Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Well - I will speak to them at the hospital when I go on Monday. I’ve had 9 zaps and another 6 to go. I will get through the weekend and then speak to them at the hospital when I go on Monday. I shall make a fuss.

Hi supertrouper,
I’ve not heard of that reaction to RT before, you poor thing, although liquid morphine is my life saver when it comes to breathing… if you get shortness of breath, just take 2.5mg of morphine and it opens up your airways to aid breathing better.
Hope the pain will soon go away, Hugs to you

Clare xxx

ooh! ST - have a hug (gentle one) and some spoons and… take the WHOLE bench! You need it!

Jane xx

Oh ST what a naff time you are having. My burns pale into insignificance compared to breathing problems. I have popped a heater under the bench so you are always nice and toasty, and have also positioned a fan in case it gets a bit too warm. If you care to glance to your left you will find a tea dispenser and cake server.

I scared myself this afternoon, on purpose. I went to see Woman in Black and am currently on the gibbering wreck bench, but pleasurably so. Has anyone else seen it?

Building site over the road doesn’t operate at weekends so was hoping for a lie in instead of being woken at stupid o clock. BUT some eejit with a power drill had other ideas. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr! Hoping it’s quiet Sunday morning.

X Sarah

Ps watching cricket and very happy with ODI results

Supertrouper you poor thing what a fright you must have had. Did you go to casualty? Like Clare I too have never heard of this reaction to Radiotherapy. Did you have a chest X-ray and ECG? If it continues don’t be afraid to pick up the blower again. I hope it is easing now. Biggest Hug for you my poor old mate.
Cackles xxx

Cackles you are scaring me now! For you to say you haven’t heard of this reaction has sent my mind into overdrive. I called the doctor out to me and he didn’t seem overly concerned about it. It’s a long time till Monday so I might ring the helpline.

scratch that, the help line is shut now until Monday.

Pain not too bad now - just feels like I have been punched in the chest.

Does your unit have a 24 hour help-line? Not trying to scare you - just if I were you I’d want to know if it’s normal… My local cancer centre has a side-effect helpline… just a thought… Jane

Supertrouper so sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. How are you feeling now you poor thing ? Hope you get a good nights kip.

Got splinters and rusty nails in my bum again. I’m getting heartily bored of the CSL bench, and my bungee cord to the guilty bench with the superglue on it, and even the sobbing gently bench.

Can somebody please point me towards one of the sofas? Seem to have lost my way completely.

Chocie wandering about in the middle of the night again!!! What are we going to do with you. Go to the sobbing gently bench and get it out of your system for tonight. Big hugs , lots of RevCats lace edges tissues and a warm toddy with that New Zealand nectar mixed with the Scottish variety and lemon. We will get that elusive sleep fary to come and cover you up do you stay comfortable as the temp drops. Tomorrow we will look for a good Councelling service.
Shoulder at the ready

ST, Hope you are better today, let us know what happens when you speak to the rads team.
Chocciemuffin, Get off those bad benches and search for the “who is going to remove the splinters and rusty nails from my buttocks” bench. Anyway I’m on the “guilty” bench today, spent most of the night biting through your bungee rope so you are now free to roam. xx

Morning…big hugs for all x get those splinter laden bottoms into a nice hot bath to soften the skin & I’ll get my tweezers out followed by lashings of antiseptic cream!

SuperTrouper…how are you today? We’ve all been worrying about you so come give us an update about the chest pain x

I’m having another lazy day today. Energy slowly returning & cough easing…the end is in sight…I’ll so be in chemo land…(not that I want to be but need it to fight this b*gger once & for all )

Twinky x

Twinks , I am NOT exposing my naked rear end to anyone, least of all someone armed with dangerous weapons !

Afternoon ladies - Today I have been mostly dozing on the dosed up with drugs bench although I did drag myself off to do some ironing and clear out the dining room which tends to turn into a laundry room mid week. I slept/dozed propped up on lots of pillows last night as I couldn’t get comfy lying down. Woke up to no pain! Until I got out of bed and straightened up. Pain still there - only when I breathe in or twist my upper body which makes me think it is muscular. Is it because of the rads? or have I pulled a muscle?? I will ring my bcn tomorrow and see what she has to say and I will also quiz the rads team tomorrow when I go for zapping number ten.

I think Twinky is right, you need a full make over, bottom first to extract all those splinters…I have tweezers too…just look on it as a step forward and not chinese torture…We are here too help and we will get some headphones to ward off the language that you may feel you have to get off your chest while the operation is in progress. Think on…it may even be better than ironing :o)

We need you off the bench and onto soft squiggy sofaland for a calming afternoon…

Supertrouper, I do hope it is just muscular pain you have, can’t think what else it would be, but I hope it eases for you in the coming days as its just another thing to add to the list and you don’t want to make it any longer…

Revcat, I hope you had a productive hour of work today, I’m sure you must have done a little overtime too :o) Have a peaceful rest of the day and I hope the sun is shining on you in Glasgow.

Have a good day all…Tweezers at the ready, just say WHEN

Clare xxx

ooh… SO reminds me of when I went to a different nursery school with my friend and sat on a bench with splinters and my mum had to take them all out of my bottom and I PROTESTED!!! (I seem to remember!)

CM there IS a sofa for you… a Don’tWantToPlayThisGameAnymore sofa…

ST hope you’re feeling bit better… Twinky - ditto…

Um… Ihad to destroy your good work Twinky, but the bungee ropes are to stop us jumping into the lake of guilt and staying there - they boing us back to a sofa… so I’m tying another one on you Choccie…

Sun’s shining… Pesky dog (my daughter’s) about to descend for the week… he digs in everything and there’s pond silt all over some of the beds… time for me to dig it in first methinks…


I’m actually lying on the Stuffed Sofa, as in “I’ve eaten so much I think I’ll burst” kind of stuffed rather than “Oh dear, that’s not good” kind of stuffed. My culinary abilities may be limited, but I do a mean roast dinner! Chicken, stuffing, yorkie puds, roasted root veg (potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and parsnips), cabbage, green beans, broccolli and yummy gravy with a sloosh of red wine which makes all the difference. I managed to burn the leeks and forget the swede and we’d run out of peas or there would have been three more veg. Chicken carcass now bubbling gently on the hob to make stock which will then be turned into chicken and veg soup. Yummy yummy yum.

And you’re STILL not getting near my bum with those tweezers!

have to wait till you’ve fallen asleep then Choccie, which, from the sound of your excellent lunch, won’t be long!!!

Right Twinky, Clare and Jane head lanterns and tweezers at the ready, I’ll distract Chocciemuffin, get ready to pounce…xx

The mind boggles at the vision katytc just conjured up, no wonder I’m still on the Love Benchland and Laughing Bench. This way CM I’ll help you fend them off!!!

ST hope your pain gets sorted soon.