Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

No Truddles it’s not a black widow or else I’d be put of here in a flash! Been trying to sleep today but has two phone calls in the last hour waking me from what felt like deep sleep! Need to roll me & the crackling chest downstairs for some food. At least my hubby finally returns tonight. Really ought to have a shower before then or he’ll go away again!

Twinky x

Thank goodness, Revcat saves the day!! No more roaming spiders, yeah!!!
Hope the designated spot is well away from the benches.
Twinky hope you have had your shower! xx

I had a word with Horace the spider and he explained that he had been looking for his mummy. Turns out that his mummy is Charlotte so he was delighted to be reunited in the spider sanctuary. There will be no more spiders in bench land except in the sanctuary as there are now very clear signs posted up in spider language that tell them very politely where to go!!

Did I miss the end of the “fab adventure” story?

supertrouper, fab adventure to be continued…
Thank you for spider watch and chatting to Horace you have set my mind at rest and I will be able to skip around BENCHLAND quite happily now xx

Somebody brush the snow off the Comfy bench I need a snooze. The milkman decided to come down our track at three in the morning and get stuck. My darling husband leaped out of bed and went to rescue them in his big boys toy. That was the end of the two hours sleep I had .
Glorious looking morning but snow too deep to go anywhere until it melts.
I must tell "the staff " that the toast on my bacon buttie was too cold…( I am inevitably grumpy when tired and should be avoided. ) perhaps I had better go on the " Ungrateful miserable Old Bat " bench.
Twinky try a very large toddy, you have been sniffing all week.
Supertrouper there is plenty of the snow to try your Nordic Poles on.
RevCat are Spurtles Counted as spoons?
Cackles x

cackles, there is a cosy, comfy sofa so much better than a hard bench! xx

Is there a bench that’s a bit spikey and splintery? I need a get-off-your-behind and DO something bench rather than spend all day (like yesterday) sitting on the feeling doomed, fearful and full of self-pity bench (which in my case was my sofa, and did me no favours at all).

History Hirl - you are allowed a few hours on the Self pity bench but after that we all push you onto Bring It it On bench and hold your hands every step of the way.
Now shoulders back head up and jump this way.

Oh alright Cackles,you win :0) You’re not a PT instructor by any chance are you? I’m changing into my grey school gym knickers and blue artex gym top just in case and will start practising star jumps.

Can you believe we used to have to do gym in knickers? Kids today don’t they’re born etc etc

oooh Cackles, spurtles… what a fantastic addition to our spoon options, yes, definitely.

History girl… indeed. Navy uber-short shorts (no longer than knickers really) and white airtex tops… and red legs in the icy blast of hockey in mid-winter… uuurgh, makes me shudder just recalling it! That and blanco-ing white plimsolls as you got into troiuble if your pumps (or gutties for Cackles) weren’t white enough.

Still no snow in Glasgow… just dreicht…off hill walking tomorrow!! Will have to get my porridge first…

Oh no! Just realised I said my gym top was made of artex instead of airtex. That would’ve been really uncomfortable!

I thought you were just a fiesty girl Historygirl and were wearing an artex vest something similar to a HAIR VEST! You did make me laugh though!

Historygirl it is good to see your back in the land of your youth. Those rough old navy bloomers matched with a scratchy Gymslip what we children of the fifties and sixties put up with. As for me being a PT instructor. I wish… Little fat old me fit!!! Here was I thinking I had communication and empathy skills with bits of paper to prove it!!! All that time training to be nice to patients wasted! I failed… ( as she runs to the sulking bench).
RevCat when you get to the top of a hill put a thinking bench there. There is nothing more conducive to thought than solitude and a lovely view. I will lend you my Grandfathers old spurtle for your porridge he used it every day. In those far of times porridge and a fried breakfast was a daily routine to keep you warm in cold old Scotland.
KatycSupertrouper and Twinky I have a lovely spiders web in the Kitchen. No doubt it has been there for some time and won’t get removed until I remember to look up again in a few weeks. Where did you last see Horace?
Sleep well all

Ooooh memories of airtex and gym knickers! Ghastly! What made it ok for teachers in track suits to send gals out into a wind swept field in tops that were hole-y and short sleeved, and knickers?

Oi Cackles - get off that sulking bench. You gave me empathy plus a little bit of much needed tough love. All of which meant that my Friday (on the let’s get on with life bench) was much better than my Thursday (on the self-pity bench). Thanks.

Still hanging my head in shame about the artex/airtex thing though.

Cackles, I checked on the spider sanctuary and Horace was there with Charlotte and a couple of other rather pale long legged spiders that had seen the signs and gone in search of somewhere quiet instead of full of noisy screaming women every time they asked politely for directions.

Spider update…the one I spotted crawling across the wall the other night is not the one above the bed (upon closer inspection) which brings the count to 2 & there is now one on the net curtains. So I’m up to three and bring very brave about it!

Twinky x

I leave spiders in the house alone. They live their lives and I live mine and we get along just fine. I give them names and talk to them. The ones I see in the garden are spectacular and one I found in the shed when clearing out last spring was huge so I gave him the job of security guard over all our gardening tools, he is called Boris.

I am sitting on the totally chilled out bench tonight, drink in hand, gazing up at the stars and the moon whilst listening to the sound of the sea (yes the chilled out bench is down on the beach near the beach bar) I have taken my shoes and socks off so that I can feel the warm sand beneath my feet. Very relaxing and gets rid of dry skin if you rub the sand in.

Supertrouper Preston here I come!! Warm sand , blue sea ! and wine…lovely jubbly

Benchland is quiet tonight…hopefully that means everyone is asleep! In the bedroom is hubby, three spiders & bunny no.3. I am on the sofa to avoid disturbing everyone with my cough. Need to find a good history program on tv to send me off to sleep!

Twinky x