Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

I know what you mean Twinky… that’s one of my all time favourite films but always makes me cry, so, after consideration, I decided not to watch it so soon after her death. She was just a few months younger than me… another reminder of mortality.

Lovely to see Buggerit and Soddit gainfully employed again, especially as the woods are now rapidly returning to nature… so still, quiet and lovely they look if I venture over to peep in through the latch-gate from the Land of NED. I am sure if someone was to draw a map of this virtual world, the dark, dark woods would lie in close proximity to Benchland, and both with borders to the Land of NED, among others.

Meanwhile the spoon supplies have been replenished, lace hankies and ultra balm tissues topped up, alligators returned to the lake, spiders remidned to remain in the sanctuary, boingy stuff tested and Benchland tidied ready for another day!!! Phewf, I’m off to work for a rest!

Morning Revcat…many thanks for the early morning spring clean & re-stocking of essential items. Meant to tell you, I had trouble accessing the site yesterday and it was stuck in the middle of loading with your smiling face looking at me! It made me chuckle though.

The Whitney film made me think about her descent into drink & drugs & made me wonder how & why her world unravelled. Such a waste of a life & here we all are either fighting or having fought for ours.

Bit deep for this time in the morning…breakfast anyone?

Twinky x

Stuck on my face… scary!!!

Yes, I noticed the site was wobbly yesterday, but I kept getting error messages not crazy rev-types!

Gosh, everyone’s up and busy early in Benchland today! Soddit’s covered in mud, so beware before you invite the cuddly dude up on to your lap… might need more than lace hankies!!! I looked out this morning (onto Benchland) and went WOW!! Now the snow has melted, the snowdrops are up in between the benches - signs of new life and hope (to continue the deep and meaningful!) Hope you begin to feel better today Twinky… and a big WAVE to everyone else! love Jane

Crawling on to the helpless bench. This is such a weird bug. I don’t feel any better than when it started. Really getting to me now. Hoping hubby will come back early as I’m struggling to look after myself. This is worse than when I had chemo the first time around. Never had anything like this. Am not a wimp, usually quite robust. This makes me feel like I did when I has glandular fever as a teenager. Not managed a shower the last two days & trying to talk on the phone with a cough is a nightmare so stopped taking calls now & just text.

Hell bells (oops sorry Revcat)… May this go soon


Hehehehe Twinky, I will try to get some heavenly ones ringing instead! Sounds miserable… poor you… hope you soon feel much, mcuh better.

Where is that happiness bench? My bone scan results were clear. The swelling and pain etc are just caused by the lymphoedema. Soddit you did HEAL. What a good dog you have Jane. He was such a comfort during chemo.
I got the ok to go on a holiday from Oncologist, so Hebridean Princess here I come. Oban to Oban … Good food walks and company fantastic. All I need now is to lose some weight.
Twinkey that cough sounds like the same bug my son and family had. It kept coming and going and spiking temperatures. You have every right to be on the sorry for yourself bench
They are talking about selling your hair on T V. £80 for a twelve inch blonde ponytail. I wonder what I would get for a one inch white and black spotted thin sample!
Take care all

Whoop whoop Cackles that is SO GOOD, I am so pleased and relieved for you. Your holiday sounds super fab - I went just north of Oban last year soon after I finished rads and had a lovely time… a day trip on the three islands tour was the highlight … fab-u-lous. Should you need a real world coffee or loo stop on the way there or back do feel free to get in touch.

Look, here are some celebration drinkies for you…

~/ ~/ ~/ ~/ ~/

Woo hoo hoo…fab news Cackles. You can go enjoy your holiday! I know you were nervous about booking it without knowing your results first but now you can breathe a big sigh of relief.

Any tips on dealing with this virus? Nothing I seem to do/ take makes me feel better. Just had a shower & a change of nightwear but back in bed for a bit before I try & find some food.

Twinky x

Cackles, that’s fab, well done you for keeping it away!

Can someone please slip a pen-knife or something sharp into my hand? I’m really fed up with whoever it was tied me to the CSL bench. It’s not fun, and I want to get off it now, I’m getting dehydrated! Keep making me smile, ladies, I’m working hard at slipping the knots, and you have no idea how much you’re helping.

Didn’t find any Claredrops in the woods today when walking the dog, but will be keeping my eyes open. Did see some Rachel-flowers surrounded by snow earlier in the week and they looked fantastic, but didn’t have my phone with me at the time so couldn’t take a picture. And by the following day, the snow had melted.

Hi there,

I’m on the feeling sorry for myself bench too, feel really grotty tonight, all fluey and shivery…hope like you Twinky that it shifts soon.

So glad you got the all clear Cackles and so pleased your reward is so nice and that you can go and put your feet up and relax.

I’ve just had a snoozy day today, can’t seem to keep awake which is good news for tonight :o)

sleep well all

Clare xxx

Hello everyone, I am sorry but Buggerit and I are hogging the happy bench again. Had zapping number 7 tonight (18:45) and turned the evening into date night with OH and went and had a couple of drinkies and something to eat afterwards. I am wearing my slightly inebriated happy face now. I love this feeling - haven’t felt like this for 8 months. I feel like I am beginning to return from the nightmare ride on the roller coaster.

New to this thread but think I need to move around between quite a few benches… Guilty bench first as I feel I should have nothing to complain about compared to you lovely ladies, many of which seem to have much more aggressive treatment than me. Is there an impatient bench for those who feel they should be back to normal by now but aren’t ? 2.5 wks post mx & implant recon, had massive haematoma requiring 2 nd op 24. Hrs later and only lost 3 rd drain this week. May be the large dressings across drain site and wound under boob but area so tight at times and nerves across top of boob where haematoma was really jangle at times. Assume they are knitting together and it will take time but so frustrating and makes me very tearful at times. No real postings on this type of thing so maybe I need a bench of my own for this so I can wallow in self-pity ??
That said, could perhaps join Claire and Twinky on the “feeling sorry for myself” bench though they have both been very inspirational to me in my own journey and I do t feel worthy… Special hugs to both though, infections on top of everything else are not great. Have you both tried manuka honey either in a hot drink or on warm toast etc… It can be very soothing. Also plenty of fluids to flush everything through.
L x

Lelly there is no such thing as a “nothing to complain about in comparison” bench. It sounds as if you need a big gentle cuddle and one of us to tell you it WILL get better and the pain and tightness does abate. You have had a big operation and the swelling and haematoma are in some ways normal. Many ladies get a leaking blood vessel following surgery. The second operation to evacuate the gunk and find the leaker should settle soon. Try not to be impatient with those pesky drains. They do stop seromas etc needing to be drained.
So feel free to pop on the bench next to Twinky and Clare, but wear a gad mask to keep their wretched bugs at bay!!!
Supertrouper I am looking to see that condition on you in Aprill…go girl go!!!
RevCat the tea sounds good. I am not the sun sand and beach with a book sort. I get bored. This cruise let’s you borrow ships bikes, takes you for guided walks and castles and distillery trips. It is all very civilised.
Twinky Anuka honey could be good but forget the toast try it by the bucket with Scotch and lemon!!!
Clare again you were in my thoughts when I went to a Garden Centre yesterday with my ancient mum. Snowdrops in pots all over the place…so needing new homes under trees and in secret gardens. I hope the shivers have improved overnight.
Choccie what has happened to you ? Spit spot , Chin up , shoulders back and join me viewing the benches. We could decide which ones need preservative and those that could do with scrapping. Bits of damp tissue not allowed today!
Be of good faith

Supertrouper, you brought a smile to my face this morning, I think I will have to borrow Buggerit for a short time, big cheers for the “happy” bench!
lelly61, hello and welcome to Benchland, busy place, always something going on and lots of benches to choose from, you can also make up your own bench, sometimes there are sofas and a hard stool has been introduced recently.
There are spoons, lacy hankies, lots of home baking, glitterberry juice, bungee ropes, boingy stuff and lifebelts in case you fall into the “guilty” lake! Watch out for the alligators!
RevCat does a sterling job each morning restocking the whole of Benchland.
Sometimes there is an adventure.
So special hugs lelly, very early days for you, so don’t go to the “guilty” bench, take care xx
Still on the “ouchy ouchy ouch” bench but starting to get a little mad about things so may end up on the f****** furious bench real soon xx

Supertrouper, I saw you on the dreaming bench last night. There I was, lying full length across it, and smothered in all those floaty feathery pillows, when your name flitted over the announcer’s speaker, and I looked up to see you appearing through the mist of sleep, but, blow me down, you were walking that pet dog of yours so quickly that you were gone before i could call your name!

Katytc, With the ff bench just within your reach, have a big smile as its a true sign you’re getting well enough to leave the ouchy ouchy bench, if you were looking in the opposite direction at the ’ take a back seat can’t be bothered’ bench, then i’d be worried about you!

Lelly, I’ve reserved a place for you on the sit down and be pampered bench, its stocked up ( courtesy of Revcat) with all the most delectable things you could ever imagine, and if you look through the gaps in the bench’s wooden planks, you’ll see the steam coming from the saunas and spas with the lovely Egyptian massuers.

Hi there,

I thought last night that I saw supertroper on the P****d as a F***t bench, my eyes were perhaps deciving me…or perhaps jealousy slipped in there :o)

Come on Twinky, I’m feeling a little better this morning so its off the helpless bench and best foot forward to recovery, a little like the pampering bench, but with less effort involved…drinks and little delicate cream buns are served on request, even fed to you if you can’t move. And lots of pretty hankies for a sniverly nose…not sure they ‘blow’ for you, i’ll have to check that out!!! Do please come over and keep me company :o)

Don’t put any more pressure on yourself Cackles, in the losing weight department, it will come off gradually, in time, just go and enjoy your cruise :o)

Thank you Revcat for the restocking, you never fail us in that department and in the wise words department you so often hit the nail on the head, a very perseptive lady…

Off to get some brekie, anyone like some? its porrige, so not to everyones taste…

Clare xxx

Sorry I had to dash off for an hour in midflow!

Cackles, let’s raise a toast for good results and good holidays!

Twinky and Potmaid, sit together on the warm and cosy sofa today, there’s hot lemon and manuka honey on the house, special offer!

Great stuff Cackles! Brill-i-ant! Twinky & Potmaid, I’ve given my (healthy) friend with this bug a jar of manuka honey (MY jar of manuka honey!) Nothing else seems to be shifting it…

YES! There most definitely IS in Impatient Bench, I’m on it, but I won’t be for long, because I’m impatient to do something else, so I rush off… and then come back for another quick visit! What I haven’t found yet is a Patience Bench… wouldn’t know what it looked like though!!!

What a lovely bunch of ladies and thank you for the welcome :slight_smile:
Thanks Revcat for sorting everything out and agree that your wise words are always welcome to everyone. Cackles, you really made me smile and hope you have a wonderful cruise, sounds fantastic and very well deserved.
Really appreciate all the words of encouragement so I won’t beat myself up. Everyone tells me I am so positive but that is my professional resonance that I don’t let sleep when talking to colleagues, they just don’t see the real me, the blubbering wreck… Anyway, will look for a more positive bench today. Thanks to whoever put in the cosy chair as well, that helped me snatch a few hours sleep so feeling a bit more refreshed.
Love and hugs to all x