Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Afternoon all :slight_smile:

Twinky - hope youā€™re feeling betterer now? I love the idea of bunnies in your bedroom!! Please donā€™t mention *shudder* those things wot have 8 hairy legs *bigger shudder*, Iā€™m a wimp I know!

Sarah - wot a pain :(, I wouldnā€™t give up yet though as one of my patients was declined Herceptin initially and was given it on appeal? Will keep my fingers crossed for you x

I am pleased to say I am sitting on the happy bench today with a stupidly big smile on my face! I saw my consultant last night and she is very happy with the results of my op send says the information I was given last week was not only inaccurate but was given by an inexperienced nurse who should not have spoken out of turn!

In celebration, I have made double chocolate chip muffins :-D, they are completely calorie free and taste damned good (even if I do say so myself!). Please help yourselves, there are more than enough to go around!!

Clare x

Not a hope in getting herceptin so thatā€™s ungood. Seeing onc in a few weeks time and itā€™s back on navelbine for me. Trying to decide whether to have iv, 15 min infusion, one blood test but tricky on veins, or capsules- 2 capsules day one, and 2 capsules day 8 with two blood tests and feeling a bit yuk fir a couple of days each time. Any ideas?
X Sarah

Oh Sarah, you must be on the ****** off bench! Hard place to beā€¦

Make a bit of room on the happy bench - just seen breast surgeon and all is well one year on from finding The Intruderā€¦

Iā€™m normally upbeat but I feel really low today so I guess Iā€™m on the sobbing gently bench. Iā€™ve only seen a couple of family members since my op. Friends appear to have done a runner again. Same happened last time I was diagnosed so I shouldnā€™t really be surprised. Theyā€™re ok with me until I have the surgery then they all disappear. Iā€™m in bed with a temp & nasty cough. Oh for a friend who would drop off a nice meal at a time like this. Makes me feel bad about myself and there have been a few tears today. Looking forward to hubby coming back tomorrow night to look after me again.


Sounds like you need ALL the bunnies tonightā€¦ Have a hug, oh, ans swap the lace hanky for a man-sized one!

Hi ya girls,

Sarah - What a bummer they wont give you herceptin, if I was you I would appeal against the decision, why wont they give you the herceptin??? I donā€™t understand!

Twinky68 - Really sympathize with you on the friends not being around front, some of mine have done the same thing to me, disappeared have not heard from a lot of them, only my OH and best friend even family seem to of gone off the radar recently, I feel like Iā€™ve been abandoned a clear case of avoiding me, why is that??? do they think they can catch cancer??? or is it they are just fearful, again I donā€™t understand! Itā€™s bad enough dealing with all this cancer c**p without feeling lost and tearful. Hope you are feeling better soon Twinks. I am just getting over my nasty cough/cold thing, lasted 4 days and has worn me out.

Really hope you get some much needed attention soon infact sending you both massive huge BIG hugs
Love and light from
sarah xxx

Thank you much for the hugs. Much needed! Feel better now Iā€™ve dragged myself out of bed for food. Watched Masterchef but now back up in bed. Funny thing is when hubby said he wanted a big flat screen tv in the bedroom I was against it but have to say itā€™s great to lie on a comfortable bed & still be watching.

Yes private insurance can be a nightmare. When I rang to get authorisation for tests after my biopsy came back positive they bluntly told me that I wouldnā€™t be covered if I had secondaries. Iā€™ve been with the same team & hospital for over 6 years so being threatened with having it all taken away was traumatic to say the least. Luckily itā€™s just a recurrence so they are still covering me.

Hugs back to everyone

Twinky x

P.S the spider is backā€¦

Twinks, havenā€™t you trained your bunnies to chase spiders yet? How remiss of you!

There are so many people who suffer from ā€œdisappearing friends syndromeā€, someone should write a book! I think it happens when anything out of the ordinary happens in your life. I had it a few years ago when my then partner died suddenly, and I warned my kids that theyā€™d find they had caught ā€œthree heads syndromeā€ where everybody looked at them like they had three heads. ā€œDisappearing friends syndromeā€ is similar, with the cause being ā€œsomething that makes the other person feel uncomfortable and they donā€™t know how to deal with itā€.

Iā€™m in the soggy puddle beside the crazy sobbing lady bench again. At least Iā€™m not completely on that bench, but feel like Iā€™ve been hit by a bus. Something to do with teenagers. Nuff said, for any of you who have or have had teens. Suffice to say, I feel like a piece of something I would normally wipe off the sole of my own shoe. Iā€™ve tried the ā€œitā€™ll be better in the morningā€ bench for the last few nights, but have found myself on the sobbing gently bench in the morning.

Oh well, Iā€™ll try the IBBITM bench again tonight and hope that itā€™s not fibbing again.

Sarah you are very much a candidate for the Unfare Bench. I feel strongly re an oncologist not being able to prescribe something that is in a patientā€™s best interest. I too would appeal. As for your private insurer not paying up urggg!!! They should stop accepting such inflated rates from Doctors and hospital groups. Then they could cover you for drugs. The fees they charge are high enough. You really do have to look at the small print.
Twinky I am sorry you are not near Oxford or I would drop in a Dine in for Two. There are few things that cause depression more than a combination of your recent surgery and a cold. RevCat has some lovely lace hankies she hands out for tears but I am not sure about snotty noses!!!
I think I am going on the comfy bench tonight because I need some sleep.

Thanks CM & Cackles. Sometimes it helps just confessing how you are feeling! Just makes me mad that people think once I have cancer and treatment Iā€™m not ā€˜Meā€™ anymore which couldnā€™t be further than the truth. Itā€™s a shame that life today is so busy that people have stopped being thoughtful or making time to see those who might be in need! I find it pretty lonely at times with hubby working away. Luckily for me he does come back on a Thursday so it could be worse.

Lolā€¦on a total change of topic have de-bugged the two bunnies that are in the house tonight. This involves squirting stuff on the back of their necks. Neither were impressed, in fact bunny no.3 Pebbles took off like a demented thing & keeps shaking herself. Sheā€™s now gone back downstairs so itā€™s peaceful again for a while!

Snuggled up in bed & hoping to feel less ill & a little more smiley again tomorrow.

Donā€™t know what Iā€™d do without all the ladies here. Thank you much

Twinky x

I am camped out on the happy comfy sofa bed, room for more on here if anyone wants to join me. I have had zapping number two and it was good. I went for a walk using my strange Nordic walking poles and that too was good. I feel happy, positive and sleepy. Catch up with you all when I wake up.

Bu99er. Somebody kindly gave me a hoosh and Iā€™m firmly back on the crazy sobbing lady bench. Accompanied by a sore head where I headbutted the wall. Didnā€™t solve anything, just made a mess.

Somebody put flares up to the ā€œitā€™ll be better in the morningā€ bench.


Oh CM ( rubs sore place on head & promises it will be better in the morning). What are we going to do with you ( passes extra large, extra absorbent Revcat hankie).

Lots of hugs, hope you get some sleep soon

Twinky x

Cheers, Twinks.

<big blow=ā€œā€></big>

<big blow=ā€œā€>




(whistles tune to self whilst mopping up tear puddles with uber-absorbent mop&gt;

I am slightly concenred that all these tears will lead to a flood in Benchland, so I hope youā€™ll allow me to mop them up with mega-mop? I have restocked all the lacy hanky supplies and the ultra-balm tissues for the snotty noses. New spoons are in the shed, box and dispensers; I put in an order for some extra thwacking ladles as it seems they are very much in demand just now.

I am worried that this desire to chase away spiders means that if it is Charlotte who is visiting (please donā€™t tell me you donā€™t know that book/film) means that lovely messages of encouragement and hope are being missed. Seeā€¦ she visited and left this message on the tree over there ----&gt;


Comfy bench worked so well I didnā€™t hear you joining me Supertrouper . I awoke with wet feet, what are you playing at CM? Come and join us here and settle down and I will fetch RevCatā€™s mop. (I know my place in life) I am oozing empathy today.
Twinky you shouldnā€™t object to Charlotte she would like those little intruders!!!
As the Yanks would say
Have a good day

Morning Ladies

ā€˜Charlotteā€™ is now directly above my pillow busy spinning a web on the ceiling. I will leave her be as sheā€™s not that big anyway. Have finally managed to get bunny no. 2 from out under the bed where it sounded like he was doing big renovations moving stuff around. Bunnies 2 & 3 are now out in the garden & no.1 is happily eating breakfast in the hutch. Peace reigns so I will now try & get some sleep again. Moving onto the comfy bench with one of those heated fleecesā€¦

Twinky x

Bunnies and spiders, whatā€™s going on in BENCHLAND???
Bunnies cute, hopping around, spiders NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I moved from country into town a short time ago and I have NEVER in my life seen the size of the spiders here.
My daughter saw one in her bedroom, she was petrified curled up on her bed quaking and shaking shouting ā€œhelp Mumā€.
She pointed to the floor and this monster spider was just sitting there, I thought there is no way that I could pick that up even with a brush and shovel. We have a spider catcher gadget and it was too big to go in there, so out came the trusty hoover. After a very unpleasant rush around the room trying to get it, I eventually caught the monster!
So here I now sit on the ā€œvery,very scared of huge spidersā€ bench.
Iā€™m still haunted by the size of that one.
Hope you are now off the ā€œcrazy sobbing ladyā€ bench chocciemuffin such a rotten place to be. xx

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dearā€¦ I see that SuperTrouper and I will have to march boldly around Benchland to collect Charlotte and Horace and all their friends and politley ask them to remain in a designated area, far away from people they scare. Hereā€™s the cunning planā€¦ I will build a special spider sanctuary where they can live and spin encouraging messages to their heartā€™s content. Fortunately, Charlotte being a VERY WISE and GENTLE spider* will understandā€¦

&gt;===== PLEASE DONT BE SCARED OF ME ====&lt;&lt;br /&gt; &gt;= I PROMISE TO STAY IN THE SPIDER HOUSE =&lt;&lt;br /&gt; &gt;=== LOTS OF LOVE CHARLOTTE SPIDER =====&lt;&lt;br /&gt; /=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=

There, now, thatā€™s better isnā€™t it???

<men in=ā€œā€ white=ā€œā€ coats=ā€œā€ carry=ā€œā€ away=ā€œā€ crazy=ā€œā€ rev-person=ā€œā€></men>

*Charlotteā€™s Web here:

:frowning: On the ā€œTake a back seat, why should i botherā€ bench.
Here I am being poisoned against my will, whilst OH is continuing to down gutfuls of poisonous ethanol like thereā€™s no tomorrow, his touch of manflu is an excuse to get through a bottle of whisky in 2 days as an extra to his usual bottle of wine and trips to the pub.

Nope, he doesnt listen, its been going on for years, well before my diagnosis and all the ranting in Benchland wont sort him out.

Twinky, send that spider over here, is it a black widow???