Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Ooh 'eck… here’s the TCP (afterall it does sting if you use it neat, so may be accpetable to all …), coloured cottonwool (can you still get that these days?) and some lovely soft lint-free dressings and allergy free tape.

Oh heavens…think I need to join CM on the stuffed sofa! Just eaten pork stew ( thank you slow cooker) roast potatoes & a pile of veg. Good to have an appetite again now my virus is beating a retreat. Even went out to Tesco today & a short walk along the Union Canal to feed a few ducks. Admittedly am tired now but it’s great getting back to normal. Need to wake at a sensible time tomorrow to start sorting out having a portacath fitted & get the echocardiogram sorted ( plus call my insurers to get them authorised). Hopefully then will be on track to start chemo a week on Monday ( yippee…she cries to the men in white coats).

Just waiting for hubby to make a cup of tea to wash my chocolate eclair down…

Hugs to all now that I’m germ free!

Twinky x

Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday. Will anyone be joining me on the pancake bench for lots of tossing & scoffing. Will arrange lots of toppings…fresh lemon & sugar, choclate spread, golden syrup, jam, or some savoury fillings for those without a sweet tooth! Boy can almost smell them cooking already…

Dribbling Twinky x

ragamuffin, nooooooooooooo don’t do it or you will have to go straight to the “naughty” bench. Chocciemuffin’s splinters and rusty nails have got to go!
RevCat, we will have to be careful with the stingy TCP because CM will start to feel guilty and we will be back where we started. xx

lemon and sugar for me please twinky xx

Chocolate for me Twinky, minus the splinters :o)

You can go off people, you know…

Lemon and sugar on my pancakes . Will be making a massive pile of them cos my pancakes are lush!

Did someone mention the men in white coats? Did you know it’s now equal opportunitis and they have women in white coats too.

lemon and sugar for me too please… glad you can make the pancakes Choccie - I’m rubbish!

Twinky Cointreau please with fresh orange and cream I have just come of the Grand Union an hour ago. The last time I was on the boat was a week before my screening results sent the world spinning…We had just been down to Datchet on the Thames from Bugbrooke in Northamptonshire May 2011. The clothes supplies etc. were all as we left them before the world changed…then returned to near normality. Today we chugged to a really good Gastro Pub with a close friend who lost his wife from Motor Neuron Disease a few weeks ago. We chewed the cud and had a lovely sunny day, good food, good memories and hopes for more just like it in the future.
RevCat my mother uses TCP get up to date kid!!! It’s 2012!!! ( don’t ask me what they use now cos I was brought up by my mum and always use it. However I do know It was never on any treatment room shelf. Perhaps we should sponsor a TCP comeback. It might kill all those bugs that hospitals have these days)
Supertrouper I am so glad your problem was only muscular or nerve related. When you were talking about pain in arm radiating down and tight chest with breathing difficulties my mind too went everywhere.
Choccie if I promise to bring no tweezers can I have a Roast Chicken Dinner…my favourite. Yum yum.
Clare there are lots of snowdrops out everywhere today. Every time I see them guess who comes into mind?
Sleep well all.

Ooooh yum yum pancakes… mmmm lemon and sugar sounds fab. I’m no good at panacke tossing though, so I’m hoping Choccie or Twinky can make some for me.

Cackles, wow, the Grand Union in N’ptonshire… where I grew up… how small the world is. Glad you had a lovely time.

ST glad you are feleing a bit better today, that’s good news.

Just got in and feel like I’ve been in an episode of ‘Rev’ if any of you watch it. Like the ‘Vicar of Dibley’ it is actually a cunningly disguised documentary :slight_smile:

OK, instead of the ouchy TCP, would you like some nice antispetic wipe thingies… and plasters with Mr Bump on them… and lollypops for being brave?

Thanks for an evening chuckle… off to the ‘day off tomorrow’ sofa for a rest.

Thanks everyone for your concern and messages. I am back on the relaxed chilled out bench that is full of soft cushions in dark jewel colours with little jewels sewn on to the edges. I have a joss stick burning in the background and listening to some Celtic music. I took 2 Ibuprofen tablets at 2pm and it was like magic! The pain and discomfort went. Thankfully Paul Daniels didn’t appear but I certainly feel much better. Yesterday’s doctor worried me when he prescribed Morphine…I think that sometimes we need to take a step back and try the simple remedies first.

Wow Cackles…that’s a bit posh…Cointreau with fresh orange & cream on your pancakes! I was at the Stockton Top Marina today just having a short walk along the canal near The Boat pub. I hope to start getting myself fit again & as they don’t want me at work whilst I’m having treatment then I guess I’m free to get plenty of fresh air! Feeling so unfit at the moment after surgery & my bug. Need to lose weight too (loads) so need to bear that in mind as I go through chemo.

Am hoping the procedure to put in a portacath isn’t too painful. Will need to try & work out what to do after the op as I won’t be able to drive myself back home. Nothing is easy when your family is 2.5 hours drive away & the hospital is a 60 mile round trip & your friends are all at work!

Twinky x

Twinks, I have a portacath that was inserted under sedation. I remember it being rather uncomfortable, and groaning a bit, but I was pretty spaced out and at least I didn’t move, which I reckon is a good thing.

Cackles, you’re showing your age with the crepes suzette thing going on, Cointreau an’ all. Very tasty though!

I have a suggestion, don’t know if potmaid will be up for it though. How about we see if Clare wants someone to do her pancakes for her at her house on Tuesday? I’ll ask on her thread, in case she’s not wandering around Benchland. (have to say it’s a rather odd place to be, and some of the inhabitants are less than friendly, what with the tweezers and Paul Daniels being spotted trying to leap on people…) I’d be happy to be pancake chef for the day, and with sufficient eggs, flour and milk I can work wonders.

Hello night owls .
Twinky I had a Hickman. I twitched and worried at first but grew to love it. Portacath is the latest and greatest.
CM it’s more than lush Crepes that shows my age. The wrinkles give it away as well!!! What a super idea of cooking Clare pancakes. I am at a BCC photoshoot in London on Pancake day or I would have joined you. ( they wanted some old wrinkles for a realistic scene!!!) I don’t do pain . Avoid those cruel people who are trying to catch you.come hide behind my ample form…they will never see you. I MUST diet.
Supertrouper I am do glad to are still ok. That pain sounded horrible.
Twinky I must have past you. We nipped by car up to Crick pre chugg.
Night night from the comfy bench.

Wooo Cackles, a super-model among us! Have a wonderful day. Here, take a whole draw of silver spoons to sustain you on the way. Ooooh how we shall love seeing the new publications with you smiling at us. We now need a super-star bench and a green room…

Who are these people running around with the white coats on and brandishing TCP liquid and ointment??
A supermodel amongst us I am well impressed! xx

I’m sitting in my car in the hospital car park having just had a heart scan. Everything is fine but I feel like blubbing & I don’t know why. Suppose I want a hug but hubby is away so make room for me on the sobbing lady bench


Big virtual Huggle being sent out. RevCats best lace hankies at the ready I am sure. It is so horrible to have meltdown times. They creap up unexpectedly and there is nothing anybody can do to help. Scans etc bring us back to the rotten diagnosis which we try to forget or we would go loopy. HUGS +++and shoulders to lean on being sent by Star Trek transporter. ( I am looking a bit like Spock with the lack of hair and pointed ears.)
I must get my beauty sleep ready for the cameras tomorrow!!! Have a great pancake day with CM and Clare.

Thanks Cackles. Just one of those that pops out of nowhere. Am ok now. Home & eating! Hope you have loads of fun tomorrow. Can’t wait to see your photos. Yes it’ll be great tossing pancakes tomorrow.

Twinky x

Twinks, hugs will be delivered in person tomorrow. I think I’m a few months ahead of you with the Herceptin MUGA scans etc, and I can remember feeling very nervous the first time or two, but the staff in Nuclear Meds at my hospital are just so lovely I have no problem going there and I think they’re lovely.

You’re going to have to work a bit harder to get on the CSL bench, I think I still have first dibs on that one, but have moved to the “gently snivelling” bench recently. Anyone seen Stardust? Love that film! Well if you have, you’ll be familiar with the enchanted chain. Unfortunately my bungee cord has seen the film too and has learnt from that chain, so I’m still firmly attached. Think I need a bit more work on that one, and not just from a sharp knife, though I really appreciate the efforts.

Splinters still there, but only because I haven’t let you lot loose with the tweezers…