’ve had breakfast and taken painkiller so headache has now gone, still feeling a little cross about the situation I’ve found myself in, it’s week 3 ‘good week!’ so I am going shopping.
Good luck for today Julo, remember to keep glugging that water afterwards.
Returning back to work today for few hours, not looking forward to it with my new hair cut.
Yesterday hospital appt wasn’t great at all, finding out I have cancer spread elsewhere in my bones is totally s***!!! Need to keep positive and keep smiling! My 2nd druggy day tomz pm after Macmillan cake day…yummy.
Ok I may be being thick here but how do I add you all on fb?..wish I was blonde lol…but I’m not .
Hope you all are doing well, keep smiling like ME.