Hahaha, safety pin indeed, no shocking children, parents and staff, what are you like??? Showing cleavage?? hee hee!!
Glad tooth is almost sorted and not scarily expensive…
You will soooo be looking forward to break with YD, woo hoo!
Hope you had another nice day with daughter, even if you were the designated driver:smileyhappy: an excuse for tea/coffee and cake.
Did not phone about Mum today because I just can’t do it without speaking to her first, even if she disagrees I will still do it, just need to let her know first, feels a little sneaky not speaking to her about what will happen:smileysad:
Did cupboard woo hoo!!! Had a proper look this morning and storage boxes wouldn’t have worked at all, bought a couple of smallish boxes so everything, toiletries and cleaning stuff are organised now, and I know exactly what is needed, so tidy, **bleep** bag of rubbish in the bin. Really didn’t take that long, would have been epic… so by being a little tidier it has saved me lots of bother:smileyhappy:
Just back from supermarket and had to sit down asap, Felt a funny kinda pop on my leg and lifted up trouser leg, oh my blood pouring down my leg…urgh! Thought it looked a little funny this morning was very black in colour, yuck, had a check Dr Google and bleeding does occur, have had little bleeds but this was a flow haha. When I was checking that I noticed insomnia is a side effect, I haven’t been sleeping for days, thought it was regarding worrying about Mum, just shows you. Am not phoning about it today, really can’t be bothered will see what things are like tomorrow. xx