woo hoo can eat dinner tonight:smileyhappy:!!
Have had a yucky time, that awful cold and cough, then an infection in my toe, WHAT?? and finally fingers crossed that bug, not only visiting loo frequently but dizziness and nausea too, hurrah for me:smileysad:
Yesterday was ok then by evening it all started again, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
So many thanks for tonights yum yummy dinner.
Woo hoo a hoover, you will be glad, also happy your exercises seem to be making a difference FF.
Are you selling car JCJ? How lovely to be missed…
Still crazy, crazy here ED’s baby due any day now, am excited, baby’s head is still not engaged, she’s obviously very comfy so there has been talk of being induced, hopefully not as ED had that with her eldest and she didn’t like it one bit, so it’s a wait and see. GS is doing well, big difference he has grown a lot in the last couple of weeks, amazing!!
Mum has been fine, but has had a couple of more falls paper stitches in her head and a bump to her forehead, she keeps taking the batteries out of the alarm thingy that alerts staff, bad mummy…
Just purchased a new bin for kitchen all shiny and pretty, have meant to get a new one for years but it’s always last thing on the list so am starting from bottom up this year haha xx