Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Cor, you lot aren’t going to let me forget my artex/airtex shame are you? Can’t say I blame you though.

In my defence I come from a family of nitwits. My mum, at a rather public quiz, once yelled out the answer to a question about a 1960s cowboy TV show. The answer was ‘The Virginian’ (anyone remember that). My mum, at some decibels, shouted out ‘THE VAGINA’. So you see there really is no hope for me.

I hope everyone stuck on the horrible-coughy-virus bench is soon shuffling over to the on-the-mend-and-feeling-much-better-bench.

I’m stuck on the Very Impatient Bench - waiting for an appt with my onc so treatment can finally start!

LOL History girl, not shame, just a shared sense of funny malapropisms and chemo-brain induced numptiness (well in my case anyway). DJ I did chuckle at your teenage malapropism… scary thing is, I think I had a similar outfit as a seven year old but in orange!

Once when I was a child, my mother and I were riding on a bus, and two women in front of us were talking about menus they were planning… one said she was making a “banana cream syllabus”. We had to smother our giggles!

Do we need a “what’s-that-word-again?” bench complete with picture dictionary so we can find what that, you know, um, thingy, is?

Just sneaking in to sit on the ‘get well soon’ bench but with one foot on the ‘Very impatient’’ bench next to Historygirl. Saw my Onc this morning & I’m on antibiotics for a week & chemo is delayed by a week too ( first one is now 27th Feb). Between now & then need to have my portacath fitted & also an echocardiogram to check on my heart prior to treatment. Am back in bed already as I still feel really dreadful.

Spider update - found one very deal looking one on the windowsill do now I’m down to two but haven’t seen them today. Bunny no. 2 (Herbie) still enjoying his new found play land under the bed. He’s there now but thankfully asleep as all his renovation work (moving boxes around & chewing them) are not what you want to hear in the middle of the night!

Twinky x

Evening all. I am on the cosy bench having spent the day shopping and cleaning.
Historygirl are you phoning daily to see if they have heard anything yet re appt? They should have had a Multidisciplinary meeting by now to plan the next move. Keep yourself high up on their agenda. You won’t be considered as a pest really and truely.
Twinky hope the antibiotics kick in soon. My cough has just about cleared up at last. Are those rabbits house trained? How was the lunch with your I laws? Best wishes for the portacath. It saves so much pocking for veins that decide to disappear.
RevCat I hope you are feeling refreshed after your hill walking. I am putting in training ready for the Hebridean Princess in March. They take you on daily walks in remote places. Today’s training walk was from the House of Fraser to Marks& Spencer!!!.
Katytc I am like a ninety year old first thing after any sit down and rest. Ache+++ but then it wears off. If it means the oestrogen is being zapped so be it.
GI Jane that is cold brrrr.
CM off the sobbing bench…fantastic. There is lots of nail strengthener being posted to you
Night all

Hi Cackles

Yes the rabbits are house trained. They use a litter tray. Hubby now considering muzzling though after going out shopping & leaving the living room door open where he had a computer set up… Which is now minus a keyboard after a little nibbling…

Tucked up in bed still trying to save some energy. I will be on the impatient bench soon because I’ve not been able to do much & desperate to get out & see some friends.

Hope that you enjoyed your shopping today

Twinky x

What clever bunnies. A friend of mine kept her two bunnies in a large outbuilding. Within a few weeks they had tunnelled under the stone floor and multiplied . They moved before the house fell down. In the end they didn’t know how many they had!!!

I love bunnies. A friend of mine had a house rabbit who I really loved. It had very long floppy ears 8-). I think we ought to have a petting bench. My three vets, Bella, Chloe and Maude are always up for a cuddle and I think I can also offer my friends Jack Russell, Ollie who is very very sweet. Obviously the variety of animals magically get along with one another so everyone is safe. I have installed myself on this bench surrounded by all sorts of livestock,no spiders though, a regular Dr Doolittle.
X Sarah

I meant to write cats not vets. How bizarre

LOL Cromercrab (and other assorted reported word gaffs!) If we are having a pets corner, I can bring my lovely Soddit along (labradoodle who came to The Woods with me) He jumps up on any lap and cuddles wonderfully… and is warm too

I made carrot cake yesterday which is rather delish though I say so myself… so that’s on offer too… On the RefuseToFeelGuilty Sofa!! Night all… love Jane

Ooh GiJane…carrot cake sounds lovely… Budge over for a bit whilst I sneak a slice! Was on my way to the valentines bench to blow kisses at everyone. Hubby heads back down south early Tuesday so no romantic evening for me although I’m less than capable of anything with this poorly chest.

Hoping I’ll start to feel better soon so I can get off the ‘poorly & feeling sorry for myself bench’

Twinky x

I think I’ll join you Tinky on yor 'feeling sorry foryourself bench’on one comdition…you run and pinch 2 slices of carrot cake and I’ll bring the tea…Ok?

Goodnight all

Clare xxx

Squish up please girls another one coming over, either this bench or the “ouchy, ouchy ouch” bench xx

If there’s a pet bench I’ll send my crazy ball of fluff cat along… but she has to be kept well away from the hair envy bench as she’s long-haired and got longer hair than many Benchland visitors. Anyone tell me why she chews plastic bags and plays with red rubber abnds the postie leaves!!!

Definitely getting that picture dictionary installed for the chemo-brain um chair, no stool, no you know, thing you sit on…

hubbies out walking the dogs in the mud… I’m having a quick cuppa and catching up, and YOU ladies, remind me it’s Valentine Day… THANK YOU! Have the card - comletely forgot! It’ll be in place when he gets back… I’ll have a quick plop down on the Guildy Bench, but not for long… people to see… things to do… clothes to put on…!!! Rubber bands to chew!

Jane do bring Soddit he was so much a part of my poisoning bless him. Labradoodle DO. Heal. Soddit.

Just read a happy post am back on the “teary” bench! Hope those hankies are stocked up, I can feel the boo hoo coming back which then leads me back to the “I’m getting on my own nerves” bench.
Pets corner would be lovely, we did have bunnies and guinea pigs when the girls were young, as well as all the wildlife you find in the country. Nicest part was watching the deer leaping over the fence and into the fields, just fantastic, red squirrels running up and down the trees and stoats crazily running all over the garden xx

I have gone back to the dark dark woods and rescued Buggerit (my black dog) he had been having a fine old time chasing gremlins and finding newts to pop into the empty jam jars outside my old tent. The woods are deserted now - and the trees and bushes slowly reclaiming and covering the old paths that took us from the chemo swamps down the other paths to rads rushes and tamoxifen towers (just to name a couple)

I have gone to sit on the nostalgia bench with my dog. I will sit here and remember staycalmandcarryon who started the dark dark woods thread. It helped me all the way through chemo and it helped so many more over the past 12 months. Nostalgia is great, but it isn’t like it used to be.

Evening ladies…just been sharing my apple with two of the bunnies who seem to think the bedroom is their new bedroom! Need to drag myself downstairs & check on bunny no.1 who is free in the garden. She & bunny no. 3 don’t get on so have to be kept apart which is a great shame but having said that before the fighting started it was a bit of a handful with three bunnies on the run! Now they are separated I get some individual time with each.

Wishing hubby was here. Still not really well enough to look after myself but he had to go back down south to work. I must drink more though even if I can’t be bothered with much food.

Hugs to everyone

Twinky x

Hiya Twinky,

Still feeling bad? poor you, and yes you must at least drink, it will help you recover. Try to eat a little too, even if its just soup or have you got super noodles or anything like that? They are always in my cupboard for when I get lazy and not cook.

Try getting in that bed too and staying there tonight :o)

Luv and hugs

Clare xxx


Thought I might be heading for the sobbing bench after watching The Bodyguard. Weird watching it knowing that she isn’t with us anymore. Managed to pull out of that and thinking about settling down for some sleep. Will send the sleep fairy round to the Up All Nighters!

Twinky x